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WierBonusBorgerBowieBrackettvilleBradfordBrashearBrazoriaBrazos CountryBremondBrenhamBridge CityBriggsBroaddusBronsonBronteBrookelandBrookshireBrooksideBrowndellBrownfieldBrownsvilleBryanBuckholtsBudaBuffaloBullardBunaBunker Hill VillageBurkburnettBurkeBurkettBurkevilleBurlesonBurlingtonBurnetBurtonCabo San LucasCaldwellCallCalvertCamdenCameronCancunCantonCanyon LakeCarmineCarrolltonCarthageCastrovilleCat SpringCedar CreekCedar HillCedar LakeCedar LaneCedar ParkCelinaCenterCenter PointCentervilleCentraliaChandlerChannelviewChanningChappell HillCharlestonCharlotteChatfieldChesterChildressChillicotheChinaChina SpringChivilcoyCiboloCisternClarksvilleClear Lake CityClear Lake ShoresCleburneClemvilleClevelandClintCluteColdspringColemanCollege StationColmesneilColorado CityColumbiaColumbusComancheComfortCommerceComoComstockConcanConroeConverseConwayCoolidgeCooperCopperas CoveCopperfieldCorpus ChristiCorriganCorsicanaCotullaCouplandCoveCovingtonCrockettCrosbyCrosbytonCross RoadsCrowleyCrystal BeachCrystal CityCueroCushingCut And ShootCypressCypress MillDaingerfieldDaisettaDaleDallardsvilleDallasDamonDanburyDanevangDawsonDaytonDayton LakesDe BerryDe KalbDecaturDeer ParkDel RioDel ValleDell CityDenisonDentonDesotoDetroitDeversDevineDianaDibollDickinsonDilleyDime BoxDobbinDodgeDonieDonnaDouble BayouDoucetteDouglassDriftwoodDripping SpringsDuncanvilleEagle LakeEagle PassEast BernardEastlandEdcouchEdgewoodEdinburgEdnaEgyptEl CampoEl LagoEl PasoEldoradoElectraElginElkhartEllingerElmatonElsaEmoryEnnisEtoileEulessEustaceEvadaleEvantEvergreenFabensFairchildsFairfieldFayettevilleFiendswoodFischerFlatoniaFlintFlorenceFloresvilleFloydadaFlynnForneyForrestonFort DavisFort StocktonFort WorthFranklinFrankstonFredFredericksburgFreeportFreerFresnoFreyburgFriendswoodFrionaFriscoFritchFruitvaleFulshearGainesvilleGalena ParkGalvestonGanadoGarden CityGarden RidgeGardendaleGarlandGarrisonGarwoodGary CityGatesvilleGauseGenevaGeorge WestGeorgetownGiddingsGilchristGilmerGladewaterGlen FloraGlen RoseGodleyGoldenGoldthwaiteGoliadGonzalesGoodrichGordonvilleGrafordGrahamGranburyGrand PrairieGrand SalineGrandfallsGrandviewGrangerGranite ShoalsGrapelandGreensburgGreenvilleGreenwoodGroesbeckGrovesGrovetonGuanacasteGun Barrel CityGustineGuyHallettsvilleHallsvilleHaltom CityHamiltonHamlinHammondHamshireHankamerHardinHarker HeightsHarlingenHarperHarwoodHawkinsHearneHebbronvilleHedwig VillageHelotesHemphillHempsteadHendersonHenriettaHicoHidalgoHigh IslandHighlandsHillcrest VillageHillisterHillsboroHilltop LakesHilshire VillageHitchcockHockleyHoliday LakesHolly Lake RanchHondoHoney GroveHoney IslandHooksHorizon CityHorseshoe BayHot SpringsHoustonHowardwickHubbardHudsonHuffmanHughes SpringsHullHumbleHungerfordHuntHunters Creek VillageHuntingtonHuntsvilleHurstHuttoHyeIdalouIndependenceIndustryInezIngleside on the BayIolaIowa ColonyIrvingItascaIvanhoeJacinto CityJacksonJacksonvilleJamaica BeachJarrellJasperJeffersonJersey VillageJewettJoaquinJohnson CityJohnstownJones CreekJonesboroJonestownJoshuaJourdantonJunctionJustinKarnackKatyKeeneKemahKempKempnerKendeltonKendletonKenedyKenefickKennardKenneyKerensKerrvilleKilgoreKilleenKingslandKingsvilleKingwoodKirbyvilleKleinKlondikeKnox CityKosseKountzeKurtenKyleLa CasitaLa FeriaLa GrangeLa JoyaLa MarqueLa PorteLa VerniaLa VillaLa WardLafayetteLago VistaLake CharlesLake DallasLake JacksonLakehillsLakewayLamesaLampasasLancasterLanevilleLansingLaredoLarueLatexoLeague CityLeakeyLeanderLebanonLedbetterLeesvilleLeggettLeonaLeonardLexingtonLibertyLiberty CityLiberty HillLighthouse PointLimaLincolnLincoln ParkLindaleLindenLipanLissieLittle ElmLive OakLiverpoolLivingstonLlanoLockhartLockneyLohnLolitaLometaLondonLone OakLone StarLong BranchLongviewLorenaLos AngelesLos FresnosLottLouiseLoveladyLubbockLufkinLulingLumbertonLyonsLytleMabankMaconMadisonMadisonvilleMagnoliaMagnolia BeachMalakoffManchesterManorMansfieldManvelMarathonMarble FallsMarionMarkhamMarlinMarquezMarshallMartMartindaleMasonMatagordaMathisMauricevilleMayMcAllenMcKinneyMeadows PlaceMemorialMemphisMenardMerida YucatanMesquiteMexiaMexico CityMeyersvilleMicoMiddletownMidfieldMidlandMidwayMilamMilanoMineolaMineral WellsMissouri CityMont BelvieuMontalbaMonterreyMontgomeryMoodyMooreMorgan's PointMortonMoscowMoss HillMoultonMount EnterpriseMount PleasantMountain HomeMuldoonMullinMundayNacogdochesNaplesNashNassau BayNataliaNavasotaNechanitzNederlandNeedvilleNew BostonNew BraunfelsNew CaneyNew UlmNew WaverlyNewportNewtonNixonNolanvilleNomeNormangeeNormannaNorth ClevelandNorth HoustonNorth Richland HillsNorth ZulchO'DonnellOak IslandOak Ridge NorthOakhurstOaklandOakwoodOdemOdessaOglesbyOld OceanOld River-WinfreeOmahaOnalaskaOrangeOrange GroveOrchardOtherOttineOttoOvertonOyster CreekOzonaPaducahPaigePalaciosPalestinePalo PintoPampaPanama CityPanhandlePanorama VillageParisPasadenaPattisonPatton VillagePayne SpringsPearlandPearsallPecan GapPecosPenitasPenningtonPeoriaPetersburgPflugervillePharrPilot PointPinehurstPinelandPinevillePiney Point VillagePittsburgPittsburghPlainviewPlanoPlantersvillePlaya Del CarmenPleakPleasantonPlumPointPoint BlankPoint VenturePollokPoolvillePort AransasPort ArthurPort BolivarPort IsabelPort LavacaPort NechesPort O ConnorPorterPorter HeightsPortlandPoteetPothPrairie HillPrairie ViewPremontPresidioPrincetonPurdonQuanahQuinlanQuintanaQuitmanRainbowRatcliffRaymondvilleRaywoodReaganRed OakRed RockRedmondRedwaterRefugioRenoRhomeRichardsRichmondRichwoodRio Grande CityRio HondoRiver OaksRiversideRobinsonRobstownRochelleRock IslandRockdaleRockportRockspringsRomaRoman ForestRomayorRooseveltRosankyRose Hill AcresRosebudRosenbergRosharonRound MountainRound RockRound TopRuleRungeRuskRyeSabinalSabine PassSaginawSaint ThomasSaladoSan AngeloSan AntonioSan AugustineSan BenitoSan DiegoSan ElizarioSan FelipeSan JacintoSan JoseSan JuanSan LeonSan MarcosSandiaSanta FeSantiagoSaratogaSargentSchulenburgScurrySeabrookSeadriftSeagravesSealySebastianSebastopolSegnoSeguinSelkirkSequimSeven OaksSeymourShelbyvilleShenandoahShepherdSheridanShermanShinerShiroShoreacresSienna PlantationSierra BlancaSilsbeeSimmsSimontonSintonSkidmoreSlatonSmileySmith PointSmithvilleSnookSnyderSocorroSomersetSomervilleSonoraSour LakeSouth HoustonSouthside PlaceSpartaSpearmanSpicewoodSplendoraSpringSpring BranchSpring Valley VillageSpringtownSpurSpurgerSringSt. HedwigStaffordStagecoachStamfordStantonStephenvilleStockdaleStonewallStowellStreetmanStudy Butte-TerlinguaSudzalSugar LandSulphurSulphur SpringsSumnerSunnysideSurfside BeachSweenyTaftTahokaTalcoTallahasseeTatumTaylorTaylor Lake VillageTeagueTehuacanaTempleTenahaTennessee ColonyTerrellTexarkanaTexas CityThe HillsThe MeadowsThe WoodlandsThicketThorndaleThorntonThrallThrockmortonTiki IslandTimpsonTivoliTomballToolTown BluffTrinityTroupTroyTuliaTulsaTulum Quintana RooTylerUniversal CityUvaldeValley MillsValley ViewVanVan VleckVanderbiltVenusVernonVicksburgVictoriaVidorVillage MillVillage MillsVotawWacoWadsworthWaelderWake VillageWallerWallisWallisvilleWarrenWarrentonWashingtonWaskomWaxahachieWeatherfordWebsterWechesWeimarWeldonWeslacoWest ColumbiaWest LivingstonWest OrangeWest PointWest University PlaceWesthoffWestminsterWeston LakesWhartonWhite HouseWhite OakWhitewrightWhitneyWichita FallsWiergateWilliaWillisWills PointWilsonWimberleyWinchesterWindcrestWinnieWinnsboroWinonaWinstonWolfe CityWoodbranchWoodforestWoodlakeWoodlandWoodlochWoodsboroWoodvilleWoodwayWorthamYantisYoakumZapataZavallabrownwoodingram Locations "Oakwoods" Ranch(351-003) WOOD ADDITION(BURTON-C) CITY OF BURTON(COMM.EX) COMMERCIAL - EXEMPT(FLEWELLN.S) FLEWELLN SOUTH - FLEWELLEN(FRIEDENS) FRIEDENS(LATIUM) LATIUM(POSTOAKE) POSTOAK EAST(S3190) DARLINDA(SAL.SE) SAL-SOUTHEAST(SSW.ABS)Sweeney ISD Abstracts(WILDLIFE) WILDLIFE CIRCLE*---./NA/na0000000000000025 - M Donaho000055 - H B JOHNSTON000137 L BARROW000137 L Barrow000201 F GIBENRATH000237 - H & T C RR CO000354 B TARKINGTON000632-CHARLES GRIFFIN000702 - J G Williams000778 - C F STEVENS-1760010 - COLLARD L M (A-10)0010-Collard001078 - W E HODGE0012 - ERIE S.0013 - BURNETT & SOJOUNER0014-CRANE J9A-14)0023 - Hinton Curtis002350 - BALLAS 458, SEC 1002580 Blagg-Booth0032, MERCER G R0049 - STEPHENS T (A-49)0060 - MC COY & DECKRO0060 - S MILLER00660 FELIX DE LEON ABST 66 TRACT 208,10071000000222200000045390000011828000002222100000709880000093573007317 - SANTA FE, SEC 6007319 - SANTA FE, SEC 8007341007345 - SANTA FE, SEC 17007370 - SECURITY TRUST0108 - Z WOOD0153 - D ETHERTON0280 - HUMPHREYS SQUIRE0280 - J LAFAYETTE0342060-0342060036200367 - MARSH A (A-367)040004120449 Day Land and Cattle, Acres 13.26160449 Day and Land Cattle053705th Ward Place08-C0882- N Robertson1&GN1-A & 1-B10027 - ABST 27 J M DIKES SURVEY1006810073 - ABST 73 I D THOMAS SURVEY10077 - ABST 77 AUGUSTIN VIESCA SURVEY1009 - 9 John D Burks Survey104 ABST. 104 MAHLON HOLDEN10400 - ABST 400 E LLOYD SURVEY10458-ABST 458 A NEWMAN SURVEY1060510a10th11 - 4 J.S. ANDERSON111 J B BRYANT1111 Studewood Place Heights118 Mcgowen Condo1185 - Austin's Colony12302 BOREAS DR HOUSTON TX 77039129-ABST. 129 HENRY B LONGLEY12d & 12e130 Acres1342 Rutland Lofts1356/Francitas Farms13f-113f-214 S MONDAY1400 Hermann1410 HYDE PARK CONDO1410 Hyde Park1439 WCRR CO15 New Braunfels15 Tr 63-0-1-3 J Ijams1514 Palm Garden Apartments15th Addition1602 Perez Street Condos16100- Wild Wing Preserve1696 Estates177 Lake Estates 03177 Lake Estates 05177 Lake Estates 061953 DRYDEN RD HOUSTON TX 770301960/Cypress Creek South197 Floresville TR 9 Wilson County Rural2001 Bering Drive2016 Main2016 Main Condo20279 - E GARCIA ABSTRACT #279206105-000 - A-5 18 JAS. DRAKE2066 - DOWNEY CANEY CREEK SEC 62070-DOWNEY CANEY CREEK SEC 1021 Seville Twnhm21 WM SMITH & 14 S MONDAY21 WM SMITH & 15 S MONDAY2100 Commonwealth211 (GARDEN APARTMENT)2120 Kipling2120 Kipling Condos2208 Post Office St Condos2235-02 - Caldwell Ranch Sec 223 James Gibson2300 Bayshore Estates 20032300 Driscoll T/H24 B-22400 Bering Drive Condo2400 McCue Condominiums2400 McCue Condos2400 Mccue Condo2400 Mccue Condos2400 Mccue condos2507 DELANO ST HOUSTON TX 77004251 JL Riddle257726-12-32 RURAL METES & BOUNDS263422-000 - D-22 1 F. BIGNER2727 Kirby Condo2727 Kirby Condos2801 CARROLTON ST # 11 HOUSTON TX 77023290 North Braeswood Reserve A290-CORR2920 West Solomon Brown2b & 2k3 - ABST. 3 T. H. BREECE3001 - DAVIDS E SURVEY- COMMERCIAL3031 SUMPTER ST # 75 HOUSTON TX 770263410 Yoakum Th34l34th Street3525 SAGE CONDOMINIUMS3525 Sage Condos3525 Sage Street Condo356 Marina3714 DABNEY ST # 10 HOUSTON TX 770263801-38 - Harvest Green3802 DABNEY ST # 40 HOUSTON TX 77026384 - ABST. 384 W. C. SHARP390 E411 Place Condo420 Benbrook4581-wildwood estates48 - ABST. 48 JOSIAH BRICK48 East Condos5 D Brown class 3500 Crawford5117 LAVENDER ST # 51 HOUSTON TX 770265534 ESKRIDGE ST # 4 HOUSTON TX 770235668 - Schuessler59 Estates, Sec 15TH WARD PLACE5th Ward Place614622 J SHANDOIN641000 - MARGARET WALLACE6518 WESTON ST # 10 HOUSTON TX 77021667 J STEEL671800 - THE WOODLANDS OF COLLEGE STATIO6780-06 - SEVEN MEADOWS SEC 66810 - Woodville Acres7 Creeks Ranch7-11 Ranch Ph 271 D J Bibbs715 Ogden Condos7231 - PROPERTY ASSOCIATES7245 HILLCROFT ST # 102 HOUSTON TX 7708173 ROBT BURNS7301 JENSEN DR # 51 HOUSTON TX 77093735 W CAVALCADE ST # 24 HOUSTON TX 77009744 N F CHAMBERS7575 Kirby7575 Kirby Condo7899-08 - Tamarron West Sec 87899-09 - Tamarron West Sec 97b, 8b807s Post Oak Lane Apts830 and Seven Coves Rd8373 - I Texas Grand Ranch 128551 - TRIBUTE RANCH SECTION 29245 Browning St. Chappell Hill, Texas9303.2394609460.0396180834 R/P980 Estates Unrec9936.00-9936.0099999999 - Other9999-other9999900002530360000488588999ZAA & K Custom Homes/SidneyA 981A B CA B HardinA B J Winfree Surv Abs #306A B J Winfree Surv Tract Abs 3A BassettA BodeA BurkeA BurnettA C ALLEN, LITTLE DICKINSON & OTHERSA C H & BA C H & B Surv Abs 507 Sec 2A C SirviereA CherryA DALYA E Gosett A-425A E Gossett Surv A-423A East El PasoA F WardA G Coers IIA G Gholson Surv A-226A G HollandA H & BA H BootheA HENDRICKSA Hickory Ridge SubA HodgeA HolhousenA HortonA IVESA JA J Aycock AddA J Grebey #1A J Mc CaslandA KuykendallA M ClopperA M DelajarzaA Mays Surv Abs 543A McneilA MooreA Part/E M Cox LeagueA RobinsonA S StarkA T Kerr Surv A-455A TaylorA V Sharp A-531A VIESCAA Van Nortdstrand A203A Viesca Surv A-77A Viesca Surv Abs #77A Viesca Surv Abs 77A W IsaacsA W Norris Sub 92A WellsA Williams D-20 #212A#26A&K Custom Homes/RoseA&K Custom Homes/SidneyA-11 Thomas CartwrightA-13 - J CUMMINSA-163 - R DOWDYA-17 J A CHIRENO PA-189 J EarlA-194 - H ELBERFELDA-223 J GillespieA-237 Lacey Pearsaul Tr 7A-285 - I & GN RRA-285 I & GN RR, ACRES 14.165 (TRACT 10A-285 I & GN RR, ACRES 14.165, TRACT 7A-30 - S KENNELLYA-303 Adams FlatA-337 A&M 337 TractsA-35 - J NELSONA-368 - A KELSOA-4 H AustinA-4-H AustinA-403 J MOYERA-454 M H PhelpsA-475 - P REELSA-491 GT J R G SalinasA-565 - J M THOMASA-68 M ANDREWSA-686 - R R RATCLIFFA-769 - J R BELLA-80 S BIRT & A-417 D MILLERA-84 - P BARTLESONA.J. YoungbloodA0001 - A1 John M AshbyA0001 - ANDRADA, ANTONIOA0002 - ARRIOLA FRANCISCOA0004 DAVID BURKETTA0015A0017A0017 - A0017 - Bridge, WilliamA0019 DEWITT JJA0021 - A0021 - Byrd, MicajahA0021 A0021 - BYRD, MICAJAHA0021 Hanley, JamesA0021-A0021 - Reynolds, A SurveyA002200, James Hope A-22A0025 J HADLEYA0025 J HADLEY, TRACT 20A0028 E ALMAGUEZ SURA0028 PITTS J C, TRACT 26-BA0031 Hill JacobA0032 - Cole, JohnA0035 - MAXIMO SANCHEZA0037A0038A0038 M MC DOWELLA004 David BeersA004/A004 S F AustinA0041 - MITCHELL J WA0042-NEIBLING FA0043- Champion BlytheA0045 - PERRY OA0047 - JOHN SMITHERSA004E J L CHAVERT -EAST ACRESA004W J L Chavert-WestA005 / A005 San Felipe DE AA005 San Felipe De Austin T TA0052 - A0052 - Dunman, J SurveyA005300, T M SPLANE, TRACT 32, 5. ACRESA0055A0056A0056 - SINGLETON PA0056 James CummingsA006 S F AustinA0064 - AUSTIN SFA0065-Austin SFA0068 - R H CHADDUCKA0069A0069 - CASTLEBERRY W H SA007 - AUSTIN H 5 LGSA0070 BRYAN STEPHENA0071A0072 - JOHN CLUTEA0074 - A0074 - Lawerence, AdamA0075A0077 BAUER J H TRACT 7A0077 BAUER JH TRACT 3A0078 - A0078 - Lessassier, LukeA0079 - I KEEPA007A007 S F AUSTINA0080A0081) ABST 81 & SUBSA008400 - BBB & CRR A-84A0090 - A0090 - Munson, WilliamA0095 BREWTON JONASA0102 A0102 - STEPHENS, ASHLEY RA0104 - BEARDSLEE WM, TRACT 12, 26, ACREA0110A0118.SUBSA012A0120 - CANFIELD BECKMAN, TRACT 4A0129.ARE0A0130 A0130 - FLEASNER, CHAS.A0130 JOHN C COOKSEYA0138 - S M WILLIAMSA0155 - Isbell WMA0167A017200, M MIDDLETON, TRACT 2.2, 41.106A018 Jose Maria De La GarzaA0190 - MILES A HA0212 FALSOM L YA021W M R PALACIOSA0229 GARSEE SEYMOUR, TRACT 38-B, 39-B,A023 ISAAC JONESA023701, JOHN WILLIAMS A-237 (ICL)A023800, JOHN WILLIAMS A-238A0242A0244 LEIBA JOSE M G DEA0256 HARDIN, H KA026W - M C Rejon-WestA0285 - JULIA A BETTISA029 Ralph McGeeA0297 - H T & B R RA030 - CASTLEMAN A LGA0300 - NAHAM MIXONA031 CASTLEMAN J LGA033 COLTON D E LGA033 / A033 S C DOUGLASA0333 - JACKSON EDWARD BA034 Jose Dolores MartinezA0341 - W M MCDERMOTTA035 - COTTLE G W LG 48.2,A035 48.2 ACREA0353 - KNIGHT ISAAC IA0355 LUKE J PRESNALA0356A0356 - JOEL PONTONA0371 - LAWRENCE & CREECYA0379BC J HUGHSA039 James Rankin SRA0396 NILES JOHN WA0396 NILES JOHN W.A0399A0402 - A C H & BA0414 Peebles RichardA042 Robert RankingA0424- P. KACKA0446 - SMITH MARYA0450 - ISHAM TATEA0456 - ROSSON HIRAM, 6.78 ACRESA0464 - THOMAS TOBY - G DAVENPORTA0471 - M. MCCORMICKA0476 Stewart CBA0485-AB 0485 I V MICHELI SURA051 - HALL W A LGA051 / A051 A IVESA053 - HAWKINS E ST JOHN 1/4 LGA0530 RODRIQUEZ, FERNANDO,19.119 ACRESA0532 - C M HAYSA0544 - H T & B R RA0546 SHAW, GRANVILLE CA0550 H T & B R R TRACTA0568 STEPHANES, CHARLESA0579 - E RIVAS #358A061-Kerr L LGA062 KNIGHT F LGA0641 JOHN WILLIAMSA0645 - W C Rr CoA066 - LOGAN J LGA068 CRENSHAWM CORNELIUSA070 - MILLETT SA071 MOORE J H 1/2 LGA073 J NICHOLSA075A075 - MULDOON M #13 LGA076 - MULDOON M #14 LGA0788A0796 - T & S T COA0814 RUSHINGA0821 POLLETT GEORGEA0846 - A. HUTCHINSA093 / A093 J StevensA101 / A101 W C WHITEA108 FINNEY, R., TRACT 005, ACRES 37.08A114 J HortonA114 John FaulkA118 - Zumwalt A JrA120 - ALMANSUR I LGA1230A14 - A014 Vital FloresA140 BerryA144 - A144 William HaysA155 - HUDSON, D.A158 F B C DUFFA166A168 - Kell, FrancisA171 R GRAHAMA181 - FISHER RA189A196 SAMUEL LUSKA20033 ABST.33 TRACT 4B-6 TRACT BA20048A20058A20142 ABST.142A20142 ABST.142 TRACT 5BA20251 ABST.251A20261 ABST.261 TRACT P-3CA20293A20621 ABST.621 TRACT 17A218 - A218 Archibald McNellA235 - MOLINE J MA238 - MCGOWN JA254/A254 A LOTTA260 - PAINE J LGA271A287 - STIFFLER J LG & LABORA298A302000 - A-20 W COOPERA302000-A-20 W COOPERA302000-A-20-W COOPERA302400 A-24 CHARLES DONAHOEA303900 - A-39 JOHN IRONSA304800 - A-48 Juan A PadilloA305100 A-51 OBEDIAH PITTSA306800 - A-68 JOSEPH W ANDERSONA31 - A031 Jose Dolores MartinezA314 - VEASEY JA315 J LandA327400 - A-274 JOHN C WHITEA327800 - A-278 F DAWA329A332500 - A-325 J C RALSTONA333 W J CLARKA337500 - A-375 FRED EULEA350 - A350 I&GNRR CoA350-350 I&GNRR CoA359-John A RobbA4-A004 David BeersA5014 ClayA528 LCSL SURVEY, TRACT 21, ACRES 59.341A62-A062 A A AdenA636 I&GNAB 0010, A C BucknerAB 0023, Hinton CurtisAB 0083, D RAWLSAB 219 E GRIGSBYAB 24 F H GREEN PAB 341AB 357AB 36 J ROTH SURAB 423AB 45AB 515 BLK 13 SEC 247H&GN E/2 SE/4 SE/5AB 532 EA BLOUNAB 532 EA BLOUNTAB 895 A VAUGHNABB 66 W ScottABFABJ WinfreeABS 0671 WILLIAMS J. T.,TRACTABS 655 SUR 66 RODRIGUEZ P ACR 83.904 (1ABS A008 Baker A E LGABS A034 COOK J LGABS A038 CRIER K,61.46 ACRES,HSE, C/PORTABS A052 HAMILTON WABS A10010 M SHIRE ABSTABS A103 TOWNSEND N LG,0.992 ACRES,HSE (ABS A144 BBB & CRRC,ABS A260 PAINE J LGABS A302000 A-20 W Cooper TractABS A338900 A-389 J H PIERSONABST 1 J AUSTINABST 1336 HT&BRR COABST 153 C BAHRABST 179 J SHAW SURABST 222 T M DORSETTABST 32 HARRIS & WILSONABST 329 J T HARRELLABST 332 HARRIS CO SCH LDS 3ABST 333 HARRIS CO SCH LDS 29ABST 48 J MALLEYABST 50 J MILLERABST 543 A MAYSABST 56 JOSEPH MORGAN SURVEYABST 57 F H RankinABST 58 JOHN D NASH SURVEY TRACT 13-4ABST 628 M B MENARD SURABST 637 H H PEADABST 686 P FITZSIMMONSABST 7 JNO BURGESSABST 75 H TIERWESTERABST 77 AUGUSTIN VIESCAABST 77 AUGUSTIN VIESCA SURVEYABST 790ABST 791 T TOBYABST 810 T TobyABST 817 T TOBYABST 911 WCRR CO SEC 9 BLK 2ABST 94 S W ALLENABST A308800ABST J MALLEY, HT BRRR FRANTA PLCABSTRACT 265 IN HARDIN COUNTY, TEXASABSTRACT AREA 1 (RICHARDS)-ABST-A1ABs A060 Jones S LGAC BucknerACE TOWNHOMEACORN MEADOWADELAIDEAG HollandAIRLINE HEIGHTSAIRPORTAJ Dillon RanchesAL MADINAALBIONALDEN BRIDGEALDEN PLACEALDER TRAILSALEXANDAR THOMPSONALEXANDER TOWNHOMESALICE ACRESALLCORN, ELLIOTALLEN W SALLISON RICHEY GULF COAST HOMES SEC S ABALLURA AT THE VAL VERDEALTA LOMAALTA LOMA OUTLOTS LOTS 16&17, BLPCK 1ALTA LOMA TOWNSITEALVIN MHSAM40SDXI - MH EASTAMBASSADOR AT POST OAKAMBURN OAKSAMERILAND TRACTAMIRAAMITY AT VICTORYANDERSON E LGANDREWS STREET TOWNHOMES SECANNIE T WARRENANTELOPEANTHONY HARBORAPOLONIAAPPLEWHITE HENRYAPRIL SOUNDARAMIS LANDARBOR PLACEARBOR TRAILARCENEAUXARCENEAUX SUBDIVISIONARCHES OF WRIGHT ACRES/OTHERSARCOLA FARMSAREA B-C-D-E-G-H-J-K-L ETCAREA OFF CR 220 TO FM 523ARROW HEAD LAKESARTAVIAARTAVIA 03ASHBEL CROSSINGASHFORD FORESTASHFORD FOREST LAKEASHFORD GROVEASHFORD GROVE EAST SEC 2AT PRAIRIEVIEWATASCA WOODSATASCOCITA SHORESATASCOCITA SHORES SEC 6ATASCOCITA SOUTHATASCOCITA TRACE SEC 1AUDRA HEIGHTS PHASE 2AUDUBONAUGUST HIRSCH ABS 355AUGUSTA HILLS CONDOAUGUSTIN VIESCAAUGUSTIN VIESCA SURVEY TRACT 35AURORAAUSTIN'S ESTATESAUTREY TH CONDAVALONAVALON MEADOWAVALON VILLAGEAVONDALE ON MAINAZ HOMES W 17TH STREET DEVELOPMENTAarondale EstatesAaronglenAarons PlaceAberbernathy CourtAberdeen GreenAberdeen Green Sec 01Aberdeen Green Sec 02Aberdeen Green Sec 03Aberdeen Green Sec 05Aberdeen Green Sec 06Aberdeen TrailsAberdeen Trails Sec 01Aberdeen Trails Sec 02Abernathy CourtAboussie Coml Reserve UnrestrAbraham Dillard SurveyAbs #102 Bbb & Crr SurvAbs #37 J Musquiz SurvAbs#25 Mc Rejan SurAbsalom Reeves Surv Abs 60Absolem Reeves Surv Abs #60Abst 15 M L Choate SurveyAbst 27Abst 32 Harris & WilsonAbst 531 S McFeron & Tr5aAbst 609Abst 676Abst 94 S W AllenAbst-A2Abst-A25EAbstract #532Abstract 137Abstract 142Abstract 16Abstract 187 La Durham SurvAbstract 232Abstract 257Abstract 276Abstract 320Abstract 355Abstract 41Abstract 480Abstract 4800 Francisco RuizAbstract 521Abstract 524Abstract 58Abstract 5901, TJ WOOTEN/Porterfield WatAbstract 632Abstract 684Abstract 801 CmAbstract 861Abstract 922Abstract AreaAbstract Area 1 (Richards)Abstract Area 1 (Richards)-Abst-A1Abstract Area 17 (Lake Infuence)Abstract Area 2Abstract Area 20 (Northeast Conroe)Abstract Area 23Abstract Area 27 (FM 1314)Abstract Area 3Abstract Area 3 (Fm 149 South-Ab st-A3Abstract Area 31Abstract Area 34 (FM 1485)Abstract Area 36Abstract Area 4 (FM 149/ Jackson Road ArAbstract Area 5 (Non Fm 149)-Abst-A5Abstract Area 6Abstract Area 6 (Magnolia)Abstract Area 9 (Southeast Magnolia)Abstract number 509Abstract#532Ac Life EstateAcademy CondominiumsAcademy PreserveAcapulco VillageAce Plantation EstatesAcorn Hill EstatesAcorn MeadowsAcosta EstatesAcre HomesAcre Homes Partial Replat #1Acre SubAcreageAcres HomesAcres Homes, Highland Heights, PinemontAcres Urban SpAcres Urban SpaceAda OaksAdam Clay Sec 02Adam Zumwalt Surv A-118Adams AcresAdams CourtAdams ForestAdams Oaks 03Adams Plaza Sub U/RAdams-Foster RepAdelaideAdelaide Sec 1Adelaide Sec 2Adele CourtAdkinsAdolph AddixAdolph Prejean Surv Abs # 267Adresy Btentaji Suevey AbstrAdrianceAdriance & Spillman Sub 91Ae Baker League A-8Ae Gossett Surv A-423Ae Gossett Surv Surv A-423Aero EstatesAfton Lake Amd #1 AAfton OaksAfton Oaks Sec 01Afton Oaks Sec 03Afton Oaks T/H CondoAfton ParkAfton VillageAfton Village AptsAfton Village Sec 01Aftonwood CondoAgua EstatesAh TaghiAhannaAhldagAhria CourtAi Lewis AbsAimee AcresAirhart AmeliaAirlineAirline Drive T H AmdAirline Drive T H AmendAirline FarmsAirline HeightsAirport Blvd EstatesAirport Blvd Estates Sec 01Airport Blvd Estates Sec 3Airport GardensAirport Homesites 4Airport Sub #2 PearlandAirport Sub #4 PearlandAj Hensley Surv Abs 255Aj Parker Surveya-673AkumalAl West SubAlabama Court PlaceAlabama PlaceAlameda dos OceanosAlamo BeachAlamo Heights Sec IIAlamo Row EastAlamosa Spgs Sub Ph 1Alamosa Spgs Sub Ph 2Alana ParkAlbany SquareAlbemarle PlaceAlberdie Add 1AlbionAlbion Pt Rep #2Albury ManorAlbury Trls Estates Sec 2Albury Trls Estates Sec 3Alcorn BendAlden BridgeAlden PlaceAlden Spgs At Riverstone Sec 1Alden WoodsAlder TrailsAlder Trails Sec 1Alder Trails Sec 7Alder TrlsAlder Trls Sec 4Alder Trls Sec 6Aldine EstatesAldine Forest R/PAldine Gardens 2 Thru 7Aldine Gardens Sec 01Aldine Gardens Sec 06Aldine Gardens Sec 1Aldine MeadowsAldine PinesAldine Place Sec 01Aldine Village Sec 01AlexAlex F Barron Surv A-94Alexan Kirby Apt Reserve AAlexanderAlexander Esparza One-Half LeaAlexander EstatesAlexander Estates Rep #3Alexander Ewing 1/4 League LeaAlexander LandingAlexander Thompson League A-98AlexandriaAlfano CourtAlfordAlford EstatesAlfred M. BevilAlgoa OrchardsAlgoa Sub #1 Unrec Sub 4-Algoa Suburbs LetteredAlgoa Suburbs Lettered-1081Algoa Suburbs NumberedAlianaAliana SecAliana Sec 10Aliana Sec 13Aliana Sec 15Aliana Sec 16Aliana Sec 17Aliana Sec 2Aliana Sec 21Aliana Sec 23Aliana Sec 24Aliana Sec 27Aliana Sec 28Aliana Sec 33Aliana Sec 36Aliana Sec 38Aliana Sec 42Aliana Sec 44Aliana Sec 46Aliana Sec 47Aliana Sec 5Aliana Sec 53Aliana Sec 54Aliana Sec 57Aliana Sec 59Aliana Sec 62Aliana Sec 65Aliana Sec 66Aliana Sec 68Aliana Sec 69Aliana Sec 7Aliana Sec 71Aliana Sec 72Aliana Sec 8Aliana Sec 9Aliana TraceAlicanteAlicante CommunityAlice Acres #1Alief Village Patio HomesAlkire Lake SubAlkire Lake Sub Sec 2Alkire LakesAllbrittonAllcornsAllegro At Harmony 01Allegro At Harmony 02AllenAllen & Cameron Inc SubAllen & FondrenAllen & OliverAllen A CAllen A-CAllen A/CAllen AddAllen Forest Ph 04Allen TraceAllen TractAllen Vince Surv Abs 56Allen, J-EstateAllenbrookAllenbrook SecAllenbrook Sec 02 R/PAllenbrook Sec 03Allenbrook Sec 3AllendaleAllendale 01Allendale ManorAllens LndgAllenwoodAlley/Sylvan Beach 1st SubAlleytonAllhands SDAllie Farms SubdivisionAllison ParkAllison RicheyAllison Richey Gulf Coast Hm CAllison Richey Gulf Coast HomeAllrightAllright ExtAllston Street TwnhmsAllum Acre HomeAllum Acres AnnexAllum GardensAlmareAlmedaAlmeda Genoa PlaceAlmeda Manor Sec 02Almeda Manor Sec 03Almeda Manor Sec 04Almeda MdwsAlmeda MeadowsAlmeda OutlotsAlmeda Park VillasAlmeda PlaceAlmeda Place AmdAlmeda Place AnnexAlmeda PlazaAlmeda Plaza Sec 01Almeda Plaza Sec 02Almeda Plaza Sec 03Almeda TraceAlmeda crossingAlmeda-Genoa PlaceAlmon Weaver Surv A-335Aloe Landing/Quail CreekAlston LakeAlta Heights Reserve AAlta Left Bank CondosAlta LomaAlta Loma OutlotsAlta Loma TownsiteAlta VistaAlta Vista AcresAlta Vista Acres Sec 02Alta Vista Acres Sec 03AltamiraAltamira Sec 01Alterra Sierra VistaAltoAltonAlton Theiss Sub Sec 2Alvarez DicksonAlvin #1Alvin 1 AlvinAlvin NorthAlvin SouthAmanda T/H CondoAmbassador At Post Oak Sec 01Amber Oaks RanchAmberwoodAmberwood 43Ambient Living/Kuykendahl ReseAmblake Court TwoAmbroseAmbrose CrainAmbrose Mays AbsAmburn Boat BasinAmburn HomesitesAmburn OaksAmburn Oaks Sec 1 2004Amburn Oaks Sec 2 2006AmcoAmelia OaksAmelung LouisAmended Golden AcresAmending Plat/Ests/Cullen ParkAmending Plat/Houston HeightsAmerican Good Murdock Street CAmericas Twnhms Sec 01Amesbury ParkAmeswoodAmhurst Sec 02AmiraAmira Sec 10Amira Sec 2Amira Sec 22Amira Sec 3Amira Sec 4Amira Sec 5Amira Sec 6Amira Sec 9Amos GreenAmundsen ManorAmy AdditionAna SubAnahuacAnahuac GardensAnahuac SuburbsAnaya - SmlAnders DanielsAndershire EstatesAndersonAnderson & SwopeAnderson AddAnderson Blk 126 TomballAnderson CountyAnderson Estates 2Anderson Estates To Ned 2Anderson IndustAnderson LakeAnderson Lake Sec 1Anderson OaksAnderson Ways 1Anderson WoodsAnderson Woods Sec 01Anderson Woods Sec 03Andover FarmsAndover Farms Sec 1Andover Farms Sec 3Andover PlaceAndover Place Sec 01Andover Place Sec 04Andrew AcresAndrew DunnAndrew Weaver LeagueAndrew Winters League & LaborAngel BayAngel LakeAngelina County Surv Abs#54Angell RungeAngell Runge AddnAngell-Runge AddAngell-Runge Addn-1160.2AngiersAngiers Sec 01AnglecrestAngletonAngleton AngletonAngleton Comm Sub 2Angleview AddAnglin A LAnita GroveAnita HeightsAnita Street TownhomesAnn Bass Surv Abs #72Ann White SurvAnn White Surv A-43Anna AleaAnna Alea Kingspark/WhitehallAnna Alea Sec 1Anna White Surv Abs # 43Annie BlumAnnistonAnserraAnserra Sec 4Anserra Sec 5Anserra Sec 7Ansieigh Park Amd 2Antelope AcresAnthony Gray Surv Abs #290AntiguaAntoine Forest Estate & RpAntoine Northwest Sec 1 ReservAntoine Villas Sec 2Antonie BalleApacheApache HillsApache MeadowsApache Shores 01 InstlApache Shores Sec 02Apache Shores Sec 05Apex Builders/Petty StreetApoloniaAppelts HillAppleton PlaceAppling & LundyApril Court Townhome CondosApril Harbor CondosApril PointApril Point 02April Point 03April Point NorthApril Point North 02April Point North 03April Point North 04April Point North 05April SoundApril Sound 01April Sound 02April Sound 03April Sound 04April Sound 05April Sound 07April Sound 08April Sound 09April VillageApril Village Sec 01Aqua MonteAqueroArabell GardensArabella CondoArabella CondominiumsArabella CondosArabella On The PrairieArabella on the PairieArabella on the PrairieArabella on the Prairie 35'Arabella on the Prairie 40'Aransas Pass-Pelican Cove PhasAransas Pass-TownsiteArb BartlettArbolagoArbor Gate/West Ranch Sec 1Arbor Gate/West Ranch Sec 4Arbor Gate/West Ranch Sec 5Arbor Green CondoArbor Green Condo Ph 01Arbor Green Ph 1 & 2 CondoArbor MeadowArbor OaksArbor Place 01 RepArbor Place 02Arbor TraceArbor TrailsArbor Trls Sec 01Arbor Trls Sec 3Arborland Farms 1Arbors At Jacobs ReserveArbors/Gleannloch Sec 01 AmendArbour T/HArcadiaArcadia CourtArcadia TownsiteArcadian GardensArcadian Gardens Sec 01Arcadian Gardens Sec 03Arcadian Gardens Sec 06Arcadian Gardens Sec 2Arch McdonaldArch Mcdonald SD Tr 6-7-11-12Arch Ray CondominiumsArch Ray CondosArcher Acres Sec 02Archer Place Rep #1Archers Wright AcresArchers Wright Acres Sec 02Archers Wright Acres Sec2Archibald Hodge Surv A-18 TracArcola FarmsArcola HeightsArea B-C-D-E-G-H-J-K-L Etc LaArenal HillsArgonne CourtArgosAris SouthArista Petty Street Twnhms SubArlingtonArlington Court T/HArlington Heights Sec 01Arlington Heights Sec 03Arlington Tech Centre AddArlington Terrace Sec 02Arlington ViewsArmandwildeArmandwilde TownhomesArmandwilde TwnhmsArmstrong 2Armstrong Acres Sec 01Armstrong T DArmstrong T D ExtArnold AcresArnold AngletonArnold W AAronArrowhead Farms Ph IIArrowhead LakesArrowhead Lakes 02Arrowhead Lakes 03Arrowhead Lakes 04Arrowhead Lakes 05Arrowhead Lakes 06Arrowhead Lakes 07Arrowhead Lakes 08Arrowhead Twnhse Sub Un-1 NcbArsanchez Sr SubArt Colony/Museum DistrictArt District/Sawyer HeightsArtaviaArtavia 01Artavia 02Artavia 03Artavia 05Artavia 07Artavia 08Artavia 09Artavia 11Artavia 12Artavia 13Artavia Sec 22Arter Crownover League Abs 13Artesia VillageArtesian AcresArtesian Forest 01Artesian Forest 02Artesian Forest 03Artesian LakesArtesian Lakes, Sec 1Artesian Lakes, Sec 7Artesian OaksArtesian Oaks 01Artesian Oaks 03Arth SD Trs 6-7 Blk 2 E 1/2Arthur Burke SurvAsa BrighamAsa Mcclure Surv Abs #411Asb Investment PartnersAsbury CourtAsbury Gardens 02Asbury Gardens R/PAsbury Park CondoAsbury Park CondosAsbury Park LLC CondoAscend at Legends BayAscension/BayouAshbel CoveAshbel Cove/ Ashbel Xing Sec 4 FinalAshbel CrossingAshbel Xing Sec 3Ashbel Xing Sec 5Ashbury Park CondoAshcreekAshford Cove At Silver LakeAshford ForestAshford Forest Sec 04Ashford Forest Sec 05Ashford GardensAshford Gove Sec 3 Pt RepAshford GroveAshford Grove East Sec 1Ashford Grove SecAshford Grove Sec 01Ashford Grove Sec 02Ashford Grove Sec 3Ashford HillsAshford Hollow Sec 01Ashford Lakes Sec 6Ashford Lakes Sec 9Ashford ManorAshford ParkAshford Park Sec 01Ashford Park Sec 03Ashford Park Sec 04Ashford Park Sec 06Ashford PlaceAshford Place Sec 03Ashford Place Sec 1Ashford Place Sec 2Ashford Place Sec 4Ashford Point Sec 02Ashford SouthAshford South Sec 01Ashford South Sec 02Ashford South Sec 03Ashford South Sec 11Ashford Terrace AmdAshford VillageAshford Village Sec 01Ashford Village Sec 02Ashford Village TwnhmsAshford WestAshford West Sec 01Ashford West Sec 02Ashley GreenAshley GroveAshley Mckinney Surv Abs 366Ashley Pines Reserve AAshley PointeAshley Pointe Sec 10Ashley Pointe Sec 11Ashley Pointe Sec 15Ashley Pointe Sec 8Ashmore BaileyAshton ParkAshton Park Sec 1Ashton Ph 1Ashton Ph 3Ashton Place-CondoAshton Reserve/Rankin RoadAshton VillageAshwood CondoAspen Club Condo Ph 01Aspen Club Condo Ph 02Assumption Heights Sec 01Assumption Heights Sec 02AstoriaAstoria CondosAstral Homes/BellAswi.a1-Aswi.a1At Miles Surv A-556Atasca WoodsAtasca Woods Sec 01Atasca Woods Sec 02Atasca Woods Sec 04 AmdAtasca Woods Sec 06AtascaderoAtasccocita North Sec 02Atascocita ForestAtascocita Forest Sec 01Atascocita Forest Sec 02Atascocita Forest Sec 04Atascocita Forest Sec 06Atascocita Forest Sec 07Atascocita Forest Sec 09Atascocita Forest Sec 09 RepAtascocita Forest Sec 10Atascocita Forest Sec 13Atascocita Forest Sec 14Atascocita Forest Sec 16Atascocita Forest Sec 17Atascocita Forest Sec 19Atascocita Forest Sec 23Atascocita Forest TrailAtascocita MeadowsAtascocita NorthAtascocita North Sec 01Atascocita North Sec 02Atascocita North Sec 03Atascocita North Sec 03 RepAtascocita ParkAtascocita Park Sec 01Atascocita Park Sec 02Atascocita RoadAtascocita Sec 1Atascocita ShoresAtascocita Shores Sec 01Atascocita Shores Sec 02Atascocita Shores Sec 04Atascocita Shores Sec 05Atascocita Shores Sec 06Atascocita SouthAtascocita South Sec 01Atascocita South Sec 02Atascocita South Sec 03Atascocita South Sec 04Atascocita South Sec 05Atascocita Spgs Sec 1Atascocita Timbers Sec 01Atascocita Timbers Sec 02Atascocita TraceAtascocita Trace Sec 01Atascocita Trace Sec 1Atascocita TrailAtascocita TrailsAtascocita Trails Sec 01Atascocita Trails Sec 02Atascocita Trls Sec 01Atascocita WestAtascocita West Sec 01Atascocita West Sec 02Atascosita South Sec 02Atascosita TraceAtenasAthensAtlow 1stAtlow 5thAttals & Threadgills Resub OfpAttaway EstsAtwood VillasAuburnAuburn Hills at WoodcrestAuburn LakesAuburn Lakes Estates Sec 01Auburn Lakes Estates Sec 1Auburn Lakes PinesAuburn Lakes Pines Sec 03Auburn Lakes Pines Sec 04Auburn Lakes ReserveAuburn Lakes Reserve Sec 01Auburn Lakes Reserve Sec 02Auburn Lakes Reserve Sec 04Auburn Lakes Reserve Sec 4Auburn Lakes RetreatAuburn Lakes Retreat Sec 01Auburn Manor At Riverstone Sec 1Auburn Place T/HAuburn TrailsAuburn Trails At OakhurstAuburn Trails At Oakhurst 02Auburn Trails At Oakhurst 03Auburn Trails At Oakhurst 07Auburn Trails At Oakhurst 13Audley Place Ph 1AudubonAudubon 40'sAudubon 50'sAudubon Creekside NorthAudubon Creekside North 03aAudubon Creekside North 03bAudubon Creekside South 01Audubon Creekside South 02Audubon Grove at Springwoods VillageAudubon HollowAudubon ParkAudubon Park 04Audubon Park 05Audubon Park Sec 01Audubon Park Sec 01 Corr PlaceAudubon Park Sec 02Audubon Park Sec 02 RepAudubon PlaceAudubon Place Sec 1Audubon Village Sec 2 2008Audubon WoodsAudubon Woods IIIAudubon Woods Sec 3Audubon Woods Sec 4August LakesAugust Lakes Sec 1AugustaAugusta AddAugusta CondoAugusta Crk Sec 02Augusta Crk Sec 1Augusta Crk Sec 3Augusta Green T/H CondoAugusta PinesAugusta Pines Sec 03Augusta Pines Sec 04Augusta Pines Sec 05Augusta Place SubAugusta Square CondoAugusta Village T/HAugusta Village T/H Sec 01Augusta Village T/H Sec 02Augusta Village Th 1 Pt RpAugustin Viesca Surv Abs 77Aurella RidgeAuroraAurora 40s Section 04Aurora Sec 1Aurora Sec 2Aurora Sec 3AustinAustin HeightsAustin MeadowAustin Meadow Sec 1Austin Meadows Sec 2Austin ParkAustin Park Courtyard Homes Sec 1Austin Park Sec 02Austin Park Sec 03Austin Place SubAustin SkylineAustin Street TownhomesAustin's ColonyAustin's Colony Ph 21cAustin's Colony Sub Ph 21aAustin, S F SURVEYAustin, Stephen FAustins ColonyAustins Estates Ph 2AustinvilleAustwellAutrey PlaceAutrey T/H CondoAutumn Chase T/H PH 02Autumn Chase T/H PhAutumn Chase T/H Ph 03Autumn CreekAutumn Creek Sec 04Autumn Creek Sec 05Autumn Creek Sec 06 02 AmdAutumn Creek Sec 1Autumn ForestAutumn Forest Sec 1Autumn Forest Sec 2Autumn Glen Sec 01Autumn HillsAutumn Lake Sec 1-2-3Autumn LakesAutumn Lakes Sec 1Autumn Lakes Sec 4Autumn OaksAutumn PlaceAutumn Place ExtAutumn Ride SubAutumn RidgeAutumn RunAutumn Run Sec 01Autumn Run Sec 02Autumn Run Sec 02 02 RepAutumn Run Sec 03Autumn Run Sec 1 & Pt RpAutumn ShoresAvalonAvalon At CypressAvalon At Pine Mill Sec 1Avalon At Pine Mill Sec 2Avalon At RiverstoneAvalon At Riverstone Sec 1Avalon At Riverstone Sec 22Avalon At Riverstone Sec 3Avalon At Riverstone Sec 5Avalon At Seven MeadowsAvalon At Seven Meadows Sec 2Avalon At Seven Meadows Sec 4Avalon At Seven Meadows Sec 6Avalon At Sienna Plantation Sec 1Avalon At Sienna Plantation Sec 6Avalon At Sienna Plantation Sec 7Avalon At Spring Green Sec 2Avalon At Spring Green Sec 3Avalon CircleAvalon Meadows Of Avalon Sec 1Avalon PlaceAvalon TerraceAvalon Terrace Sec 1Avalon Terrace Sec 2Avalon Terrace Sec 3Avalon at CypressAvalon at FriendswoodAvalon at RiverstoneAvalon at Riverstone 60s HagersonAvalon/Cypress Sec 1Avana EldridgeAvant LaneAvenue AcresAvenue MdwsAvenue O Sub 2007Avenue PlaceAveraAverill 1Avery Nia Esta1eAvery Nia EstateAvon PlaceAvondaleAvondale Amd Sec 01Avondale Court Th CondoAvondale Sec 2Avondale SquareAvondale Square Pt RepAvondale on Main StreetAvondale/MainAvondale/Main Sec 1Avondale/Main Sec 2AyersAyrshireAyrshire Sec 14Ayrshire Sec 2 Thru Sec 9Azalea District 01Azalea District 02Azalea District 05Azalea District At Valley RanchAzalea ThAzoma VillageAzul HomesB & D PropertiesB A & PB B B & C R RB B BartaB BedwellB C FinleyB C FranklinB C I CB C I C DIV 14B C I C Div 1B C I C Div 2 SurfsideB C I C Div 4B C I C Div 8B C I C Div 9B E & O LandB F Hill AddB F Tankersley Surv Abs 770B F WHITAKERB L Miller Sub UnplattedB Norwood HeightsB PrewittB Rigsby Surv Abs 31B T ARCHERB T ArcherB TarkingtonB W HardinB WicksonB and N Scott StreetB3450- Beaver CreekBACLIFF VILLASBAGATTOS ADDITION TO LA MARQUEBAKER NSBBBALMORAL PARK LAKES EASTBAMMEL TRACEBAR X RANCHBAR X Ranch Sec 2BARBEEBARCLAYBARKER, J.BARKERS BRANCH SEC 1BARKERS CROSSINGBARROWBARROW ESTATESBARTON H, TRACTBARTON H, TRACT 4BARXBASSWOOD COMMUNITY UNIT DEVBASTROP BAYOUBATTLE GROUNDS VISTABAY CITY SEC 1 ABS LAND, MISCBAY COLONY MEADOWS WEST SEC 2BAY GLENBAY POINTE LANDING ON LAKE CONROEBAY SHORE ADDN PARTIAL RPLT NO 2 (2020)BAYFRONT TO LA PORTEBAYOU BENDBAYOU BEND TOWERS CONDO 10BAYOU MAISONBAYOU PLACE & RPBAYOU WOODS CONDOBAYTOWN/CHAMBERS COUNTYBAYVIEWBB Place At GlassBBB & CRRBBB&cBEACH CLARKBEACHSIDEBEACHSIDE VILLAGEBEAR CREEK MEADOWSBEAR CREEK VILLAGEBEARDBEARDSLEEBECKER LANDINGBECKY LANE PLACEBEDFORD FALLS AMENDBEDIA/ROANS PRAIRIEBEDIAS RURALBELL RANCHBELL ST ACRESBELLAIRE VILLABELLEAU WOOD EASTBENDON FORSE ESTATESBENTWATERBERKSHIRE PLACEBERKSHREBERTELLIS HOMESBERTHA ESTATESBEULAH ACRESBINFORD PLACE U/RBINGLEWOOD SEC 2BIRCH CREEKBLACK J RBLACKBERRYBLACKJACKSBLACKMAN JOSIAHBLESSING SENIORS GARDENSBLUE CREEKBLUE WATER ADDBLUEBERRY TERR ABST 94 S W ALLENBLUERIDGEBOBCAT TRAILSBOCA CHICABOGATTO ADDNBOLIVAR ACRES (2023)BOOKER T WASHINGTONBORTENBOULEVARD GREEN AT VISION PARKBOULEVARD ON LAMARBOWMAN & WILLIAMSBP RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIESBR Puesta del SolBRADBURY FORESTBRADFORD ESTATESBRADSHAW HEIGHTSBRAE BURN VALLEY WESTBRAEBURN GLENBRAEMARBRAEMAR VILLAGEBRAES TERR/KNOLLWOOD VILLAGEBRAES TERRACEBRAESWOOD CONDOBRAEWOOD GLENBRAILSFORT GROVEBRAYS FORESTBRAYS FOREST SEC 2BRAYS VILLAGEBRAZOS CROSSINGBRAZOS LANDINGBRAZOS OAKS LAKE JACKSONBRECKENRIDGEBRECKENRIDGE FORESTBRECKENRIDGE PARK PAR R/PBRECKENRIDGE WESTBRECKENRIDGE WEST SEC 4BREMOND MANORBRENWOODBRENWOOD PARKBRENWOOD SOUTH SEC 2BRENWOOD VILLAGE SEC 2BRIAR GREEN CONDBRIAR VILLABRIAR VILLA SOUTHBRIARGATEBRIARGROVEBRIARHILLSBRIARMEADOWBRIARWICK CONDO PH 2BRICK AND STONE FOSTERBRIDGE CREEKBRIDGELANDBRIDGELAND FIRST BENDBRIDGELAND PRAIRIELAND VILLAGEBRIDGESTONE CROSSINGBRIDGEWATERBRITTANY BAY SEC IIBRITTMOORE CROSSINGBROOK HOLLOWBROOKHOLLOW COURTBROOKLYN VILLAGE PH 2BROOKSHIRE ETJBROOKSIDE COURTBRYAN PRYORBRYAN STEPHENBS & FBS Hundley DivisionBUCKHANNANBUCKLEY LOFTSBUNKER HILL FORESTBURNET FIELDSBURNSBUSINESS PERSONAL PROPETYBUTLERS BENDBacakBacher CrossingBacher Street HomesBackbayBackbay TownhomesBackstrom ManorBacliff TownsiteBacliff VillasBacliff Villas Sec 2BaconBagby City ViewBahama Heights #2Bahia AzulBahia Azul SubBahia BayBahia De MatagordaBahia De Matagorda Ph 1Bahia De Matagorda Ph 2Bahia MatanchenBahia Principe Golf ResortBahia Principe ResortBailey EdBailey Sub Sec 86Baileys PropertyBaileys SubBaillio, 1 AcBaillio-RichardsonBakalBaker #1Baker HenryBaker NsbbBaker PlaceBaker Place Sec 02Baker W R NsbbBaker W R SSBBBaker W R SsbbBakerdaleBakers Landing Sec 1a A0147 &Bakers Landing Sec 1b A0147 &Bakers Landing Sec 3 A0147 &Bakers Landing TownhomesBakers Lndg TwnhmsBal Harbour CoveBal Harbour Cove Pt-Rp Rp-2 &Bal Harbour Cove R/PBal Harbour Cove Sec 02 RepBalbo GroveBald Eagle AdditionBaldwearBaldwin Avenue SubdivisionBaldwin SquareBaldwin Street Landing AmendBaldwin Street Lndg Amd PBall Park Mews CondosBallardBallas 458, Sec 1Ballas 459BallparkBallpark 02Ballpark 05Ballpark 5BalmoralBalmoral EastBalmoral Park Lakes EastBalmoral Park Lakes East Sec 1Balmoral Park Lakes East Sec 2Balmoral Park Lakes East Sec 4Balmoral Park Lakes East Sec 6Balmoral Sec 1Balmoral Sec 10Balmoral Sec 12Balmoral Sec 13Balmoral Sec 15Balmoral Sec 16Balmoral Sec 17Balmoral Sec 18Balmoral Sec 19Balmoral Sec 2Balmoral Sec 21Balmoral Sec 23Balmoral Sec 25Balmoral Sec 26Balmoral Sec 3Balmoral Sec 4Balmoral Sec 5Balmoral Sec 6 Rep #1Balmoral Sec 8Balmoral Sec 9Balmoral Sec Twenty-FiveBalmoral Sec Twenty-ThreeBalmoral Sec18Bammel ForestBammel Forest SecBammel Forest Sec 01Bammel Forest Sec 03Bammel Oaks EstateBammel Oaks EstatesBammel TraceBammel Trace Sec 01Bammel Trace Sec 1Bammel VillageBammel Village Sec 02 Rep 01Bammel Village Sec 1Bammell Trace Sec 1Banbury CrossBanbury Cross Sec I-Ii-Iii-IvBancroft EstatesBancroft SquareBandera Ranch Acres 2Bandera River Ranch 1Banner PlaceBanyan Condo 02 AmdBar X RanchBar X Ranch Sec 10Bar X Ranch Sec 11Bar X Ranch Sec 12a-12b-12c-12Bar X Ranch Sec 13a-13bBar X Ranch Sec 14Bar X Ranch Sec 15Bar X Ranch Sec 17Bar X Ranch Sec 2Bar X Ranch Sec 3Bar X Ranch Sec 4Bar X Ranch Sec 5Bar X Ranch Sec 6Bar X Ranch Sec 7Bar X Ranch Sec 8Bar X Ranch Sec 9Bar x RanchBar-D-RanchettsBar-E-Bar Estates 97Bar-K Ranches 04Bar-K Ranches 10Bar-K Ranches 11Barcelona GardensBarclay CondoBarclay Condo Ph 01Barclay Condo Ph 02Barclay Condo Ph 03Barclay PlaceBarclay Place Sec 01Barclay Place Sec 02Bardwell LndgBarefoot BayBarker Court T/HBarker Cypress Village Reserve BBarker Lake Sec 01Barker VillageBarker Village Model HomesBarker Village Sec 1Barker Village Sec 2 Pt Rep 1Barker Village Sec 3Barker Village Sec 4Barker Village Sec 5Barker WMBarkers BranchBarkers Branch Sec 01Barkers Branch Sec 02Barkers Branch Sec 03Barkers Branch Sec 1Barkers Branch Sec 2Barkers Branch Sec 3Barkers Crossing Sec 04Barkers LandingBarkers Landing Sec 01Barkers Landing Sec 02Barkers Rdg Sec 01 RepBarkers ReserveBarkers RidgeBarkers Ridge Sec 03 R/PBarkers Ridge Sec 05Barkers TrailBarkers Trail Sec 1Barkers Trail Sec 2Barkers Trail Sec 3Barkers XingBarkers Xing Sec 02Barkers Xing Sec 03Barkers Xing Sec 04Barkers Xing Sec 07Barkers Xing Sec 3Barkers Xing Sec 4Barkers Xing Sec 7BarkerwoodBarkley CircleBarkley Circle R/PBarkley Circle Sec 02Barkley Circle Sec 02 RepBarkley Square South Sec 01Barkley Square South Sec 02Barnes Bella VistaBarnett CoveBarnett Cove AddBarnhills R/PBarr and DAVPBarracks II Sub Ph 101Barracks II Sub Ph 105Barracks II Sub Ph 106Barracks Sub Ph 1Barrett & HarrisBarrett CrossingBarrett SubBarrett crossingBarringtonBarrington EstatesBarrington Heights Ph IVBarrington Heights Ph VIBarrington Heights Ph ViiiBarrington PlaceBarrington Place Sec 1Barrington Place Sec 2Barrington Place Sec 3Barrington Place Sec 4Barrington Place Sec 5-ABarrington Place Sec 5-BBarrington Sec 01Barrington Sec 02Barrister CreekBarron Alex FBarron CrestBarrowBarrow RanchBarrow Ranch Sec 02Barrow Ranch Sec 3BartaBartholomew PlaceBartlettBartlett 2Bartlett EstatesBarton AdditionBarton Creek RanchBarton Creek Ranch 01Barton Creek Sec J Ph 02Barton Hills Sec 01Barton PlaceBarton WoodsBarton Woods 01Barton Woods 02Barton Woods 03Barton Woods 04BarwoodBarwood Sec 01BasekeBassettBastrop Bayou AcresBastrop BeachBastrop County West OaksBastrop Holiday BeachBastrop LakeBastrop Mcilhenny VillasBastrop Plaza EastBastrop Plaza NorthBastrop T/HBates 01Battle Grounds VistaBattleground EstatesBattleground Estates Sec 01Battleground Estates Sec 02Bauer GroveBauer LandingBauer LndgBauer Lndg Sec 4Bauer Lndg Sec 5Bauer Lndg Sec 6Bauer Lndg Sec 7Bauer Lndg Sec SevenBauer MeadowsBauer SpringsBauman HeightsBaumbertner #2Baumgarten-Matula 498BavariaBavaria TownhomesBaxter House CondoBay BreezeBay Breeze AddBay Breeze SDBay Casa 2013Bay City Original TownsiteBay Club At Falcon Point RanchBay ColonyBay Colony - Enclave At Bay ColonyBay Colony Meadows West SecBay Colony Meadows West Sec 2Bay Colony NorthpointeBay Colony Northpointe Sec 1Bay Colony Northpointe Sec 2Bay Colony Pointe Sec 3 99Bay Colony Pointe Sec 4 2001Bay Colony Pointe Sec 5 2003Bay Colony Pointe Sec 6 2004Bay Colony Pointe WestBay Colony Pointe West Sec 1Bay Colony Pointe West Sec 10Bay Colony Pointe West Sec 11Bay Colony Pointe West Sec 2Bay Colony Pointe West Sec 3 PBay Colony Pointe West Sec 4Bay Colony Pointe West Sec 9Bay Colony Town Center Sec 3Bay CreekBay ForestBay Forest Sec 01Bay Forest Sec 02Bay Forest Sec 03Bay Forest Sec 03 R/PBay FrontBay Front AddBay Front La PorteBay Front LaporteBay Front SubBay Front to La PorteBay GlenBay Glen Sec 01Bay Glen Sec 02Bay Glen Sec 04Bay Glen Sec 05Bay Glen Sec 06Bay Glen Sec 08Bay HarborBay Harbor Add #2 90Bay Harbour SubBay HavenBay Haven #2Bay KnollBay Knoll Sec 01Bay Knoll Sec 03Bay Knoll Sec 05Bay Knoll Sec 06Bay OaksBay Oaks HarborBay Oaks Harbor AmdBay Oaks Harbor RepBay Oaks Sec 03Bay Oaks Sec 04Bay Oaks Sec 05Bay Oaks Sec 06 R/PBay Oaks Sec 07Bay Oaks Sec 1Bay Oaks Sec 15Bay Oaks Sec 19Bay Oaks Sec 20Bay Point SubBay PointeBay Pointe Landing On Lake ConBay Pointe Sec 03Bay Pointe Sec 04Bay Pointe Sec 05 AmdBay Pointe Sec 06Bay Pointe Sec 07Bay Pointe Sec 4Bay Ridge ParkBay Ridge Sec 3Bay Ridge Sub Sec 4 2004Bay River ColonyBay River Colony Sec 01Bay River Colony Sec 1Bay River Colony Sec 2Bay River Colony Sec 6Bay ShoreBay Street GardensBay ViewBay View #2Bay View #3Bay View Sec 1 2009Bay View Sec 2 Ph 2Bay Village Sec 1Bay VueBaybridge At Sugar Lakes Sec 1BaybrookBaybrook CondoBaybrook Sec 03BayfrontBayfront Towers CondoBayhavenBaylan H SubBaylaurel EstatesBayou Bay EstateBayou Bay EstatesBayou BendBayou Bend AlvinBayou Bend EstatesBayou Bend T/H CondoBayou Bend TowersBayou Bend Towers Condo 10Bayou BraeBayou Brae Sec 3Bayou ChantillyBayou CircleBayou Crest 2Bayou Crest 4 UnrecBayou CrossingBayou Crossing Sec 2Bayou End CircleBayou EstatesBayou Estates AddBayou Forest Sub 97Bayou GlenBayou GriggsBayou HomesBayou HomesitesBayou LakeBayou Lakes Sec 1 2005Bayou Lakes Sec 2a 2012Bayou Lakes Sec 3Bayou Lakes Section 4Bayou LoftsBayou Lofts Condo 02 AmdBayou MaisonBayou Maison Sec 3Bayou Maison-Sec 1Bayou MeadowsBayou OaksBayou Oaks Estates Sec 1Bayou Oaks Estates Sec 1 R/PBayou Oaks at West OremBayou Oaks/West Orem Sec 01Bayou Oaks/West Orem Sec 02Bayou Oaks/West Orem Sec 02 RepBayou Oaks/West Orem Sec 2Bayou Oaks/West Orem Sec 3Bayou Oaks/West Orem Sec 9Bayou ParkBayou Park Sec 3 2005Bayou PlaceBayou Place R/PBayou RdgBayou RidgeBayou RoadBayou Street PlaceBayou TerraceBayou Terrace ExtBayou TimberBayou VillaBayou Village EstateBayou VistaBayou Vista Sec 3Bayou Vista TerraceBayou WoodsBayou Woods CondoBayou Woods Sec 03Bayou Woods Sec 2Bayou Woods T/H CondoBayshoreBayshore AcresBayshore ParkBayshore T/H CondoBaysideBayside AddBayside BeachBayside Landing Ph1/4aBayside SubBayside Terrace R/PBayside/WatermansBayside/Watermans SubBaytown HeightsBayviewBayview AcresBayview AddBaywindBaywind CondoBaywind Condo Sec 01Baywind Condo Sec 02Baywind Condo Sec 1BaywoodBaywood ForestBaywood Gardens R/PBaywood OaksBaywood Oaks Sec 01Baywood Oaks Sec 04Baywood Oaks Village Sec 02Baywood Oaks WestBaywood Oaks West Sec 05Baywood Oaks West Sec 06Baywood PlaceBaywood Shadows Sec 01aBaywood Shadows Sec 02Baywood Shadows Sec 05Baywood SubBbb & C RyBbb & C Sec 14 Abs 864Bbb & Crr Surv Abs #115Bbb&CBbb&Crr Co Surv Abs #1062 SecBeach ClarkBeach FrontBeach ParkBeachsideBeachside VillageBeachside Village 2004Beachside Village Sec 3 2014Beachside Village Sec 4Beachside Village Sec 6Beachside Vlg Sec 8Beachtown Galveston East VillaBeachtown Galveston East VillageBeachtown Galveston Village 1BeachwayBeachwoodBeacon BayBeacon Bay #1Beacon EstatesBeacon HeightsBeacon HillBeacon Hill Sec 1Beacon Hill Sec 2Beacon Island Sec 1 2010Beacon Island Sec 2 2010Beacon Place CondoBeacon on LaverneBeacons Field CondoBeaconsfield CondoBeaconsfield Condo 05 AmdBeallBeall 15 1/2 Street Amd PBeall Add 15 1/2 StreetBeall Add 15 1/2 Street AddBeall SquareBear BottomBear BranchBear Branch EstatesBear Branch VillageBear Branch Village Sec 01Bear Branch Village Sec 02Bear Branch Village Sec 03Bear Branch Village Sec 04Bear Creek AcresBear Creek AddBear Creek EstatesBear Creek Farms UnrBear Creek MeadowsBear Creek Meadows Sec 01Bear Creek Meadows Sec 02Bear Creek Meadows Sec 3Bear Creek NorthwestBear Creek PlantationBear Creek Plantation 02 PrclBear Creek Plantation Sec 04Bear Creek Plantation Sec 06Bear Creek Plantation Sec 07Bear Creek Rch SkvBear Creek SouthBear Creek TrailsBear Creek VillageBear Creek Village Sec 01Bear Creek Village Sec 02 R/PBear Creek Village Sec 06Bear Creek Village Sec 07Bear Creek Village Sec 09Bear Creek Village Sec 11Bear Creek Village Sec 12Bear Creek Village Sec 14Bear Creek WestBear Crk Mdws Sec 03Bear Crk Mdws Sec 04Bear Crk Mdws Sec 4Bear Crk Village Sec 02 Reserve CBeasleyBeasley ManorBeasley PrewettBeasley Prewitt Surv Abs #420BeattyBeatty D RBeatty Seale & Forwood Sec 5 ABeau Veau SitesBeau View 01Beauchamp BrickstonesBeaukiss EstatesBeaumont Drive SubBeaumont Improv CoBeaumont Irrigating Co SubBeaumont PlaceBeaumont Place Sec 01Beaumont Place Sec 02Beaumont Place Sec 03Beaumont West Sec 1-2-3-4-5Beautiful AcresBeauxart GardensBeaver CreekBeaver Creek RanchBeck HarrisonBeck Ruth Ann ZZZBeckenridge ForestBecker Fields Sec 3Becker Fields Sec 4Becker Mdws Sec 4Becker MeadowsBecker TraceBecker Trace Sec 1Becker Trace Sec 2Beckford PlaceBeckford WestBeckham Place & RpBecktoldBecktold SubdivisionBedford FallsBedford TwnhsesBediasBedias AcresBee CreekBee Creek Estates 01Bee Creek Estates 02Bee Haven FarmsBeebe W PBeecave WoodsBeech Creek Village NorthBeech Creek Village SouthBeechmont ExtBeechnut LandingBeechnut Lndg Sec 01Beechnut Lndg Sec 02 Rep 01Beechnut Lndg Sec 1Beechnut Lndg Sec 2 Rep 1Beechnut MeadowsBeechnut ParkBeechnut Park Sec 01Beechnut Park Sec 02BeechwoodBeechwood RepBeechwood Sub Sec 3Beekman Place 02 R/PBeeville AreaBeing 08522 Acre/Land SituateBeinhorn Sec 02Bel AirBel Air AddBelehu Luxury HomeBelfiore CondosBelfort ParkBelfort Park SecBelfort Park Sec 01Belfort Park Sec 02Belfort Park Sec 03Belfort Park Sec 04Belfort Park Sec 05Belfort Park Sec 06Belfort Park Sec 07Belfort Park Sec 5Belgravia TownhomesBellBell Ave TwnhmsBell HBell HeightsBell Heights Lofts CondoBell Isaac #2Bell OaksBell OllieBell RanchBella Colinas Secs 3, 4, 5 & 6Bella Court HeightsBella SeraBella VistaBella Vista AcresBella Vista Livingston CondominiumsBella Vista Sec 3Bella Vista Sec 4Bella Vista Sec 5Bella Vista sec 3Bella VistasBella VitaBellago Colony PlaceBellaireBellaire EstatesBellaire OaksBellaire Oaks Sec 02Bellaire Oaks ThBellaire PlaceBellaire T/HBellaire ViewBellaire View 1Bellaire VillaBellaire Villa Sec 01Bellaire WestBellaire West Sec 02Bellaire West Sec 04Bellaire West Sec 06Bellaire West Sec 07Bellaire West Sec 08BellavistaBellavista AddBellavita At Green TeeBellavita At Green Tee 02 AmdBellavita At Green Tee Sec 01Bellavita At Green Tee Sec 03Bellavita At Green Tee Sec 04Bellavita/Green TeeBellavita/Green Tee Sec 2Belle CourtBelle Park T/H Ph 01 U/RBelle Park T/H Ph 02Belle Park T/H Ph 03Belle Park T/H Ph 04Belle Park T/H Ph 05Belle Park Th Ph 3Belle Park Th Ph 4 & 5Belle Park Twnhses 4006Belle Terre SubBelleau WoodBelleau Wood EastBelleau Wood Sec 03Belleau WoodsBelleau Woods Sec 01Belleau Woods Sec 01 R/PBelleau Woods Sec 02Belleau Woods Sec 03Bellefontaine T/HBellerive CondoBellerive CondosBellfordyce PlaceBellfordyce RepBellfort ParkBellfort Patio Homes Sec 01Bellfort Place CondoBellfort SquareBelloak Sub #2Bellomonte T/H Sec 02Bellrock Market StationBelltower IBellview AcresBellvilleBellville TownsiteBellwood OaksBellwood Oaks SubdivisionBelmarBelmontBelmont Add Sec 02Belmont EstatesBelmont Home PlaceBelmont OaksBelmont ParkBelmont Park Sec 01 04 R/PBelmont Sec 01Belmont Sec 02Belmont SubBelt Junction CityBelterra Ph 4 Sec 14Belton Lane AddBen C Jordan Surv Abs #34bBen RigsbyBen's LandingBenardinoBenchmark Sec 1BendersBenders LandingBenders Landing 01Benders Landing 02Benders Landing 02 Pt RepBenders Landing EstatesBenders Landing Estates 01Benders Landing Estates 02Benders Landing Estates 04Benders Landing Estates 05Benders Landing Estates 06Benders Sec 01Benders Sec 02Benders Sec 2Bending Bough Add & Ext U/RBenedict Riley Surv A-389Benge SDBenigusBenj GeorgeBenjamin Barrow Surv Abs 123Benjamin Beason A-5Benjamin RigsbyBennett Blackman Surv Abs #3Bennett Estate Sec 3Bennett EstatesBennett Estates Sec 01 R/PBennett Estates Sec 02Bennett Estates Sec 03 R/PBennett FirstBennett NinaBennette J O H-AllenBennette J O H-OwensBennette WoodsBennington PlaceBennport Plaza Reserve ABenny BrownBens Creek AdditionBent TreeBentwaterBentwater 02Bentwater 03Bentwater 05Bentwater 06Bentwater 07Bentwater 09Bentwater 10Bentwater 12Bentwater 14Bentwater 15Bentwater 16Bentwater 18Bentwater 19Bentwater 21Bentwater 23Bentwater 24Bentwater 25Bentwater 26Bentwater 27Bentwater 29Bentwater 33Bentwater 37Bentwater 38Bentwater 39Bentwater 40Bentwater 41Bentwater 48Bentwater 49Bentwater 78Bentwater 80Bentwater 82Bentwater 88Bentwater 92Bentwater yatch and Country ClubBentwoodBentwood 01 Pt Rep #2Bentwood At Bay Colony Sec 3Bentwood FarmsBenys Estate Pt Rep #1Bercon/AlexanderBercon/West 25th StreetBercons Beall & West 24th StreetBercons Courtyards/FloydBercons Courtyards/NettBercons Driscoll Street VillasBercons Tyne Street RresidencBercons Woodhead Street EnclavBering Drive CondoBering Drive T/H CondoBering Oaks CondoBering Place T H Condo AmdBerington Place CondoBeringwoodBeringwood CondoBerkeley PlaceBerkley Court Condo Ph 01Berkley Court Condo Ph 04BerkshireBerkshire Jones ForestBerkshire Jones Forest Apartment HomesBerkshire PlaceBerkshire Place Sec 1Berkshire Place Sec 4Berkshire Place Sec 5Berkshire Sec 01Berkshire Sec 02Berkshire Sec 03Berkshire Sec 05Berkshire Sec 07Berkshire Sec 08Berkshire Sec 09Berkshire Sec 10Berkshire Sec 5Berkshire Sec 9Berkshire Village Sec 01Berkshire Woodland Apartment HomesBermuda BeachBermuda Beach Sec 2Bermuda Beach Sec 4Bermuda Beach Sec 5Bermuda Beach Unrec Lt 411Bermuda Dunes VillasBernard AcresBernard Acres Sec 2Bernard LanierBernard OaksBernard River OaksBernard Stern SubBernard TimbersBernard Timbers IIBernardo Lake EstateBernhardt TerraceBernice SkainsBerryBerry Creek Condo Sec 01 & 02Berry Field (2005)Berry SquareBerry VillasBerta Wooters Sub #1Berthea Street GroveBertwood EstatesBethel EstatesBetween Ignacio GutierrezBeverly HeightsBeverly Hill CourtBeverly HillsBeverly Hills Sec 01Beverly Hills Sec 02Beverly Hills Sec 05 R/PBeverly Hills Sec 05 RepBeverly Hills Sec 06 R/PBeverly Hills Sec 08Beverly ParkBeverly PlaceBeverly Village Th Condo AptsBeverly Village Twnhm CondoBeverlywoodBevil AcresBeyond MetronomeBig 3 Land CompanyBig Country 3Big Creek EstatesBig Creek RanchBig Creek Ranch Phase TwoBig Crk Ranch Ph 2Big Cypress Hill EstatesBig Easy EstatesBig Easy RanchBig Easy Ranch EstatesBig Easy Ranch Ests Sec OneBig Oaks EstateBig Thicket Lake EstatesBig Thicket Lake Estates SectiBig Thicket Lake Estates Section 7Big Tree CenterBig Tree EstateBig Tree Estate 01Big Tree Estate 02Billingsley Sec 1Billys Sub Sec 2Billys Sub Sec 3Bilo PlaceBinford CreekBinford PlaceBinghamBinglewoodBinglewood Sec 02Binglewood Sec 03Binz & SettegastBinz VillasBirch Creek ForestBirch Creek Park EstatesBirch Creek VillageBird Pond Estates Ph 1Birds 2 Darts 5Birds GulfBirds NestBirdsall CourtBirdsall WoodsBirdsellBirdsong Resub TwnhmsBirdwellBirkner Annex #1Birnam WoodBirnam Wood Sec 01Birnam Wood Sec 02Birnam Wood Sec 03Birnam Wood Sec 04Birnam Wood Sec 05Birnam Wood Sec 2Birnam Woods Sec 03Birnham Woods T/H Sec 01 PrclBishop T/SBishop's Landing Lake LimestoneBison MeadowBison MeadowsBison Trail SubdivisionBissonnet 75 Center Reserve CBissonnet PlaceBitter CreekBlack BeautyBlack OakBlack Oak 01Black Oak 02Black Oak Sec 3Black SavageBlack SlipBlack West ColumbiaBlack, AlbertBlack, JosephBlackhorse RanchBlackhorse Ranch Sec 01Blackhorse Ranch SouthBlackhorse Ranch South Sec 03Blackhorse Ranch South Sec 06Blackshear AddBlackstone CreekBlackstone Creek Sec 01Blackstone Crk Sec 2Blackstone Crk Sec 4Blackstone Homes/West MainBlackwood 3 CorpBlackwood On The LakeBlains Creek Lake LimestoneBlair House RepBlairwoodBlake BennetteBlake BennettteBlake SurBlakely Bend Sec 1Blakely Bend Sec 2BlalockBlalock ParkBlalock SquareBlanchardBlanchette 1BlancoBlanco River VillageBlanco River Village Sec OneBlau HomesteadBleiblervilleBleker PlaceBlimp BaseBliss CourtBliss Meadows Sec 02Block 131 Original CityBlock 1370Block Estates 3Blodgett Ave TerraceBlodgett Lndg SubBlodgett ParkBlodgett Park Sec 02Blodgett Park Sec 3Blodgett Park TownhomesBlossom Heights Sec 02Blossom ParkBlossom Place PkBlount and Moss AdditionBlount and Moss School Addition #2Blue Bell Place Sec 02Blue Bonnet EstatesBlue Bonnet Estates AddBlue Bonnet Th CondoBlue CreekBlue Creek Sec 02Blue Creek Sec 04Blue Creek Sec 05Blue Creek Sec 06Blue Grass EstatesBlue Heron Bay 02Blue Heron SubBlue Jay's LandingBlue Jays LandingBlue Lake EstatesBlue Ridge Sec 2Blue Ridge Square SubBlue Sky EstatesBlue StarBlue WaterBlue Water 1Blue Water 2Blue Water 3Blue Water 4Blue Water 5Blue Water CoveBlue Water EstatesBluebell Place Sec 2Blueberry TerraceBlueberry Terrace AddBluebonnet CtryBluebonnet Ctry, Sec 11Bluebonnet Ctry, Sec 12Bluebonnet Ctry, Sec 13Bluebonnet Ctry, Sec 14Bluebonnet Ctry, Sec 3Bluebonnet HillsBluebonnet Hills Sec 4Bluebonnet Hills Sec 6Bluebonnet RidgeBluebonnet Ridge Heritage EstatesBluebonnet Ridge SubdivisionBluebonnet VillageBluegillBluegill SubdivisionBluejack NationalBluejack National Ph 1aBluejack National Ph 1bBluejack National Ph 1b Pt Rep 4BlueridgeBlueridge Sec 01Blueridge Sec 02BluestemBluewaterBluewater LakesBluewater Lakes Sec 3Bluewater at BalmoralBluff Haven 570BlumBluntzer Pt Dos PalomasBlythewood Street DedicationBmrj Add/Ohsfeldt Reserves A&BBoardwalk HeightsBoardwalk PUDBobbBoca ChicaBoca Chica Sec 3Boca Chica Sub Sec III Ph IBoca Raton IIBoca Raton Sec 1 93Boettcher GardensBogatto AddBogs Est Tract 18Bohemian Hall Estates 34Bolin EstateBolin PlaceBolin SmithBolivarBolivar AcresBon AirBon Aire 2Bona VistaBonaireBonaire Sec 01 R/PBonaire Sec 04Bonaire Sec 05Bonaire Sec 4Bonanza TowerBonbrook PlantationBonbrook Plantation NorthBonbrook Plantation North Sec 1Bonbrook Plantation North Sec 12Bonbrook Plantation North Sec 13Bonbrook Plantation North Sec 2Bonbrook Plantation North Sec 3Bonbrook Plantation North Sec 6Bonbrook Plantation North Sec 9Bonbrook Plantation SouthBonbrook Plantation South Sec 1Bonbrook Plantation South Sec 10Bonbrook Plantation South Sec 2Bonbrook Plantation South Sec 4Bonbrook Plantation South Sec 5Bonbrook Plantation South Sec 9Bond Street HomesBonham Acres Sec 2Bonita GardensBonner EnclaveBonner Street PlazaBonterra At Cross Creek RanchBonterra At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 2Bonterra At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 4Bonterra At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 6Bonterra At WoodforestBonterra At Woodforest 01Bonterra At Woodforest 02Bonterra At Woodforest 05Bonterra At Woodforest 07Bonterra At Woodforest 09Bonterra At Woodforest 10Bonterra Cross Creek RanchBonterra at Cross Creek RanchBonterra at Cross Creek Ranch 45'sBonterra at Cross Creek Ranch 45sBonterra at Cross Creek Ranch 50'sBonterra at Cross Creek Ranch 60'sBonterra at Cross Creek Ranch 60sBonterra at WoodforestBooker HeightsBooker T WashingtonBooker T Washington SubBoones AddBooth North Main StBordeaux EstatesBordeaux Estates Sec 2BordersvilleBorley HeightsBorondo Pines 2002Borton W HBosco Temozon - AlamoBosco Temozon - CedroBosco Temozon - CeiboBosco Temozon - OlivoBosco Temozon - RobleBoston Land CoBoston TerraceBoudreaux EstatesBoudreaux Estates 4 Sec 1Boudreaux Ests Sec 3Boudreaux SubBoulevard EstatesBoulevard GreenBoulevard HeightsBoulevard MatanchénBoulevard Oaks, West EdgemontBoulevard/GrandBoundary Heights EstatesBoundary Hts EstsBourbon CourtBouse AddBowenBowersBowieBowling Green Sec 01Bowling Green T/HBox S AcresBoydBoyd Land CoBoyettBrackenridgeBrackenridge & CobbBradbury ForestBradbury Forest Sec 01Bradbury Forest Sec 02Bradbury Forest Sec 03Bradbury Forest Sec 04Bradbury Forest Sec 5Bradbury Forest Sec 6Bradford ColonyBradford Colony 01 & 02 Amd R/Bradford Colony Sec 01Bradford Colony Sec 02Bradford Colony Sec 03Bradford MewsBradford On The Bend Sec 2Bradford ParkBradford Park Ph 03Bradford Park Sec 1Bradford Park Sec 2Bradford Park Sec 3Bradford PlaceBradford T/H U/RBradford VillageBradley Sub Sec 2Bradley SubdivisionBradley White OakBradley White Oak Blk 1 2Bradshaw AddBrady HomeBrady PlaceBrady Place Blk 1 To 16Brady Street VillageBrae Acres T/H CondoBrae Acres Th CondoBraeburn Club Estates Sec 03Braeburn Cntry Club EstatesBraeburn Cntry Club Estates SeBraeburn Cntry Club Estates Sec 05Braeburn GardensBraeburn Gardens 1 Westmoreland FBraeburn Gardens Sec 01Braeburn Glen Sec 01Braeburn Terrace Condo Ph 02Braeburn Terrace Condo Ph 2Braeburn Terrace Sec 02 02 RepBraeburn Terrace Sec 02 R/PBraeburn ValleyBraeburn Valley Sec 03Braeburn Valley Sec 04Braeburn Valley West Sec 01Braeburn Valley West Sec 02Braemar VillageBraes HeightsBraes Heights AddBraes Heights Sec 02 R/PBraes Heights Sec 03Braes Heights Sec 08Braes Heights Sec 09Braes Heights Sec 12Braes Heights Sec 13Braes Link Pt Rep 1Braes ManorBraes Manor Sec 01Braes Manor Sec 02Braes OaksBraes Oaks Sec 01Braes Park AmdBraes TerraceBraes Terrace Sec 01Braes TimbersBraes View TerraceBraes Wood CondosBraes Woods CondoBraesmont Sec 01Braesmont Sec 04BraeswoodBraeswood CondoBraeswood Condo & AnxBraeswood Condo AnnexBraeswood EstatesBraeswood Forest CondoBraeswood Houston Add Sec 01Braeswood Park CondoBraeswood Park Condo DeBraeswood Park CondosBraeswood Terrace MeyerlandBraewood GlenBraewood Glen Sec 01 R/P & ExtBraewood Glen Sec 02Braewood Glen Sec 04Braewood Glen Sec 07 R/PBraewood T/H WildflowerBrahma Bend EstateBrakenridgeBramleyBranard Place GardensBranch Forest Sec 01Brandi EstatesBrandon RanchBrantley AdditionBrantwoodBraunfels Heights Bl 5049Brays ForestBrays Forest Sec 02 R/PBrays Forest Sec 03Brays Forest Sec 04 R/PBrays Forest Sec 05 R/PBrays Village 01Brays Village EastBrays Village East Sec 01Brays Village East Sec 2Brays Village Sec 02 R/PBrays Village Sec 05Brays Village Sec 06Brays Village Sec 06 R/PBrazoriaBrazoria ManorBrazoria OaksBrazos 200Brazos BendBrazos Bend OaksBrazos Bend Oaks Sec 2Brazos CountryBrazos Country Sec 1Brazos Country Sec IBrazos Country SubdivisionBrazos GardensBrazos Gardens Sec 1Brazos LakesBrazos Lakes Sec 1Brazos LandingBrazos Landing Sec 1Brazos OaksBrazos Oaks Lake JacksonBrazos River ReserveBrazos Shore Sec 1Brazos TerraceBrazos ValleyBrazos Valley SecBrazos Valley Sec 1Brazos Valley Sec 2Brazos Valley Sec 3Brazos Village Sec 1Brazos Village Sec 2Brazosport Ind ParkBreakersBreakers #2Breakers CondoBreakwater PointBreckenridgeBreckenridge Cove 2000Breckenridge EastBreckenridge East IIBreckenridge East II 40'sBreckenridge East Sec 1Breckenridge East Sec 3Breckenridge East Sec 4Breckenridge East Sec 5Breckenridge ForestBreckenridge Forest EastBreckenridge Forest North Sec 2Breckenridge Forest Sec 01Breckenridge Forest Sec 03Breckenridge Forest Sec 04Breckenridge Forest Sec 05Breckenridge Forest Sec 06Breckenridge Forest Sec 07Breckenridge Forest Sec 08Breckenridge Forest Sec 10Breckenridge Forest Sec 11Breckenridge Forest Sec 3Breckenridge Forest Sec 8Breckenridge Forest Sec 9Breckenridge Forest WestBreckenridge ParkBreckenridge Park Pt Rep 2Breckenridge Park Sec 2Breckenridge Pk West Sec 2Breckenridge WestBreckenridge West Sec 11Breckenridge West Sec 4Breckenridge West Sec 5Breckenridge West Sec 8Breckenridge West Sec 9Breckenridge westBreezy AcresBreezy HeightsBreland HeightsBremond Street T/HBremond Street T/H Sec 02Bremond Street TwnhmsBrenhamBrenham AddBrenham HillsBrenham Retail CenterBrent RoadBrentwood CondoBrentwood CondosBrentwood Lakes Sec 01Brentwood Lakes Sec 02Brentwood ManorBrentwood Sec 01Brentwood Sec 02Brentwood Sec 05Brentwood Village Sec 01 Amd PBrentwood West Sec 02BrenwoodBrenwood Circle TownhomesBrenwood ManorBrenwood Manor Town HomesBrenwood Park Sec 01Brenwood Sec 01Brenwood Sec 02Brenwood Sec 02 Prcl R/PBrenwood Sec 03 02 Prcl R/PBrenwood Sec 03 R/PBrenwood Sec 06Brenwood Sec 07Brenwood Sec 08Brenwood TrailsBrenwood TrlsBrenwood Trls Sec 01Brenwood VillageBrenwood Village Sec 02Brett LandBrewster PointeBriar CourtBriar CreekBriar Creek Sec IIBriar GlenBriar Glen Sec 1 Ph 2Briar Green CondoBriar Green Condo Ph 01Briar Green Condo Ph 02Briar GroveBriar Grove 01Briar Grove 03Briar Grove ParkBriar HillsBriar LakeBriar Mdws Crk Sub Ph 5Briar MeadowBriar Meadows Creek Ph 04Briar Meadows Creek Ph 5Briar OaksBriar Park Sec 01Briar Park Sec 01 R/P U/RBriar Place CondoBriar Point Condo Ph 01Briar Station West CondoBriar Tree 01Briar Tree CourtBriar Tree Sec 01Briar Villa Sec 1Briar Villa Sec 2Briar VillageBriar Village Sec 01Briar Village Sec 02Briar Village Sec 04Briar Village Sec 4Briar Wood Sec 01BriarbendBriarbrook T HBriarbrook TwnhmsBriarchaseBriarchase Sec 03BriarcliffBriarcreekBriarcreek-AldineBriarcrest Estates Ph 4Briarcrest T/H CondoBriarcrest Valley Ph 02Briarcrest Valley Ph 03BriarcroftBriargateBriargate Sec 1Briargate Sec 10Briargate Sec 11Briargate Sec 13 R/PBriargate Sec 2Briargate Sec 3Briargate Sec 4Briargate Sec 5Briargate Sec 6Briargate Sec 7Briargate Sec 8Briargate Sec 9Briarglen Sub 95BriargroveBriargrove Drive T/HBriargrove Drive TownhousesBriargrove ParkBriargrove Park Sec 01Briargrove Park Sec 04Briargrove Park Sec 2 & RpBriargrove SecBriargrove Sec 01Briargrove Sec 02Briargrove Sec 03Briargrove Sec 09Briargrove T/H CondoBriarhillsBriarhills Sec 01Briarhills Sec 03Briarhills Sec 04Briarhurst CondoBriarhurst PakrBriarhurst ParkBriarmeadowBriarmeadow Prcl R/PBriarmeadow Pt Sec 01 RepBriarmeadow Sec 01Briarmeadow Sec 01 Prcl R/PBriarmeadow Sec 02BriarmontBriarmont Sec 1Briarmont Sec 2Briarpoint Ph 1 CondoBriartree Sec 01Briarwest T/H CondoBriarwest TwnhsesBriarwickBriarwick Condo PH01Briarwick Condo Ph 01Briarwick Condo Ph 02Briarwick Condo Ph 03Briarwick Condo Ph 2Briarwick Sec 01Briarwick Sec 02Briarwick Sec 03Briarwick Sec 4BriarwoodBriarwood CrossingBriarwood Crossing Sec 1Briarwood Crossing Sec 11Briarwood Crossing Sec 14Briarwood Crossing Sec 15Briarwood Crossing Sec 2Briarwood Crossing Sec 3Briarwood Crossing Sec 7Briarwood Crossing Sec 8Briarwood Crossing Sec 9Briarwood Estates # 1, 2, 3Briarwood Lake LimestoneBriarwood Sec I-Ii-Iii Lake JBriarwood SubBriarwoodsBrick & Stone at LydiaBricker EstatesBridge CreekBridge Crk Sec 1Bridge Crk Sec 2Bridge Crk Sec 5Bridge Crk Sec 7Bridge HarborBridge Harbor Rep A0051 DiBridge Pointe S/DBridgegate Sec 01 R/PBridgelandBridgeland (Prairieland Village)Bridgeland CentralBridgeland Central Sec 1Bridgeland Cove Sec 10Bridgeland Creekland VillageBridgeland Creekland Vlg SecBridgeland Creekland Vlg Sec 1Bridgeland Creekland Vlg Sec 2Bridgeland Creekside VillageBridgeland DuetsBridgeland First Bend Sec 14Bridgeland Hidden CreekBridgeland Hidden CrkBridgeland Hidden Crk Sec 12Bridgeland Hidden Crk Sec 20Bridgeland Hidden Crk Sec 25Bridgeland Lakeland HeightsBridgeland Lakeland Heights Sec 6Bridgeland Lakeland Heights Sec 7Bridgeland Lakeland Heights Sec 9Bridgeland Parkland VillageBridgeland Parkland Village RepBridgeland Parkland Village Sec 1Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 12Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 14Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 15Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 19Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 21Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 22Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 24Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 25Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 28Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 29Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 3Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 30Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 31Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 38Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 41Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 42Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 46Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 49Bridgeland Parkland Village Sec 54Bridgeland Parkland Vlg Sec 41Bridgeland Parkland Vlg Sec 49Bridgeland Parkland Vlg Sec 52Bridgeland Parkland Vlg Sec 54Bridgeland Parkland Vlg Sec 55Bridgeland Parkland Vlg Sec 56Bridgeland Parkland Vlgs Sec 1Bridgeland Parkland villageBridgeland PrairelandBridgeland Prairieland VillageBridgeland Prairieland Village SecBridgeland ShoresBridgeland, Olympia MarbleBridgeland, Parkland VillageBridgeland- Parkland VillageBridgelandsBridgepointBridges at BlackhawkBridges on Lake HoustonBridges/Lk HoustonBridges/Lk Houston AptsBridges/Lk Houston Sec 1Bridges/Lk Houston Sec 2Bridges/Lk Houston Sec 3Bridges/Lk Houston Sec 4Bridges/Lk Houston Sec 5Bridges/Lk Houston Sec 6Bridges/Lk Houston Sec 7Bridges/Lk Houston Sec 8Bridges/Lk Houston Sec 9Bridgeston CrossingBridgestoneBridgestone CrossingBridgestone Lakes Amd Sec 03Bridgestone Lakes Sec 01Bridgestone RepBridgestone Sec #6Bridgestone Sec 01 R/PBridgestone Sec 02Bridgestone Sec 03Bridgestone Sec 04 R/PBridgestone Sec 05Bridgestone Sec 06Bridgestone WestBridgestone West Sec 01Bridgestone West Sec 02Bridgestone XingBridgestone Xing Bldg 6BridgeviewBridgewaterBridgewater Landing CondoBridgewater Landing Condo Ph 0Bridgewater Landing Condo Ph 4Bridgewater Lndg Condo Ph IIIBridgewater Mdw Sec 02Bridgewater Mdw Sec 02 02Bridgewater Mdw Sec 03Bridgewater Mdw Sec 2Bridgewater Mdw Sec 4Bridgewater MeadowBridgewater Meadow Sec 03Bridgewater Meadow Sec 1Bridgewater Place Sec 01Bridgewater Place Sec 02Bridgewater Place Sec 2Bridgewater PointeBridgewater Pointe Sec 01Bridgewater Pointe Sec 03Bridgewater Sec 2Bridgewater Sec 4Bridgewater Village Sec 01Bridgewater Village Sec 1Bridgewood Ph 2Bridgewood Ph 3Bridle CreekBridle Gate Estates Ph 1Bridle SpurBridle Wood Ranches Sec 3BridlecreekBridlegateBridlegate 3Bridlewood EstatesBridlewood Estates Sec 1Bridlewood Estates Sec 2Bridlewood Estates Sec 3Bridlewood Estates Sec 4Bright AcresBrighton Creek WoodsBrighton PlaceBrighton Place Sec 5 AlvinBrightwater Point EstateBrightwater Point Estates Sec 1Briley PlaceBrindley EstateBrinkley Residences Reserve ABrinkman GardensBrinkman GreenBrinkman GroveBrinkman GrrenBrinkman OaksBrinkman ViewsBrintBrisa EstatesBriscoe FallsBriscoe Falls Sec 1Briscoe Falls Sec 2Briscoe Falls Sec 4Briscoe Falls Sec 5Brister Country Sec IBrister Country Sec IIBristol CondoBristol PlaceBritmoore OaksBritt Way EstatesBrittany LakesBrittany Lakes Sec 5 2003Brittany Lakes Sec 10 2004Brittany Lakes Sec 11 2005Brittany Lakes Sec 12 2006Brittany Lakes Sec 14 2006Brittany Lakes Sec 4 99Brittany Lakes Sec 6 2001Brittany Lakes Sec 7 2003Brittany Lakes Sec 9 2004Brittmoore CrossingBrittmoore VillageBrittmoore XingBrittmoore Xing Sec 2BrittonBritton CravensBritton Cravens AnnexBritton Cravens Sec 03Brittwood T/HBroad OaksBroad Oaks Pt Rep 4BroadmoorBroadmoor 1Broadmoor 2Broadstone NicholsonBroadwayBroadway Breeze SubBrockmanBrod AcresBroken Arrow Sub 2005Brompton Court T/H U/RBrook ForestBrook Forest SecBrook Forest Sec 01 R/PBrook Forest Sec 02Brook Forest Sec 03Brook HollowBrook Smith SquareBrook-Woods EstatesBrooke SmithBrooke Smith Add 02Brooke Smith Second AddBrookewaterBrookewoodBrookfieldBrookfield Sec 01 R/P A & ExtBrookfield Sec 01 R/P BBrookfield Sec 01 R/P CBrookglenBrookglen Sec 01 R/PBrookglen Sec 02 R/PBrookglen Sec 03Brookhaven AddBrookhaven AdditionBrookhaven R/PBrookhollowBrookhollow 2 Port LavacaBrookhollow Court Sec 01Brookhollow CrossingBrookhollow Crossing Sec 1 AmdBrookhollow Estates Port LavaBrookhollow Lake JacksonBrookhollow TownsiteBrookhollow Xing Sec 02Brookland AcresBrooklineBrooklyn TrailsBrooklyn Trails 01Brooklyn Trails 02Brooks Surv Abs S6Brooks W SBrookshireBrookshire GardensBrookshire OutlotsBrookshire SouthBrookshire Town CenterBrookshire TownsiteBrookside AddBrookside Add Sec 2Brookside AnnexBrookside At RiverstoneBrookside CourtBrookside MeadowBrookstone Sub Sec 2Brookstone Sub Sec 3Brooktree TwnhmsBrookviewBrookwaterBrookwoodBrookwood EstateBrookwood ForestBrookwood Forest 06Brookwood Forest 08Brookwood Sec 01-BBrookwood Sec 01bBrookwood Sec 03Brookwood Sec 04Brookwood Sec 3Broom VillasBroughtonBroussard SubBrownBrown & BelknapBrown Amd 1Brown BrosBrown County School Tr 17 SecBrown SolBrown SolomanBrowning Addition Sec 2Browns Lndg Ph 02Browns Lndg Ph IIBrownstone Square ThBrownstone Square-KingwoodBrownstone Square/KingwoodBrownstones on NobleBrownwoodBruceBruce T HBrunes MillBrunnerBrunner AddBruns Home AcresBrunswick Lakes Sec 01Brunswick Lakes Sec 03Brunswick Lakes Sec 05Brunswick Lakes Sec 07Brunswick Mdws Sec 02Brunswick Mdws Sec 08Brunswick Mdws Sec 09Brunswick Mdws Sec 1Brunswick Mdws Sec 11Brunswick Mdws Sec 17Brunswick Mdws Sec 18Brunswick Mdws Sec 2Brunswick Mdws Sec 5Brunswick Mdws Sec 7Brunswick MeadowsBrunswick Meadows Sec 4Brushwood CrossingBrushy CreekBrushy Creek 02Brushy Creek 2Brushy Creek Land CoBrushy Creek RanchesBryanBryan Brookshire No2Bryan ChristopherBryan CrossingBryan GroveBryan HeightsBryan StephenBryans 1stBrykerwoodsBrykerwoods EstatesBrykerwoods Sec 02Brynmawr Lake R/PBuck HillsBuck Meadows SDBuck Wayne Estates 01Buckeye Original TownsiteBuckhornBuckhorn EstatesBuckingham PlBuckingham Place Sec 01Buckingham Place Sec 02Buckingham Place Sec 03Buckingham Place Sec 05Buckingham Place Sec 07Buckner VillasBucks BayouBucks Bayou SubBucks LndgBuckthorn AcresBuena Vida La Feria SubdivisioBuena VistaBuena Vista SubBuffaloBuffalo AddBuffalo BayouBuffalo Bayou Park Sec 5Buffalo Bayou Second TierBuffalo Camp FarmsBuffalo Creek EstatesBuffalo Creek RanchBuffalo DrawBuffalo LndgBuffalo ParkBuffalo PointeBuffalo SpringsBuford HeightsBugambilia EstatesBuilders Lumber Co Add #1Building BlkBukewski UnrBullardBullfrog Basin Sec 1Bulrice M CBulverde VillageBungalow BeachBungalow ColonyBungalow Colony AddBunker HillBunker Hill GardensBunker Hill PlaceBunker Hill Place T/HBunker Hill Twnhs PearlaBunker Hill WoodsBunn AdditionBunny Trail Estates Ph OneBurbank Gardens Sec 01 R/PBurbank PlaceBurbank Sec 01 R/PBurch Acres Sec 2Burch Loggins West ColumbiaBurk Minor Of West FriendBurkeBurke ExtBurke MeadowBurke Meadow Sec 02Burke Sec 02Burkes Add 02BurkettBurkett LandingBurlesonBurleson, AaronBurlington CondoBurnet FieldsBurnet Fields Sec 1Burnet Fields Sec 2Burnett & Sojourner League AbsBurnett Jno HBurnett Park AddBurnett Ranch Sec 3BurneyBurns Add Sec 1BurrBurr TownsitesBurrellBurress GroveBurris Sec 01Burris Sec 02BurtonBurton CreekBurton WestBurton, John M.Burwell Franks Surv Abs # 65Busch TerraceButeBute/First Montrose CommonsButler SubdivisionButlers BendButterrowe LoftsButtonwood Estates 2001By The Sea CondoByran GroveByron River RanchCC & WC A Kessler AddC AbendrothC B Hastings #30C B StewartC BURNETTC C P WelchC E AndersonC F Stevens-176C FulshearC G & H H AllsberryC HRushingC HarperC HuffmanC L Hooks AddC L RayC M Baker AddC M HaysC M Rice #152C M Scott-12C Martinez SurvC Martinez Surv Abs 545C N SimpsonC PrescottC S GorbettC SMITHC SmithC TILTONC W AdamsC W Fisher-24C W Fritz Surv Abs #971C W Horak AddC WalterC Wenzel SubC Wenzel Sub Sec 2C WestC WilcoxC. HARPERCABOT COVECACTUS JACKCACTUS JACK SEC 1CAM REALTY COMPANYCAMILLO LAKES SEC 1CAMINO REAL, SEC 1CAMINO SOUTH SEC 1 (CLR LK C)CAMPTOWNCANDELACANDLELIGHT FOREST SEC 1 RESCANE ISLANDCANEY CREEK ESTATESCANEYCREEKCANTERBURY VILLAGECANYON GATE AT THE BRAZOSCANYON GATE CINCO RANCHCANYON GATE CINCO RANCH SECCANYON LAKES AT STONEGATECANYON LAKES AT STONEGATE SECANYON LAKES VILLAGECANYON LAKES WESTCANYON VILLAGE AT WESTHEIMER LakeCAPE CONROECAPE CONROE 01CARADINE/MCDANIELCARDINAL ACRESCARLTON PARKCARLTON WOODS CREEKSIDECARO MEADOWS U/R / HCRR CO SEC 2CAROLINA GARDENSCARPEDIEMCARPENTER JOHN 2CARPENTER JOHN WCARPENTERS LANDINGCARTWRIGHTCARVER VILLASCASCARACASTLE ROCK SEC 1CASTLEDALECAT SPRINGCATALINA WESTCATHERINE DUGINSCBRCEDAR CREEK ESTATESCEDAR OAKSCEDARPOST PARKCENTER PLACECENTRAL PARKCERROCHAMPION SPRINGSCHAMPION SPRINGS VILLAGECHAMPIONSCHAMPIONS COLONY SEC 3 U/RCHAMPIONS FORESTCHAMPIONS PARK R/PCHANNINGCHARNWOOD/BRIARBENDCHATFIELDCHENANGO RANCH SEC 1CHERRY PINESCHESTERFIELD MEWSCHEVY CHASECHIMNEY HILL SEC 2CHIMNEY HILL SEC 3CHIMNEYSTONE SEC 1CHIMNEYSTONE SEC 2CHNORTH - Chappell Hill NorthCHOCOLATE BAYOU MANORCIMARRONCINCO RANCH MEADOW PLACECINCO RANCH NORTH LAKE VILLAGECINCO RANCH NORTHWESTCINCO RANCH SOUTHWESTCINCO RANCH WEST SEC 8CINCO WEST AT SEVEN MEADOWSCISD01CITY GATECITY OF FLATONIA (400) LOT 2A BLK 33 .29CITY OF HEMPSTEADCITY OF PADUCAHCITY OF PORT ARTHURCITY OF TOMBALLCITY PLAZACITY PLAZA A CONDOMINIUM DECCITY PLAZA AT TOWN SQUARECITY PROMENADECLAIRMONT PLACECLEAR CREEKCLIFTON BY THE SEACLOVER LEAF SEC 2CLUB DE GOLF MEXICOCM RiceCOCKEREL LANDINGSCOLBY COURTCOLES CROSSINGCOLINA HOMES ON JACQUELYN DRIVECOLLARDCOLLARD ECOLLARD L MCOLLEGE COURT PLACECOLONIA BERNABE BOTELLOCOLONIA DE JUAREZ U/R KOHNCOLONY BEND SEC 2COLONY CREEK VILLAGE SEC 07COLONY LAKES SEC 3COLUMBIA LAKESCOLUMBIA LAKES SEC 1-2-3-4-5COLUMBIA OUTLOTSCOLUMBUSCOMFORT PL AND OTHERSCOMMERCIALCOMMONS AT ELLA FORESTCOMMONS OF LAKE HOUSTONCONROE BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCONROE SOUTHEASTCONTEMPORARY PLAZA SEC 1CONTEMPORARY SOUTHCONVENIENT COUNTRY ESTATESCOOK MARKCOOKWOOD RP & CORRECTED PLATCOON HOLLOW ROADCOOPERCOOPERATIVE LAND & OIL COCOPPER LAKESCOPPER POINTCORNER JOHNCORNETTCORREDOR TURISTICO ATICAMA - LOS COCOSCORRIGAN PEARLANDCOSMOPOLITANCOUNSEL J S LGCOUNTRY CLUB FOREST 02COUNTRY COLONY # 2COUNTRY CREEKCOUNTRY CREEK SUBDIVISIONCOUNTRYPLACECOURTYARDS CONDOSCR 307CR 328CRANBROOK 1CRAWFORD L SURVEYCREEKSIDECREEKSIDE VILLAGECREEKSIDE VILLAGE 04CREEKSIDE/COTTON CRKCREEKSTONE SEC 2CREEKWOODCRENNELANDCRENSHAWCRESCENT PARK VILLAGECRESTMONT PARKCRESTMONT PLACE AMENDING PLACRIPPLE CREEK FARMS 01CROCKETT TRACECROSBY FARMSCROSBY STREET SQUARE T/HCROSS CREEK RANCHCROSSBEND VILLAGE SEC 1CROSSING AT STONE CREEKCROSSING AT TELFAIRCROWN COLONY W TH PH 2CROWN RANCHCROYDEN GARDENSCRYSTAL CANALSCSSCUMBERLANDCUMMINGS JOHN RCUTTEN GREENCW FritzCYPRESS BEND 1-3/CYPRESS MDWSCYPRESS CHASECYPRESS CREEK LAKESCYPRESS MEADOWCYPRESS POINTCYPRESS POINT ESTATESCYPRESS VILLAGECYPRESS WOOD ESTATESCYPRESSWOOD 09Caballo Ranch Sec 01CabiracCabo VelasCabot Cove Sec 1Cabot Cove Sec 2Cabot EstatesCaceresCaceres Pt Rep 2Cactus Jack, Sec 1Cactus Jack, Sec 2Caddo VillageCade Lake Sec 2Cade Lake Sec 8Cade SubCaesars RanchesCageCage AddCage St. LandingCage Street LandingCage Street LndgCagle Branch EstatesCainCairo Bluff EstateCairo Bluff EstatesCalavan Estates Rep 2008CalderCalder HighlandsCalder Manor Patio HomesCalder PlaceCalder TerraceCaldwellCaldwell CrossingCaldwell GoslingCaldwell RanchCaldwell Ranch Sec 1Caldwell Ranch Sec 4Caldwell Ranch Sec 5Caldwell Ranch Sec 6Caldwell Ranch Sec 7CaldwoodCaldwood ForrestCaleta de Campos, Lazaro Càrdenas Mich.Calgary WoodsCalhounCall 158 TR 5 Fort BendCall 35 Tract 3 Atascosa CountyCall 71 Tract 3CallahanCallaway HeightsCalumet Drive LoftsCalvin Richey Surv A-1021Calvin VillageCalvin Village Annex U/RCam Realty Co TrCambridge CommonsCambridge Court CondoCambridge Court Condo Ph 01Cambridge Court Condo Ph 02Cambridge FallsCambridge Falls Sec 1Cambridge Falls Sec 2Cambridge Falls Sec 3Cambridge Falls Sec 4Cambridge Falls Sec 5Cambridge Falls Sec 7Cambridge GlenCambridge Glen Condo Ph 01Cambridge Glen Condo Ph 01 ExtCambridge Glen Condo Ph 03Cambridge HeightsCambridge Street LndgCambridge Village Sec 1Cambridge Village Sec 3Camden Commons CondoCamden CourtCamden Court CondoCamden Long Meadow Farms Homes for RentCamden ParkCamden Park Sec 01Camden Park Sec 02Camden Park Sec 03Camden Park Sec 04Camden Park TwnhsCamden TerraceCamden Woodmill Creek Homes for RentCamelliaCamellia Sec 1Camellia Sec 2Camellia Sec 4CamelotCamelot Forest Sec 1Camelot Forest Sec 2Camelot Forest Sec 3Camelot WoodsCameo PlaceCamilla CovesCamilla Lake SitesCamilla Lake Sites #1Camilla Twin HarborsCamilla Twin Harbors #1Camilla Twin Harbors #3Camilla Twin Harbors #4Camilla Twin Harbors #5Camillo LakesCamillo Lakes Sec 1Camillo Lakes Sec 2Camillo Lakes Sec 3Camillo Lakes Sec 4Camillo Lakes Sec 5Camillo Lakes Sec 6Camillo Lakes Sec FourCamillo Lakes Sec1Camino ParkCamino RealCamino Real, Sec 1Camino Real, Sec 2Camino Real, Sec 3Camino Real, Sec 4Camino SouthCamino South Sec 03 R/PCamino South Sec 04Camp Branch AcresCamp Branch Acres Sec BCamp CanaanCamp Creek AcresCamp Creek LakeCamp Creek W CCamp IMCamp ImCamp Lillie PtCamp LoganCamp Logan First Add AmdCamp Logan Sec 01Camp Logan/MinolaCamp Mirror LakeCamp Mirror Lake Sec 1Camp Mirror Lake Sub Sec 1 Rep 1Camp SubCampbell AcresCampbell Homes CondoCampbell PlaceCampbell WoodsCampbell Woods 3Campbell Woods Sec 01Campbell Woods Sec 02Campbell Woods Sec 02 R/PCampbell Woods Sec 03Campbells 4th AdditionCampbells Little Farm AddCampbells Third AdditionCampeche CoveCampeche Cove 2 TwnhmsCampeche Shores Rep 2005Campobello SubCampos subdivisionCamptownCampus CornersCampwoodCana BayCanal CityCanal Terrace U/RCandelaCandela Sec 2Candela Sec 3Candela Sec 4Candela Sec 7Candela SouthCandlelight Estates Sec 01Candlelight Estates Sec 04Candlelight Forest Sec 02Candlelight Forest West Sec 01Candlelight Forest West Sec 03Candlelight Forest West Sec 04Candlelight HillCandlelight HillsCandlelight Hills Sec 01 R/PCandlelight Hills Sec 02Candlelight Hills Sec 03Candlelight Hills Sec 05Candlelight Oaks Sec 01 R/PCandlelight Oaks Sec 02 R/PCandlelight Oaks Sec 03Candlelight Oaks VillageCandlelight Park EstatesCandlelight PlaceCandlelight Place Sec 03Candlelight PlazaCandlelight Plaza Sec 01Candlelite Grove AdditionCane Crossing EstatesCane IslandCane Island SEC 22Cane Island Sec 1Cane Island Sec 14Cane Island Sec 19Cane Island Sec 2Cane Island Sec 22Cane Island Sec 24Cane Island Sec 27Cane Island Sec 33Cane Island Sec 34Cane Island Sec 38Cane Island Sec 4Cane Island Sec 45Cane Island Sec 5Cane Island Sec 9Caney AcresCaney Cove Estates Sec 2Caney Creek ColonyCaney Creek CrossingCaney Creek EstatesCaney Creek Estates Sec 1Caney Creek Estates Sec 2Caney Creek Estates Sec 3Caney Creek HavenCaney Creek Haven Sec 1Caney Creek Haven Sec 2Caney Creek Haven Sec 3Caney Creek Haven Sec 4Caney Creek PlaceCaney Lake Park 02Caney Lake Park 03Caney MillsCaney Mills 01Caney Mills 02Caney Mills 04Caney Mills 05Caney Trails 2Canfield OaksCanino JoeCannan Ranch House Sec 2 AnglCannon AcresCannon CourtCanopies at PresswoodsCanopy CourtCanterbury Forest Sec 01Canterbury Forest Sec 02Canterbury ParkCanterbury Park Sec 1Canterbury Park Sec 2Canterbury Park Sec 3 A0507-ACanterbury Park Sec 6Canterbury PlaceCanterbury Ranch 01Canterbury VillageCanterbury Village Sec 01Canterbury Village Sec 02Canterra CreekCanyon CreekCanyon Creek 01Canyon Creek 03Canyon Creek 04Canyon Creek Preserve Ph 3Canyon Crossing 01Canyon Gate At Legends RanchCanyon Gate At Legends Ranch 0Canyon Gate At Legends Ranch 02Canyon Gate At Legends Ranch 05Canyon Gate At Legends Ranch 07Canyon Gate At NorthpointeCanyon Gate At Northpointe 0Canyon Gate At Northpointe 01Canyon Gate At Northpointe 02Canyon Gate At Northpointe 03Canyon Gate At Northpointe 04Canyon Gate At Northpointe 05Canyon Gate At Northpointe 06Canyon Gate At Northpointe 07Canyon Gate At Northpointe 10Canyon Gate At Northpointe SecCanyon Gate At The BrazosCanyon Gate At The Brazos Sec 10Canyon Gate At The Brazos Sec 11Canyon Gate At The Brazos Sec 2Canyon Gate At The Brazos Sec 3Canyon Gate At The Brazos Sec 5Canyon Gate At The Brazos Sec 8Canyon Gate At The Brazos Sec 9Canyon Gate At Westheimer LakesCanyon Gate At Westheimer Lakes Sec 1Canyon Gate At Westheimer Lakes Sec 2Canyon Gate At the BrazosCanyon Gate Cinco RanchCanyon Gate Cinco Ranch Sec 1Canyon Gate Cinco Ranch Sec 2Canyon Gate Cinco Ranch Sec 3Canyon Gate Cinco Ranch Sec 4Canyon Gate Cinco Ranch Sec 7Canyon Gate at the BrazosCanyon Gate/Northpointe Sec 01Canyon Gate/Northpointe Sec 04Canyon Gate/Northpointe Sec 1Canyon Gate/Northpointe Sec 10Canyon Gate/Northpointe Sec 4Canyon Gate/Pk Lakes Sec 09Canyon Gate/Pk Lakes Sec 13Canyon Gate/Pk Lakes Sec 14Canyon Gate/Pk Lakes Sec 16 16Canyon Gate/Pk Lakes Sec 9 D 9Canyon Lake Estates 1Canyon Lake Forest 2Canyon Lake Hills 1Canyon Lake Hills 3Canyon Lake ShoresCanyon Lake Village West 3Canyon Lake VillasCanyon Lakes At Cardiff Ranch Sec 1Canyon Lakes At Cardiff Ranch Sec 2Canyon Lakes At Cardiff Ranch Sec 5Canyon Lakes At Legend RanchCanyon Lakes At Legends RanchCanyon Lakes At Spring TrailsCanyon Lakes At Stonegate 01Canyon Lakes At Stonegate 02Canyon Lakes At Stonegate 05Canyon Lakes At Stonegate 06Canyon Lakes At The BrazosCanyon Lakes At The Brazos Sec 1Canyon Lakes At Westheimer LakesCanyon Lakes At Westheimer Lakes Sec 1Canyon Lakes At Westheimer Lakes Sec 2Canyon Lakes VillageCanyon Lakes Village Sec 01Canyon Lakes Village Sec 02Canyon Lakes Village Sec 03Canyon Lakes Village Sec 2Canyon Lakes Village Sec 3Canyon Lakes WestCanyon Lakes West Sec 01Canyon Lakes West Sec 02Canyon Lakes West Sec 04Canyon Lakes West Sec 05Canyon Lakes West Sec 1Canyon Lakes West Sec 10Canyon Lakes West Sec 3 & 7 PtCanyon Lakes West Sec 4Canyon Lakes West Sec 5Canyon Lakes at Stone GateCanyon Lakes at StonegateCanyon Lks/StonegateCanyon Lks/Stonegate Sec 07Canyon Lks/Stonegate Sec 09Canyon Lks/Stonegate Sec 10Canyon Lks/Stonegate Sec 11Canyon Lks/Stonegate Sec 12Canyon Lks/Stonegate Sec 14Canyon Lks/Stonegate Sec 7Canyon Lks/Stongate Sec 14Canyon Oaks 04Canyon ParkCanyon Park Sec 2Canyon Park Sec 3Canyon Park Sec 4Canyon RanchCanyon Ranch - Sec 1Canyon Ridge SpgsCanyon Spgs At Westheimer LakesCanyon Spgs At Westheimer Lakes Sec 1Canyon Spgs At Westheimer Lakes Sec 2Canyon Spgs Resort 1Canyon Spgs Sec 07Canyon Spgs Sec 08Canyon Spgs Sec 09Canyon Village At CypressCanyon Village At Cypress Spgs Sec 7Canyon Village At Park LakesCanyon Village At WestheimerCanyon Village At Westheimer LakesCanyon Village At Westheimer Lakes Sec 2Canyon Village At Westheimer Lakes Sec 3Canyon Village At Westheimer Lakes Sec 5Canyon Village at Westheimer LakesCanyon Vlg/Cypress SpgsCanyon Vlg/Cypress Spgs Sec 06Canyon Vlg/Cypress Spgs Sec 08Canyon Vlg/Cypress Spgs Sec 09Canyon Vlg/Cypress Spgs Sec 5Canyon Vlg/Cypress Spgs Sec 7Canyon Vlg/Pk LakesCanyon Vlg/Pk Lakes Sec 05Canyon Vlg/Pk Lakes Sec 06Canyon Vlg/Pk Lakes Sec 07Canyon Vlg/Pk Lakes Sec 08Canyon lakes villageCanyongate/Pk Lakes Sec 9Canyons At Lake TravisCape CarancahuaCape Carancahua #4Cape Carancahua 01Cape Carancahua 02Cape Carancahua 03Cape Carancahua 04Cape Carancahua 05Cape Carancahua Bus ParkCape ConroeCape Conroe 01Cape Conroe 01 Pt Rep 2Cape Conroe 02Cape MalibuCape RoyaleCape Royale Forest CoveCape Royale Imperial EstatesCape Royale Imperial PointCape Royale Kings PointCape Royale Kings RidgeCape Royale Kings Ridge #1Cape Royale Kings Ridge #2Cape Royale Pine HarbourCape Royale Villa De MarinaCape Royale Villa De Marina #2Cape Royale Villa De Marina #4Cape Royale, Royale GreensCape ShoresCape Shores SubCape TerraceCapistrano Villas North T/HCapital OaksCapitol CommonsCapitol Hill EstatesCapitol Hill Estates 01Capitol Hill Estates 03Capitol LoftsCapitol Lofts CondoCapitol OaksCapitol Oaks Re Sec 03 01Capitol Oaks Sec 2Capitol Oaks Sec 3 Rp #1CaplanCaplenCaplen Shores 87Capps 01CaprockCaptains Cove CondosCaptains Cove Condos Bldg CCaptains Cove ResortCaptains Cove Sub Sec FourCaptains Retreat Sec 3 UnrecCaracolesCaradine SubCardinal PlaceCardwell CourtCaribbean TownhomesCarina Court Sec 02Carlin PlaceCarlin’s AdditionCarltonCarlton AcresCarlton BrazoriaCarlton N JCarlton Wooded AcresCarlton WoodsCarlton Woods CreeksideCarmel Hills ICarmel Hills SubCarmel VillageCarmel Village Ph ICarnegie/Allston StreetCarolina Cove - Sec 1Carolina Cove - Sec 2Carolina Gardens Sec 01Carolina Gardens Sec 01 R/PCarolina PlaceCarolyn Meadows SubCarpenter Lndg Sec 5Carpenters Lndg Sec 01Carpenters Lndg Sec 2Carr Wm SubCarriage HillsCarriage Hills 01Carriage Hills 02Carriage Hills 03Carriage LaneCarriage TrailsCarrickCarrieage HillsCarrington Oaks SubCarrington PlaceCarrington SubCarrol Road Sub #6CarrollCarroll AddCarrolleton Annex #3Carry Dunham Surv Abs #826Carter AddCarter Add 01Carter CountryCarter LakeCarter ReserveCarter's GroveCartersCarters 3Carters CourtCarters Sec 02Carters Sec 03Carters Waterview Blk 53CartwrightCartwright 1Cartwright 2Cartwright TerraceCartwright ThosCaruthersCarverCarver CourtCarver Crest R/P & ExtCarver EstatesCarver Estates SubCarver LandingCarver Place Sec 01Carver TerraceCarverdale Sec 01Carverdale Sec 02Carverdale Sec 03Carverdale Sec 04Carverdale Sec 06Carverdale Sec 7 Partial ReplaCary VillasCasa AreneCasa Courts #2 - BishopCasa Del MarCasa Del Mar CONDOCasa Del Mar CondoCasa Del Mar CondominiumsCasa Marina Del SolCasa Rio CondoCasa del MarCasalventoCasanova HeightsCascada at Canyon LakeCascada at Tres Lagos PH 1Cascades AddCascaraCasey 2 BrittonCasey Cedar BayouCashCashel Forest 10-L Sec 02Cashel Forest Sec 2CastanieCastilian Village T/HCastle CourtCastle Heights Blks A-DCastle Hill North ICastle HillsCastle ParkCastle RockCastle Rock Sec 01Castle Rock Sec 2CastlegateCastlegate IICastlegate II Sec 100Castlegate II Sec 106Castlegate II Sec 204Castlegate Sec 07 Ph 01Castlegate Sec 11Castlegate Sec 12Castlegate Sub Sec 2 Ph 2Castlewood Add Sec 04Castlewood Sec 04Castlewood TRC U/RCastlewood Tr A U/RCastlewood Tr C U/RCastone Court/West 20 1st StCat Creek RidgeCat Hollow Ph 02Cat Hollow Sec C Ph 01Cat Mountain Villas Sec 02Cat SpringCat Spring EstatesCatalina Court SubCatalina CoveCatalina NorthCatalina Square Sec 01Catalina Square Sec 04Catalina VillageCatalina WestCatera VillasCaters ParkviewCathedral City CoveCathree VillasCatillito del CaribeCattailsCattails Twnhms Ph 3 Bldg 598Causeway ParkCavalier TerraceCave E WCay LandingCayden CreekCayden Creek 03Cebra CourtCedar Bayou EstatesCedar Bayou Estates U/RCedar Bayou ParkCedar Bayou Park EastCedar Bayou Park WestCedar CoveCedar CreekCedar Creek 01Cedar Creek Acres 626Cedar Creek CondoCedar Creek EstatesCedar Creek RanchCedar Creek Ranch, Sec 1Cedar Creek Th CondoCedar Creek, Sec 1Cedar Creek, Sec 2Cedar CrestCedar Crest RanchCedar Crk EstsCedar Crossing 01Cedar Crossing 1Cedar Dale SubCedar GroveCedar HeightsCedar HillCedar Hills Sub UnrecCedar Lake EstatesCedar Landing Sec 2 2000Cedar Landing Sec 3 2002Cedar LaneCedar Lane EstatesCedar LawnCedar Oaks U/RCedar PointCedar Point Sec 1Cedar Point Sec 2Cedar Point Sec 3Cedar Point Sec 5Cedar Point Sec 6Cedar Point Section 1Cedar Post ParkCedar Post Park CondoCedar Post T/H CondoCedar RidgeCedar Ridge Estates Ph IICedar Ridge Ph 02Cedar SpgsCedar Springs, Sec 2Cedar Springs, Sec 3Cedar SubCedar ValleyCedar Valley #1Cedar Valley #2Cedar Village T/HCedar WoodsCedarpost ParkCedarpost SquareCedarwild T/H CondoCedarwoodCedarwood Sec 01CeiloCentennial AdditionCentennial Condo Rev 1997Centennial OaksCentennial Place AddCenter Hill SubCenter PlaceCenter Street PlazaCenter Street Plaza Sec 02Center Street SquareCenterfield Lakes In Bay ColonCenterfield Lakes In Bay ColonyCenterfield Res BCenterpointeCenterpointe Sec 4 2001CentervilleCentralCentral CityCentral GardensCentral Gardens Add Sec 02Central Gardens ExtCentral Gardens Sec 02Central Harvey Morey Surv AbsCentral HeightsCentral Heights 2Central Heights Add Un 1Central Heights R/PCentral Heights Sec 02Central ParkCentral Park - FriendswoodCentral Park AddCentral Park Magnolia ParkCentral Park SquareCentral Park VillasCentre Park TerraceCentre Park Terrace SouthCentrepark TerraceCentroCentro 01Century Farms At Chappell Hill SubCentury Oaks EstatesCentury PlazaCerda EstatesCesar HeightsCgh & Hh Abs 4Ch Cox AddChadean ForestChadwick Hogan EstatesChaisonChalet Royale T/H CondoChama 02ChambersChambers BayChambers Country West LakesChambers County School Land SuChambers County WestChambers CreekChambers-LaserdaChambord Condo Ph AChambord Condo Ph BChampion Falls EstatesChampion ForestChampion Forest SecChampion Forest Sec 01Champion Forest Sec 02Champion Forest Sec 03Champion Forest Sec 04Champion Forest Sec 05Champion Forest Sec 06Champion Forest Sec 07Champion Forest Sec 09Champion Forest Sec 10Champion Forest Sec 11Champion Forest Sec 12Champion GlenChampion Glen 01Champion Heavens SubChampion Hills 01Champion LakeChampion Lake 01Champion Lakes Estates Sec 2Champion OakChampion OaksChampion PinesChampion Pines Condo 27th SuppChampion Spgs Sec 01 AmdChampion Spgs Sec 02Champion Spgs Sec 3Champion Spgs VillageChampion SpringsChampion VillageChampion Woods At Colony CreekChampion Woods EstatesChampion Woods Estates Sec 01Champion Woods Estates Sec 1Champion's ForestChampions ArborChampions Celebrity ColonyChampions Celebrity Colony 01Champions Centre Estates Sec 02Champions Centre Mirage PartiaChampions Colony 03Champions Colony Sec 02Champions Court Sec 01Champions CreekChampions Creek Estates Sec 01Champions Creek Sec 01Champions CrossingChampions Crossing Sec 1Champions East U/R & Prcl R/PChampions ForestChampions Forest Sec 01Champions Glen U/R R/SChampions Lndg Sec 2Champions Lndg Sec 3Champions Lndg Sec 4Champions NorthChampions North ParkChampions NorthwestChampions OakChampions ParkChampions Park Blks 6-18 & RpChampions Park NorthChampions Park Park Ut-3Champions Park R/PChampions PlaceChampions Point GroveChampions Point VillageChampions Point Village 02 PrcChampions Point Village Sec 02Champions Point Village Sec 03Champions Racquet ClubChampions Racquet Club Sec 02Champions SouthChampions Terrace Sec 01Champions Terrace Sec 01 U/RChampions TrailChampions WestChampions West Ext & R/PChampions West Ext & RepChampions Xing Sec 01Champions Xing Sec 02Champions Xing Sec 04ChancelChandlerChannel Wood Sec 02ChannelwoodChannelwood Sec 01Channelwood Sec 02Channelwood Sec 03Chaparral Crossing Condo AmdChaparral PlaceChaparral RanchChaparral VillageChaparral Village Sec 02Chapel BendChapel HeightsChapel Heights ExtChapel RunChapel Run 01Chapel Run 02ChapmansChapmans Add 03Chapmans Sec 02Chapmans Sec 03Chapparel Ranchettes 580Chappel HillsChappell GroveChappell Grove S/DChappell Grove SUBChappell Grove SubChappell Hill South 290Chappell Hill WestChappell HillsCharis PlaceCharles &Charles B StewartCharles BigelowCharles Donoho Surv A-24Charles F Machemehl Surv Abs 3Charles Farnash Surv A-254Charles O Ellstrom Sec 176Charles O Ellstroms SubCharles SmithCharles Ware Abs-784Charles WillcoxCharles Willcox 01 03 LeagueCharles Willcox 02 03 LeagueCharles Willcox 02 03 League & LCharles Willcox 2/3rd League ACharleston HeightsCharleston Heights Sec 1Charleston Manor Condo Ph 01Charleston heightsCharlestown Colony Sec 02Charlie Clarks AdditionCharnwoodCharterwoodCharterwood 7Charterwood Sec 01Charterwood Sec 07Charterwood Sec 10ChaseChase Park Sec 1 96Chase Park Sec 2 99Chase Park Sec 3 2000Chase Park Sec 4 2004Chase Run 01Chase Run 02Chase Run 04Chasewood 01Chasewood Meadows Sec 1Chasewood R/P Sec 1Chasse Ridge EstatesChateau Estate U/RChateau Forest 3Chateau Forest Sec 01 R/P & ExtChateau Forest Sec 02Chateau Forest Sec 03Chateau Oaks Sec 1Chateau Ten - River OaksChateau WestChateau WoodsChateaus/Roy StreetChateaux Bayou AptsChateaux/PkChatfieldChatsworth OaksChatterton OaksChatwood PlaceChatwood Place 5Chatwood Place Sec 03Chatwood Place Sec 04Chatwood Place Sec 05Chatwood Place Sec 06Chatwood Place Sec 6Cheatham AddCheatus/Mansfield StreetChelsea HarbourChelsea Harbour Sec 1Chelsea Harbour Sec 2Chelsea ManorChelsea Place T/H CondoChelsea Town Villas CondoChenango RanchChenango Ranch Sec 1Chenango Ranch Sec 2Chenevert & Tuam CondoChenevert ChateletChenevert CommonsChenevert CondosChenevert EstatesChenevert StreetChenevert Street TwnhmsCherokeeCherokee R/PCherryCherry CreekCherry Hollow Estates Sec 03Cherry Meadows AmdCherry PinesCherry PlaceCherry Place Prcl R/PCherry PointCherry Point RanchettesCherry Street U/RCherryHurst THCherryhurstCherrywood EstatesChesapeake Village CondoChesswoodChesswood Sec 1Chester Heights Rep #1Chesterfield Sec 01Chestnut EnclaveChestwood Sec 02Chevy ChaseChevy Chase #2 AngletonChevy Chase #3 AngletonChew F FChew F-FCheyenneCheyne WalkChicago Lumber and Mill Co 2nd AdditionChildress CourtChildress Court Sec 02Childress Ranch EstatesChilds & KellerChimney HillChimney Hill Sec 01Chimney Hill Sec 02Chimney Hill Sec 05Chimney Hill Sec 1Chimney Hills Sec 02ChimneystoneChimneystone Sec 02Chimneystone Sec 2Chimneystone Sec 3China GroveChina Grove Village 01Choate Add/SeabrookChocolate Bayou EstatesChocolate Bayou Estates Sec 01Chocolate Bayou Estates Sec 02Chrighton Road EstatesChrisman, HoratioChristian SmithChristian Smith Surv Abs #69Christopher Edinburgh League SChristopher SquareChuckanutChurch AcresChurchill FarmsChurchill Farms Sec 1Churchill Farms Sec 3Churchill Farms Sec 4Churchill Farms Sec 6Churchill T/H CondoChurchill Th CondoCieloCielo Azul Ut 3Cielo VistaCimarronCimarron 8 & R/PCimarron CountryCimarron CreekCimarron Creek 01Cimarron Creek 02Cimarron Creek 04Cimarron Creek 06Cimarron Creek 07Cimarron ICimarron SecCimarron Sec 01 R/PCimarron Sec 02Cimarron Sec 03Cimarron Sec 07Cimarron Sec 08 R/PCimarron Sec 09 R/PCimmaron 02Cinco At Willow Fork Sec 2Cinco RanchCinco Ranch Cinco Forest Sec 3Cinco Ranch Equestrian VillageCinco Ranch Equestrian Village Sec 3Cinco Ranch Fm 1093 Tr Sec 1Cinco Ranch Fountain ViewCinco Ranch Greenway VillageCinco Ranch Greenway Village SEC 8Cinco Ranch Greenway Village Sec 10Cinco Ranch Greenway Village Sec 11Cinco Ranch Greenway Village Sec 2Cinco Ranch Greenway Village Sec 9Cinco Ranch Mdw PlaceCinco Ranch Mdw Place Sec 01Cinco Ranch Meadow PlaceCinco Ranch Meadow Place Sec 0Cinco Ranch Meadow Place Sec 5Cinco Ranch Meadow Place Sec 6Cinco Ranch North LakeCinco Ranch North Lake VillageCinco Ranch North Lake Village Sec 13Cinco Ranch North Lake Village Sec 6Cinco Ranch North Lake Village Sec 7Cinco Ranch NorthwestCinco Ranch Northwest Sec 1Cinco Ranch Northwest Sec 10Cinco Ranch Northwest Sec 2Cinco Ranch Northwest Sec 9Cinco Ranch South Lake Village Sec 2Cinco Ranch Southpark Sec 1Cinco Ranch Southpark Sec 3Cinco Ranch SouthwestCinco Ranch Southwest Sec 1Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 11Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 12Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 13Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 14Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 19Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 24Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 26Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 27Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 28Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 29Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 35Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 37Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 38Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 39Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 4Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 41Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 42Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 43Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 47Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 48Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 49Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 53Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 54Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 57Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 58Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 62Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 63Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 66Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 68Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 7Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 70Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 8Cinco Ranch WestCinco Ranch West Sec 1Cinco Ranch West Sec 15Cinco Ranch West Sec 21Cinco Ranch West Sec 22Cinco Ranch West Sec 24Cinco Ranch West Sec 25Cinco Ranch West Sec 29Cinco Ranch West Sec 4Cinco Ranch West Sec 5Cinco Ranch West Sec 6Cinco West At Seven MeadowsCinco West At Seven Meadows Sec 1Cinco West At Seven Meadows Sec 4Circle D EastCircle LawnCistern RanchCitrus Gardens VillageCityCity Centre BrownstonesCity Gardens Sec 01City GateCity Gate NorthCity Gate Sec 1City Gate Sec 2City Gate Sec 3City Gate Sec 4City Gate Sec 5City Gate Sec 6City Gate Sec 7City Gate Section 7City Heights BrittmooreCity Homes/Woodland ParkCity Hts/BrittmooreCity LimitsCity Of Bryan TownsiteCity Of BurtonCity Of Carmine 360City Of Fayetteville 390City Of Fayetteville Comm PropCity Of Flatonia 400City Of HempsteadCity Of HuntingtonCity Of La Grange 425City Of LyonsCity Of NacogdochesCity Of ParisCity Of Round Top 490City Of Round Top AcreageCity Of Schulenburg 497City Outlots ColumbiaCity ParkCity Park Sec 01City Park Sec 05City Park Sec 2City Park SouthCity Park South Sec 1City Park South Sec 2City Park South Sec 3 (View subdivisionCity Park South Sec 4City Park South Sec 5City Park South Sec 6City Park WestCity Park West Sec 02City Park West Sec 03City Park West Sec 05City Park West Sec 1City Park West Sec 3City Park West Sec 7City Place 01City Place Sec 01City PlazaCity Plaza At Town SquareCity Plaza CondoCity PromenadeCity View LoftsCity of Bryan TownsiteCity of BurkburnettCity of FlatoniaCity of HelenaCity of HempsteadCity of HitchcockCity of LaRueCity of LufkinCity of LyonsCity of MoroCity of PaducahCity of PalestineCity of SpartaCity of SurfsideCity of TomballCity of WallerCity/BremondCity/CalvertCity/CueroCity/GalvestonCity/GroesbeckCity/HearneCity/HoustonCity/MidwayCity/TeagueCity/TomballCity/Triggs AddCityscene 02Cityscene 2Cityview TersCiudad MaderasCladewellClaiborne West Surv A-27ClairmontClairmont PlaceClairmont Place Sec 01Clairmont Place Sec 02Clairmont Place Sec 1Clairmont Place Sec 1 PartialClara & TV Zumwalt Surv Abs 80Clara VistaClaremont ParkClaremont Park Sec 1 98Claremont Park Sec 2 99Claremont Park Sec 3 2000Claremont Park Sec 4 2000Claremont Park Sec 6 2001Clarence Mill SubClarence Schicke 2Clarence Schicke 3ClarkClark Beach Surv A-79Clark Beach Surv Abs 79 TractClark Pines Sec 02Clark Road Villas SubClark Wm CClarke A W 3Clarke A W 5Clarke SpgsClarke Spgs Sec 3Clarke SubClarksClay CommunityClay Meadows Sec 01 U/RClay MorrisClay Woods Sec 01 02 AmdClaytonClayton GreensClayton Greens Sec 02Clayton Oaks Sec 01Clayton PlaceClayton SecClayton Sec 01Clayton Sec 02Clayton TraceClayton WestClaytons CornerClaytons Corner Sec 02Claytons Corner Sec 04Claytons ParkClaytons Park EastClaytons Park Sec 01Claytons Park Sec 02Claytons Park Sec 1Claytons Park Sec 2Claytons Park Sec 3Clear Brook Crossing Sec 01Clear Brook Crossing Sec 02Clear Brook Lndg Sec 02Clear Brook Lndg Sec 1Clear Brook MeadowsClear Brook Meadows Sec 01Clear Brook Meadows Sec 03Clear Brook Meadows Sec 04Clear Creek Area-9950.01Clear Creek Blk DClear Creek Blk GClear Creek DevClear Creek Estates Sec II PeClear Creek ForestClear Creek Forest 11Clear Creek Forest 12Clear Creek Forest 13 RepClear Creek Forest 3Clear Creek Forest 6Clear Creek Forest 7Clear Creek Forest 8Clear Creek Forest 9Clear Creek HeightsClear Creek Heights Sec 3Clear Creek Manor Sec 3Clear Creek Meadows Sec 1Clear Creek VillageClear Creek Village Sec 2Clear Creek Village Sec 5Clear Creek Village Sec 6 Ph 2Clear Crk Shores Sec 2Clear Lake AreaClear Lake CityClear Lake City Core B Sec 01Clear Lake City Core D SecClear Lake City Core D Sec 01Clear Lake City SecClear Lake City Sec 01Clear Lake City Sec 02Clear Lake City Sec 03Clear Lake City Sec 03 Reserve HClear Lake City Sec 04Clear Lake ForestClear Lake Forest Sec 01Clear Lake Forest Sec 02Clear Lake Forest Sec 04Clear Lake Forest Sec 05Clear Lake PinesClear Lake Pines - Sec 3Clear Lake Pines - Sec 4Clear Lake Plantation SubClear Lake ShoresClear View EstatesClear View EstsClear Water CoveClear Water PointClearviewClearview TerraceClearview Village Sec 02Clearview Village Sec 03Clearview Village Sec 07Clearwater Bay SubClearwater Canyon RanchClearwickClearwood Crossing Sec 01Clearwood EstatesClearwood Lndg Rep 02Clearwood Xing Sec 03Clearwood Xing Sec 04Clearwood Xing Sec 4Clearwood Xing South Sec 01Cleburne Street LandingClement EdnaClement LolitaCliff ViewCliffs Of San LeonCliffs Ph 08Cliffstone HillsClifton By The SeaCline HomesClintonClinton OldClinton ParkClinton Park AddCloister CondoCloistersCloon SubCloon Sub 1Cloon Sub 4Cloon Sub 5Clopton FarmsCloudClover LeafClover Leaf AddClover Leaf Add Sec 02Clover Leaf Add Sec 04Clover Leaf Sec 02Clover Leaf Sec 03Clover Leaf Sec 04Clover Street LndgClovercreekClovercreek 01CloverdaleCloverdale To Port ArthurCloverland Sec 01Cloverland Sec 02Cloverland Sec 04CloverleafCloverleaf Add 2nd SubClub de golf atlasCluster Oaks T/HCoan A LCoastal PointCoastal Point Sec 1CobanoCobbCobblestoneCobblestone EstatesCobblestone Sec 1Cobblestone Sec 2Cobbs Cove (87)Cobbs Cove 87Coby TrackCochran 45Cochran EstatesCochran's CrossingCockrillCoco EstatesCoconut Grove 2009Cody GanadoCogans CreekCohen Robert ICohn HeightsCohn Street PlazaCoke Street LndgCol San LuisCold River RanchCold River Ranch Ph 1Cold River Ranch Ph 2Coldspring AcresColdspring TerraceColdspring Terrace #1Coldspring Terrace #3Coldspring WoodsCole Creek ManorCole Creek Manor Sec 01Cole Crk Manor Sec 01Cole SColemanColeman EstatesColeman Sec 01Coles CrossingColes Crossing Sec 01Coles Crossing Sec 12Coles Crossing Sec 15Coles Crossing Sec 16Coles Crossing Sec 17Coles Crossing Sec 20Coles Crossing Sec 21Coles Crossing Sec 25Coles VillageColes Xing Sec 10 Ph 02Coles Xing Sec 30Colina Court Shady AcresColina Court/Elgin StreetColina Court/Petty StreetColina Homes on West 17th StreetColina Homes/Eigel Street SubColina Homes/West 25th StreetColina Homes/West 28th StreetCollardCollard L MCollard L M (A-10)College AcCollege AcresCollege Add First AmendinCollege Court PlaceCollege HeightsCollege Heights 2ndCollege HillCollege Main VillasCollege OaksCollege Oaks Sec 01College ParkCollege Park Add Sec 07 Deer ParkCollege Park EstatesCollege Park Estates Sec 2College Park Estates Sec 5College Park Estates Sec 6College Park Sec 01College Park Sec 03College Park Sec 05College Park Sec 06College Park Sec 07College Park Sec 08College Park West Sec 01College Park West Sec 02College Park West Sec 5College PlaceCollege Place Sec 1College Place Sec 2College TerraceCollege ViewCollege View EstatesCollege VistaCollegeport EstatesCollegeviewCollegeview Sec 01Collegeview Sec 02Collegeview Sec 03CollinsCollins AddCollins EstatesCollinswood Sec 01Collinswood Sec 02Colombian VillageColonia Del CarmenColonia Fraccionamiento Lomas de CortesColonia IndependenciaColonia OlimpoColonia Weisenberger Sec 01Colonia WeisenerColonial EstatesColonial Estates Ph IColonial GardensColonial HillsColonial OaksColonial TerraceColonial VillageColonial Village Barren SpgsColonies Concord Colony Sec 01Colony AngletonColony At PinehurstColony BendColony Bend Sec 1Colony Bend Sec 2Colony Bend Sec 3Colony CreekColony Creek Sec 1Colony Creek VillageColony Creek Village Sec 01Colony Creek Village Sec 02Colony Creek Village Sec 03Colony Creek Village Sec 04Colony Creek Village Sec 05Colony Creek Village Sec 06Colony Creek Village Sec 07Colony De BernardColony GrantColony Grant Sec 1Colony Lake Estates Sec 3Colony LakesColony Lakes Sec 1Colony Lakes Sec 5Colony Lakes Sec 6Colony Lakes Sec 8Colony Madrid T/HColony Mud 1bColony OaksColony Oaks Sec 1Colony Park 1Colony Park 2Colony Park EstatesColony Place 02Colony Square Angleton 318Colony T/H U/RColony TheColony WestColony West Sec 1-2-3-4Colony WoodsColony Woods Sec 1Colony at PinehurstColoradoColorado River EstateColorado River Estate Sec 1Colorado River Estate Sec 2Colorado River EstatesColour VistaColquitt CourtColquitt Richmond LandingColquitt Street GardensColquitt Street LndgColt RanchColumbiaColumbia Hills CourtColumbia LakesColumbia Lakes Sec 1-2-3-4-5Columbia Lakes Sec 4Columbian ClubColumbusColumbus CourtColumbus Downtown View CondoColumbus RangesColvin AcresColwell, RobertComal Street EstatesComanche TraceComfort PlaceComm 1-Comm1Commerce Ave TwnhmsCommerce Tower Condo 02 AmdCommerce Towers CondoCommodore CapeCommodore Cape Sec 3CommonsCommons At Westbrae Sec 01Commons Lake HoustonCommons Lake Houston Sec 01Commons Lake Houston Sec 03Commons Lake Houston Sec 06Commons Lake Houston Sec 07Commons Lake Houston Sec 08Commons Lake Houston Sec 14Commons Of Lake HoustonCommons Park PlaceCommons Sec 02 U/RCommons WaterwayCommons Waterway Sec 04Commons Waterway Sec 4Commons Waterway Sec 5Commons Waterway Sec 7Commons Waterway Sec 8Commons Waterway Sec Five 5Commons at Ella ForestCommons at EngelkeCommons at West TidwellCommons of Lake HoustonCommons of Lake Houston PlantationsCommons/Ella FrstCommons/Lake Houston Sec 02Commons/West TidwellCommonwealthCommonwealth CommonsCommonwealth CondoCommonwealth EstatesCommonwealth ParkCompton-HullCon Canyon Oaks #1Concan Cc/Mountain VlyConcan Cntry Club/Mountain VlyConcan Country Club at Mountain ValleyConcan Country Club/Mountain VConcord BridgeConcord Bridge NorthConcord Bridge Sec 03Concord Bridge Sec 05Concord Bridge Sec 06Concord Bridge Sec 07Concord Bridge Sec 6Concord ColonyConcord Colony Sec 01Concord EstatesConcord Trace 1Concord Trace Sec 03Concorde TerraceCondominium Cerro ColonCondominiums At Grants LakeCondominiums At Sterling GreenCondomino MarinalConjunto Residencial Terraza Marina ClubConjunto Villa ToledoConleeConley, PrestonConly AddConnecticut PlaceConnell SubConner CrossingConnor JConroe BayConroe Estates 01Conroe South Bus ParkConroe South OF SH 105Constellation PointeConstellation Pointe Sec 2Contempo YaleContemporary D Garden Oaks Rep #1Contemporary Garden Oaks Rep 1Contemporary Heights Sec 03 AmContemporary Heights Sec 06Contemporary Main PlazaContemporary Main Plaza PRP1Contemporary Main Plaza PartiaContemporary Main Plaza TwnhmsContemporary Main Plaza TwnhseContemporary Main Sec 01Contemporary Park Sec 01Contemporary Park Sec 09Contemporary Plaza 02 Amd 01Contemporary Plaza Sec 03Contemporary Plaza Sec 05Contemporary Plaza Sec 07 AmdContemporary Plaza Sec 2Contemporary Plaza Sec 7 AmdContemporary SouthContemporary South Twnhse CondoContemporary WestContemporary West Twnhse CondoContemporary WestheimerContemporary Westheimer TownhouseContemporary Westheimer TwnhseContinental PlazaContinental Plaza Sec 01 U/RContinental Plaza Sec 02 U/RContinental Plaza Sec 2Continential PlazaConvenient Country EstateConvenient Country Estate Ph 2Convenient Country EstatesConvenient Country Estates PhaConverse LoftsConzleman AddCook & StewartCook CrossingCooksey PlaceCookwoodCool SpringsCoolidge and CasteelCoolidge and Casteel AdditionCoon AcresCooperCooper AddCooper J MCooper Smith CourtCooper TractCooper Village Sec 1Cooperative Land & Oil CoCooperative Land and Oil CoCopacabana By The SeaCopacabana By The Sea Sec 2Copano CoveCopano Village SubCopeland John RCopper Bend at Indian TrailsCopper Cove Sec 1Copper Cove Sec 1 Rep #1Copper CreekCopper Creek CondosCopper Creek Sec 01Copper Creek Sec 02Copper Crk Sec 02 RepCopper FallsCopper GroveCopper Grove Sec 01Copper Grove Sec 02Copper Grove Sec 06 AmdCopper Grove Sec 08 AmdCopper LakesCopper Lakes Sec 02 AmdCopper Lakes Sec 04 02 AmdCopper Lakes Sec 05 AmdCopper Lakes Sec 06Copper Lakes Sec 07Copper Lakes Sec 10Copper Lakes Sec 11Copper Lakes Sec 13Copper Lakes Sec 15Copper Lakes Sec 16Copper PointCopper Point Ph 7Copper Rdg/Indian Trls Sec 1Copper Rdg/Indian Trls Sec 2Copper Rdg/Indian Trls Sec TwoCopper VillageCopper Village Sec 04Copper Village Sec 05Copper Village Sec 06Copper Village Sec 09Copper Village Sec 1Copper Village Sec 8Copperas Hollow Sec 1&2CopperbrookCopperbrook Sec 01Copperbrook Sec 02 AmdCoppercreek Village Sec 01 R/PCoppercreek Village Sec 02 R/PCopperfieldCopperfield - SommerallCopperfield Middlegate VillageCopperfield Middlegate Village Sec 1Copperfield Northmead VillageCopperfield Northmead Village 01Copperfield Northmead Village Rep3Copperfield Ph 10aCopperfield Ph 10cCopperfield Place Village 01 ACopperfield Place Village SecCopperfield Place Village Sec 3Copperfield Place Village, Section 2Copperfield South Crk VillageCopperfield South Crk Village SecCopperfield Southcreek VillageCopperfield Southcrk Village 0Copperfield Southcrk Village 01Copperfield Southdown VillageCopperfield Southdown Village Sec3Copperfield Southpoint 03 R/PCopperfield Westcreek VillageCopperfield Westcreek Village 04 PCopperfield Westcrk VillageCopperfield Westcrk Village 01Copperfield Westcrk Village 2Copperfield Westcrk Village 3Copperwood Condo Ph 01 & 02Cordell EstatesCordell EstsCorderCordonCorinth ManorCorinthian PointCorinthian Point 01Corinthian Point 02Corinthian Point 03Corinthian Point 04Corinthian Pointe Sec 02CormierCorner JohnCorner MaryCorners/Inwood ForestCornerstoneCornerstone PlaceCornerstone Place 2001Cornerstone Place Sec 01Cornerstone Village N Sec 2Cornerstone Village NorthCornerstone Village North 02Cornish GlenCornish PlaceCorona Del SolCoronadoCoronado CondosCoronado Lofts SubCoronado Ridge ICorporate CenterCorporate Centre Fannin ReservCorrective Plat/Town & Cntry TCorrellCorrell 2ndCorriganCorrigan North PearlandCorrigan OtCorrigan PearlandCorrigan WestCorsicanaCorsicana CrossingCortCortina AcresCortlandt LandingCortlandt OaksCorum Station Sec 01 Reserve ECory Morehead Subdivision 32Cory Morehead Subdivision no.25 sec 2Cosmopolitan CondosCosta Bella Sec 02Costa Del SolCosta DivinaCosta RicaCottage GroveCottage Grove 1Cottage Grove 3rd SecCottage Grove 4th SecCottage Grove HavenCottage Grove LakeCottage Grove Lake Pt RepCottage Grove Ph 2bCottage Grove Sec 01Cottage Grove Sec 02Cottage Grove Sec 03Cottage Grove Sec 04Cottage Grove Sec 05Cottage Grove Sec 08 Rep 01Cottage Grove Sec 4 Pt RepCottage Grove Sec 7Cottage Grove Sec 8 Rep #1Cottage Grv AddCottage LandingCottage OaksCottagesCotton CreekCotton Creek SubCotton GinCotton Grove Sec 03Cotton Lake EstateCottonwoodCottonwood Creek Market PlaceCottonwood Creek Ph 3 Unit 2Cottonwood EstatesCottonwood Sec 1Cottonwood Sec 2Cottonwood Sec 4-CCottonwood SubCotullaCouch Park Sec 01Couch Park Sec 02Cougar Country Sub Sec 1Cougar Country Sub Sec 4Coulter Sub of LobeliaCoulters Sub Of LobelloCoulters Sub Of McgeeCountryCountry BriarCountry Briar Sec 02Country ClubCountry Club Cove Sec 01 AmdCountry Club EstatesCountry Club Estates IIICountry Club Estates Ph 2Country Club Estates Sec 04Country Club Estates Sec 2Country Club ForestCountry Club Forest 02Country Club Greens Prcl R PCountry Club HeightsCountry Club ManorCountry Club Manor Sec 02Country Club Manor Sec 03Country Club Manor Sec 1Country Club Manor Sec 4Country Club Oaks Sec 01Country Club Oaks Sec 02Country Club Oaks Sec 03Country Club Oaks Sec 05Country Club Oaks Sec 06Country Club Oaks Sec 08Country Club Oaks Sec 17 AmdCountry Club SquareCountry Club Terrace 1Country ColonyCountry Colony 03 A535Country Colony 05Country Colony 07Country CreekCountry Crk SubCountry EstatesCountry Estates Sec 1&2 AngleCountry ForestCountry Forest 02Country Grove Twnhms Sec 1Country Lake EstatesCountry Lake Estates Sec 01Country Lake Estates Sec 02Country Lake Estates VillageCountry Lake Estates Village Sec 2Country Lakes At Grayson LakesCountry Lakes At Grayson Lakes Sec 6Country Lakes at Grayson LakesCountry LaneCountry Lane Estates 3Country Lane Estates 4Country Lane Estates 5Country Lane Estates 6Country Manor IncCountry Meadow EstatesCountry MeadowsCountry Meadows Sec 02Country Meadows Sec 03Country Meadows Sec 04Country Meadows Sec 05Country Meadows Sec 07Country Meadows Sec 2Country OaksCountry Oaks EstateCountry PinesCountry Place EstatesCountry Place NorthwestCountry Place SubCountry RunCountry SquireCountry Squire CondoCountry SunriseCountry TerCountry TerraceCountry Terrace Sec 02Country Terrace U/RCountry Town EstatesCountry VillageCountry Village 3 Residence HCountry Village ICountry Village Sec 01 R/PCountry Village Sec 02 R/PCountry Village Sec 03Country WestCountry WoodCountry Woods Estates 01CountryplaceCountryplace Sec 1Countryplace Sec 12Countryplace Sec 2CountrysideCountryside Estates Sec 1-2Countryside Sec 2/CountrysideCountryside Sec 3Countryside Sec 4County LineCounty School Lands Abs #332 SCourt & ClayCourt At Museums Gate Condo AmCourt On TilburyCourts At Auburn LakesCourts At St George Place IICourts Of BellvilleCourtside PlaceCourtyard Homes 03Courtyard Homes 03 Sec 01Courtyard Homes 03 Sec 02 PrclCourtyard Homes PH 3Courtyard Homes Ph 03Courtyard at YaleCourtyards 03 FountainsCourtyards CondoCourtyards at CrockerCourtyards at LillianCourtyards/Lawrence ReplayCourtyards/Shady AcresCourtyards/Shady Acres Sec 02CoveCove At Cotton Creek EstatesCove Sec 10Cove at Cotton CreekCove/BinghamCove/Cotton CrkCove/Taylor Lndg 2Cove/Taylor Lndg IICove/Taylor Lndg IIICovenant Crest Sec 2Covenant Develpment SD BrazorCoventryCoventry CondoCoventry Estates Sec 01Coventry MdwsCoventry Sec 01 Prcl R/PCoventry Sec 02Coventry Sec 03Covered Bridge CondoCovered Bridge Condo Ph 01Covered Bridge Condo Ph 02Covered Bridge Condo Ph 03Covered Bridge Condo Ph 04Covered Bridge Th AptCovey TrailsCovington Bridge Sec 01 AmdCovington WestCovington WoodsCovington Woods Sec 1Covington Woods Sec 2Covington Woods Sec 3Covington Woods Sec 4CowanCowan SubdivisionCowans AdditionCoward CreekCoward Creek 3Coward Creek 4Cowboy AcresCox-Garvey-ClevCoyle Mobile Home ParkCoyote CrossingCoyote TraceCozart Hiram SurCp Living 27 SubCr 201 Ranch EstatesCraig WoodsCraig Woods Prcl Rep 11Craig Woods Pt Rep #25Craigmont PlaceCraigmont Place Sec 02Craigmont Place Sec 03Craigmont Place Sec 04Craigmont Place Sec 05Crain SquareCranbrookCranbrook Sec 01Cranbrook Sec 02 RepCraneCrane JCrane St Wood 5Crane Street GardensCrane Street WoodsCrane Street Woods 02 Prcl R PCrane Street Woods Sec 01Crane Street Woods Sec 02Crane Street Woods Sec 03Crane Street Woods Sec 05Cranford Estates, Lot 1, Acres 7.7Cranford PlaceCrawfordCrawford R/PCrawford, L SurveyCreek Bend A0066 J E GroceCreek Bend At Cross Creek RanchCreek Bend At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 10Creek Bend At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 13Creek Bend At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 5Creek Bend EstatesCreek Bend Estates Sec 05Creek Bend Estates Sec 06Creek Cove At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 13Creek Cove At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 14Creek Cove At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 16Creek Cove At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 3Creek Cove At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 4Creek Crossing EstatesCreek EstatesCreek Falls At Cross Creek RanchCreek Falls At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 1Creek Falls At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 11Creek Falls At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 12Creek Falls At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 3Creek Falls At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 6Creek Falls At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 7Creek Falls At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 8Creek HomesitesCreek MeadowsCreek Meadows Sec 1c Ph 2Creek Meadows Sec 5 Ph 2Creek Ridge FarmsCreek Rush At Cross Creek RanchCreek Rush At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 1Creek Rush At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 2Creek Rush At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 3Creek Rush at Cross Creek Ranch Sec 9Creek Trace At Cross Creek RanchCreek Trace At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 1Creek Trace At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 3Creek Trace At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 5Creek Trace At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 6Creek Trace at Cross Creek RanchCreek Wood AcresCreek Wood BendCreekbend EstatesCreekbend T/H CondoCreekbend T/H Condo Ph 02Creekbend T/H Ph 01Creeklake CoveCreekmont Forest Apt Homes CondoCreekmont Forest Sec 01 CondoCreekmont GroveCreekmont North Sec 1Creekmont Sec 02Creekmont Sec 3Creekmore Meadows SubdivisionCreekmore VillageCreekshire Sec 2Creekshire Sec 3CreeksideCreekside Acres 01Creekside At Carter SquareCreekside At Cross Creek RanchCreekside At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 11Creekside At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 7Creekside At West Ranch Sec 1Creekside EstatesCreekside Estates SouthCreekside FarmsCreekside ManorCreekside Manor U/RCreekside Meadow PhaCreekside ParkCreekside PlaceCreekside Place Sec 01Creekside RanchCreekside Ranch Sec 10Creekside Ranch Sec 2Creekside Ranch Sec 7Creekside SDCreekside SD Sec 2 A0066 Je GCreekside Sec 1Creekside Sec 2Creekside VillageCreekside Village 01Creekside Village 02Creekside Village 03Creekside Village 04Creekside Village 05Creekside at Camp VerdeCreekside at Highland GlenCreekside park westCreekside/Camp Verde Ph 2CreekstoneCreekstone At Silverlake A415Creekstone Sec 01Creekstone Sec 02Creekstone Sec 03Creekstone Sec 04Creekstone Sec 1Creekstone Village At RiverstoneCreekstone Village At Riverstone Sec 1Creekstone Village At Riverstone Sec 3Creekstone Village At Riverstone Sec 4Creekstone Village At Riverstone Sec 8CreekviewCreekwellCreekwoodCreekwood 3Creekwood AcresCreekwood Acres U/RCreekwood Estates 2011Creekwood Re-SubCreekwood SubCreekwood Sub 2010Creekwood TwnhmsCreekwood Vill CondosCreekwood Vill Condos 01Creekwood Vill Condos 02Creekwood Vill Condos 03Creel Country EstatesCreighton Road EstatesCrennelandCrenneland BCrenneland DCrenshawCrenshaw Beach 1Crenshaw Beach 2Crescent Cove 03Crescent IslandCrescent Lake / Lexington MeadowsCrescent Lakes Sec 2Crescent LandingCrescent Novel Reserve ACrescent Oak Village At Lake OlympiaCrescent On Walden Ph 1Crescent Park VillageCrescent Park Village Sec 02Crescent Park Village Sec 03Crescent Park Village Sec 3Crescent ShoresCrescent Trace 2003Crescent View Estates At RiverstoneCrescent/walden Ph IiCrescents On The GreenCresent LndgCresmont ParkCresmont Park Sec 01Cresmont Sec 01CressCrest Haven EstatesCrest Mont Park Sec 02Crestdale ThCrestmontCrestmont 3Crestmont Add Sec 01 Reserve BCrestmont Add Sec 2Crestmont ParkCrestmont Park Sec 02Crestmont Park Sec 03Crestmont Sec 02Crestmont Sec 03Crestmont Sec 2Crestmont Sec 3Creston PlaceCreston Place ExtCrestview AlvinCrestview Ph 1Crestview VillasCrestwater Sec 01Crestwater Sec 02CrestwoodCrestwood AddCrestwood AdditionCrestwood AlvinCrestwood Cove At SilverlakeCrestwood FarmsCrewsCrick SubCrighton RidgeCrighton Ridge 01Crighton Ridge 03Crighton Road EstatesCrighton Road EstsCrighton WoodsCrighton Woods 01Crimson HtsCripple Creek FarmsCripple Creek Farms 01Cripple Creek Farms 03Cripple Creek Farms WestCristler AddCrobsyCrocker HeightsCrocker Lndg Amd 01Crockett City ViewsCrockett MeadowsCrockett ParkCrockett ReserveCrockett Reserve 01Crockett Reserve 02Crockett Reserve 03Crockett TraceCrockett Trace 01Crockett Trace EstateCrockett Trace EstatesCrockett Trace Estates 01Crockett Trace Estates 07Crockett Trace Estates 08Crockett Trace Estates 09Crockett Trace Estates 10Crockett Trace Estates 11Crooked CreekCrooked Creek IICroom PlantationCrosby FarmsCrosby LoftsCrosby LynchburgCrosby Park VillageCrosby TownsiteCrosby VillageCrosby Village Sec 01Crosby Village Sec 2Crosby WoodsCrosbywoods u/rCrossCross CreekCross Creek RanchCross Creek Ranch Sec 4Cross Creek Ranch: 40ft. lotsCross Creek Sec 01Cross Creek WestCross Creek West Sec 2Cross Creek West Sec 3Cross Crk Sec 02Cross Fence/Oak VistaCross creek RanchCrossbend VillageCrossbend Village Sec 01Crossbend Village Sec 1Crosscourt Land Addition 1Crosscreek RanchCrossett Original F SubdivisionCrossing At Stone Creek Sec 01Crossing At TimbergroveCrossing Cove At Riverstone Sec 1Crossing Cove At Riverstone Sec 2Crossing at Stone CreekCrossing at TimbergroveCrossing/Stone Crk Sec 4Crossings Mission Ridge U-1Crossroads ParkCrossroads Park Sec 03Crossroads Park Sec 1 AmdCrossroads Park Sec 2Crosswinds EstatesCrow - SettegastCrow SettegastCrown ColonyCrown Colony #2Crown Colony #3Crown Colony #4Crown Colony Sec 02Crown Colony Sec 03 Ph 01Crown Colony Sec 1Crown Colony Sec Viii-BCrown Colony T/HCrown Colony West 6774 ReserveCrown Colony West PartitionCrown Colony West Partition 01Crown Colony West Partition 02Crown Estates Rep 1Crown Garden At ImperialCrown Garden At Imperial Sec 1aCrown Garden At Imperial Sec 1bCrown Garden At Imperial Sec 2aCrown Garden At Imperial Sec 2cCrown OaksCrown Oaks 02Crown Oaks 04Crown PointCrown Point SubCrown RanchCrown Ranch 01Crown Ranch 03Crown Ranch DevelopmentCrown Ranch Sec 2Crown Ranch Sec 4Crown oaksCroyden GardensCroyden Gardens 2nd Par R/PCroydon GardensCrp4CruseCruse SDCrystal BeachCrystal Beach /Intercoastal Canal AddCrystal Beach EstatesCrystal Beach Intercoastal Canal BolivarCrystal Beach Road N Sub UnrecCrystal Beach SubCrystal Beach Townsite 1Crystal Beach Townsite 2Crystal Canals 88Crystal Canals Sec 2 2001Crystal CreekCrystal Creek 01Crystal Creek EstatesCrystal ForestCrystal Forest 01Crystal Lake EstatesCrystal Lakes Sec 1Crystal Lakes Sec 2Crystal Lakes Sec 3Crystal SpgsCrystal Spgs 02Crystal Square 2003Crystalwood EstatesCrysupCuatrovientos CaboCude TimothyCueroCullen CenterCullen EstatesCullen Estates Sec 02Cullen Estates Sec II PtCullen Park EstatesCulpepper Manor Ph 02Culpepper Manor Ph 03Culpepper Manor Ph 2Cumberland CenterCumberland CrossingCumberland Crossing 01Cumberland Crossing 05Cumberland Crossing 06Cumberland EstatesCumberland Ph ICummings JCummins CreekCummins Lane T/H CondoCunningham TerraceCurryCurry PlaceCurtin ParkCusterCutten Green 2 & RpCutten Green Sec 01Cutten Green Sec 02 R/PCw RunnellCypress BayCypress Bay Sec 1 2009Cypress Bayou Estates # 3Cypress Bend Sec 01Cypress Bend Sec 03Cypress ChaseCypress Creck Lakes Sec 20Cypress Creek CrossingCypress Creek Crossing Sec 4Cypress Creek LakesCypress Creek Lakes Sec 01Cypress Creek Lakes Sec 04Cypress Creek Lakes Sec 10Cypress Creek Lakes Sec 2Cypress Creek LandingCypress Creek ManorCypress Creek lakesCypress Crk Forest Sec 01Cypress Crk Forest Sec 1Cypress Crk LakesCypress Crk Lakes Sec 17Cypress Crk Lakes Sec 18Cypress Crk Lakes Sec 25Cypress Crk Lakes Sec 26 RepCypress Crk Lakes Sec 26 Rep 1Cypress Crk Lakes Sec 5Cypress Crk XingCypress Crk Xing Sec 2Cypress Crk Xing Sec 3Cypress CrossingCypress DaleCypress FallsCypress Falls Sec 01Cypress Falls Sec 02Cypress Falls Sec 03Cypress Falls Sec 3Cypress FarmsCypress Fields Sec 01 U/R R/PCypress Fields Sec 03 U/R R/PCypress Forest Estates R/PCypress Forest LakesCypress Forest Sec 03Cypress Garden U/RCypress Gardens InsideCypress GlenCypress GreenCypress Green Sec 3Cypress Hill U/RCypress HillsCypress Hills SubdivisionCypress Hollow Sec 1Cypress Lake Grdns/Western SkiesCypress LakesCypress Landing East Sec 02Cypress Landing ParkCypress LndgCypress Lndg East Sec 10Cypress Lndg East Sec 11Cypress Lndg East Sec 12Cypress Lndg East Sec 5Cypress Lndg ParkCypress Lndg Park Sec 01Cypress Lndg Park Sec 3Cypress MdwCypress Mdw Sec 05Cypress Mdw Sec 06Cypress Mdw Sec 5Cypress Mdws Sec 01Cypress Mdws Sec 02Cypress Mdws Sec 05Cypress MeadowCypress Meadow 01 R PCypress Meadow Sec 01Cypress Meadow Sec 04Cypress Meadow Sec 6Cypress MeadowsCypress Meadows 01 R PCypress Meadows 02Cypress Meadows 03Cypress Meadows Sec 02 U/R R/PCypress Meadows U/RCypress Mill Estates Sec 01Cypress Mill Estates Sec 02Cypress Mill ParkCypress Mill Park Sec 02Cypress Mill Park Sec 04Cypress Mill Sec 02Cypress Mill Sec 03Cypress NorthCypress OakmontCypress Oaks NorthCypress Oaks North Sec 1Cypress Oaks Sec 1Cypress Oaks Sec 2Cypress PlaceCypress Place R/P U/RCypress PointCypress Point Estates U/R R/PCypress Point Sec 02Cypress Point Sec 04Cypress Point Sec 05 U/RCypress Point Sec 06Cypress Point Sec 06 U/RCypress Point Sec 07Cypress Point Sec 07 U/RCypress Point Sec 08 U/RCypress Point Sec 9Cypress Pointe AddCypress RdgCypress Rdg Sec 3Cypress Rdg Sec 4Cypress RidgeCypress Ridge Sec 01Cypress Ridge Sec 02Cypress Spgs Sec 01Cypress Spgs Sec 02Cypress Spgs Sec 03Cypress Spgs Sec 04Cypress Spgs Sec 05Cypress Spgs Sec 06Cypress Spgs Sec 3Cypress Spgs Sec 6Cypress Sprgs The Guadalupe 3Cypress Springs SEC 2Cypress Station Sec 01Cypress Station Sec 03Cypress Stone VillageCypress TerraceCypress Terrace Sec 01Cypress Terrace Sec 02Cypress Terrace Sec 1Cypress Trace Sec 2Cypress Trails TimberlaneCypress Trails Timberlane 01Cypress Trails Timberlane 02Cypress Trls/Timber LaneCypress VillageCypress Village Sec 1-2Cypress Village Sec 3Cypress Village U/RCypress VillasCypress/TomballCypress/WillowbrookCypressdaleCypressdale Sec 01Cypressdale Sec 02Cypressdale Sec 04Cypressdale Sec 05CypresswoodCypresswood Glen EstatesCypresswood Glen Estates Sec 0Cypresswood Glen Estates Sec 03Cypresswood Glen Estates Sec 3Cypresswood Glen Sec 3Cypresswood Green Sec 01Cypresswood Green Sec 02Cypresswood LakeCypresswood Lake Sec 01Cypresswood Lake Sec 03Cypresswood Lake Sec 04Cypresswood Lake Sec 05Cypresswood Lake Sec 06Cypresswood LandingCypresswood Lndg Sec 3Cypresswood Place Sec 01Cypresswood PointCypresswood Point Sec 01Cypresswood Point Sec 02Cypresswood Point Sec 03Cypresswood Point Sec 10Cypresswood Point Sec 12Cypresswood Point Sec 5Cypresswood Point Sec 6Cypresswood Point Sec 8Cypresswood ReserveCypresswood Sec 01Cypresswood Sec 02Cypresswood Sec 04Cypresswood Sec 05Cypresswood Sec 07Cypresswood Sec 08Cypresswood Sec 09Cypresswood Sec 11Cypresswood Sec 12Cypresswood TrailsCypresswood TrlsCypresswood Trls Sec 02Cypresswood Trls Sec 1Cypresswood Trls Sec 4Cypresswood landingCyrpesswood Point Sec Nine 9Cyrus T Ward Surv A-612D A ConnerD Avant A-3D BrightD ChoateD ClevelandD EASLEYD Easley LeagueD Easley League A-20D FitzgeraldD HINES ABST 175D Hamilton LeagueD JD J HarrisonD J Smith Tx Rice Dev SubD L & C CoD L KOKERNOTD L KokernotD MccormickD McneelD MincheyD S Smith 03D SPELLD TYLERD TylerD WALLACED Yellowstone TwnhmsD at City CenterD fitzgeraldD-12-577D. FitzgeraldD3 RanchDALAIDANIEL BROOKS AB 58 19.730 ACDANIEL LAMKINDANNENBAUM & POLLAKDAVID G KINCAIDDAVID MOUSERDAVIDS E SURVEYDAVIS JOHN ADAWN LAND CODAWN LAND CO IIDAWSON GAMBLEDAY LAND & CATTLE CODCCLOADE LA GARZADECKER FARMSDECKER PLACE PT REP 1DEEN ESTATES AT MAINERDEER PARK TERRACEDEER RUN MEADOWSDEER TRAILDEERBROOK ESTATESDEERWOOD LAKES 1DELLROSEDENMARK PLACEDENNIS VILLASDENNVER RESURVEYDENSON JESSEDENVERDENVER HARBORDENVER RESURVEYDENVER SURVEYDEWITT J CDISSEN HEIGHTSDIV043K - Block 043 KosseDIXIE WOODS SEC 1 PH 2 BLK 3 LOT 13DOLPHIN WAVESDOOLEY MAGGIE PET UNR LUKE MDOWLEN WEST UNIT 5DOWLING PARKDOWN TOWNDOWNEY CANEY CREEKDOWNTOWNDREXEL PLACEDRIFTWOODDRISCOLL COMMONSDUAMNI W 16TH STREET DEVELOPMENTDUNBAR PLACEDUNES AT BOLIVARDUNLAVEYDURHAM PARKDURHAM PARK SEC 1Dairy Oaks AcresDakota PinesDale Dawson Life EstateDale Rodgers RunDaliaDalian SubDallasDallas AveDallas Ave TwnhmsDalys MinorDam Site VillageDamascus WoodDamonDamon CourtDanburyDanbury FarmsDanbury HeightsDance EastDancing Bear RanchDancy spring branchDaniel Harmon Laugen Abs #315Daniel Harmon Surv A-315Daniel Harmon Surv Abs #134Daniel QuinbyDaniel T Donaldson Surv Abs #1Daniel Walker Surv Abs/334Dansby HeightsDanubina AcresDarbydale Xing Sec 2Darbydale Xing Sec 3Darla Square EastDarling CrestDarlings HillDarnellDarts OutlotsDarts TownsiteDash Knight XingDashwood TwnhmsDave Fields SubDavid A Thompson Surv Abs #398David BeersDavid Berry League A-15David Chandler League A-24David ColeDavid CrockettDavid Crockett R/PDavid Hamiltn Surv Abs 26David IvesDavid Martinez, Jr. EstatesDavid T Davis Surv A-160DavidgeDavids E SurveyDavidson 1Davidson 2Davidson 4Davidson Slater PlaceDavisDavis AcresDavis AdditionDavis BillDavis Franklins AdditionDavis G CDavis Hill Estates Sec 01Davis Hills Big Thicket ParkDavis John ADavis Knox CityDavis SubDavis Sub Se 1/2 10-11Davis WoodsDavis, Alfred B.Dawn Land Co IDawndaleDawnridgeDay & Land Cattle Co.Day Land & CattleDaybreakDaysDaytonDayton Creek IDayton Creek IIDayton DevDayton Lakes EstatesDayton OaksDe Colton League A-33De La GarzaDe La Garza abstract 15De Loach SubDe Moss CondoDe YoungDearborn PlaceDearwoodDeauville CondoDecatur PlaceDechaums AddDecker FarmDecker FarmsDecker Farms 01Decker Farms 02Decker Hills 03Decker Oaks EstatesDecker Oaks Estates 04Decker PlaceDecker Prairie Comm ParkDecker TerraceDecker Terrace R/PDecrow, ThomasDeen Estate HutchinsDeep Creek Forest SubDeep Forest Estates 02Deep RiverDeep River - Sec 1Deep River - Sec 2Deep River - Sec 3Deep River - Sec 7DeepwaterDeepwater Terrace Sec 01Deepwater Terrace Sec 02Deer CountryDeer CrkDeer Crk Run Sub Tr 22Deer CrossingDeer ForestDeer Forest SubDeer Forest SubdivisionDeer Glen EstatesDeer Glen WestDeer HavenDeer Haven SubDeer Meadows Sec 03Deer ParkDeer Park GardensDeer Park Gardens Sec 02Deer Park Gardens Sec 02bDeer Park Gardens Sec 05Deer Park Gardens Sec 06Deer Park Gardens Sec 08bDeer Park OutlotsDeer Park TerraceDeer PinesDeer Pines 01Deer Pines 02Deer Rdg EstatesDeer Rdg Estates Sec 01Deer Ridge SubDeer Run 01Deer Run 03Deer Run 04Deer Run Estates Sec 01Deer Run MeadowsDeer Run Meadows Sec 1Deer Run Meadows Sec 2Deer Run Meadows Sec 3Deer TraceDeer TrailDeer Trail 03Deer Trail 04Deer Trail EstatesDeer Trail Estates 02Deer Trail SubDeer Trail TwoDeer Trail Two 01Deer Trail Two 02Deer TrailsDeer Valley AdditionDeerbrook EstatesDeerbrook Estates Sec 01 AmdDeerbrook Estates Sec 02Deerbrook Estates Sec 04Deerbrook Estates Sec 06Deerbrook Estates Sec 1Deerbrook Estates Sec 1 AmdDeerbrook Estates Sec 11Deerbrook Estates Sec 12Deerbrook Estates Sec 7Deerbrook Estates Sec 9Deerbrook Village 01DeerfieldDeerfield ParkDeerfield SubDeerfield VillageDeerfield Village 08 AmdDeerfield Village Patio HomesDeerfield Village Sec 01Deerfield Village Sec 02Deerfield Village Sec 03 R/PDeerfield Village Sec 04Deerfield Village Sec 06 R/PDeerfield Villiage Patio HomesDeerlake ResortDeerpointe Sec 01DeerwoodDeerwood EastDeerwood East 1Deerwood East 2Deerwood East 3Deerwood East 4Deerwood Gardens CondoDeerwood LakesDeerwood Lakes 1Deerwood Lakes 2Deerwood Lakes 3Deerwood Lakes 4Deerwood Lakes 5Deerwood Lakes 6Deerwood North 1Deerwood PointeDeewood LakesDegeorge Park Condo Ph 01Del Bello LakesDel Bello Lakes Sec 3Del Bello Lakes Sec 5Del LagoDel Lago 01Del Lago 03Del Lago EstatesDel MarDel Mar & Del Mar TerraceDel Mar SubDel MonteDel Monte Sec 02Del Monte TerraceDel NorteDel Norte AcresDel Norte Sec 1Del Norte Sec 4Del Norte Sec 5Del Rio GrandeDel Rio Manor Reserves A & BDel WebbDel Webb - FulshearDel Webb Chambers CreekDel Webb Fulshear Sec 1Del Webb RichmondDel Webb Richmond Sec 10Del Webb Richmond Sec 11Del Webb Richmond Sec 14Del Webb Richmond Sec 16-BDel Webb Richmond Sec 17Del Webb Richmond Sec 5Del Webb Richmond Sec 9-BDel Webb Richmond, SweetgrassDel Webb SweetgrassDel Webb The Woodland 06Del Webb The WoodlandsDel Webb The Woodlands 01Del Webb The Woodlands 02Del Webb The Woodlands 03Del Webb The Woodlands 04Del Webb The Woodlands 05Del Webb-Richmond Sec 12-ADelano Court SubDelano Garden EstatesDelano ParkDelano Place CondosDelano SpgsDelano SquareDelano XingDelany Cove Sec 1 2006DeliciasDella VillageDellaneraDellroseDellrose Sec 1Dellrose Sec 10Dellrose Sec 16Dellrose Sec 2Dellrose Sec 3Dellrose Sec 4Dellrose Sec 5Dellrose Sec 7DellwoodDellwood ParkDelmar 1Delmar 2Delo Elaine 2Delta HeightsDennis ManorDent 3DenverDenver AddDenver AnnexDenver CourtDenver HarborDenver Harbor Sec 03Denver ResurveyDenver Resurvey (NHA)Denver ResuveyDenver resurveyDepado Dev 01Depenbrock Allen Sec 62Depenbrock Reserve/GermantownDepenbrook Allen 62Depot AddDereks VillasDerolocDerrick J WDes Jardins PlaceDeshazor Park Port LavacaDesiderio GarciaDesoto PlaceDestinyDetenbeckDeteringDetering 02 T HDetering PlazaDeverDevinwoodDevinwood Ph 02Devonshire CrescentDevonshire PlaceDevonshire WoodsDevonshire Woods Sec 01Devonshire Woods Sec 03Devonshire Woods Sec 05Dewalt HomesDewitt CountyDewitt J CDf Whilden Surv Abs #640Diamond Acres 1Diamond Back AddDiamond Beach Condos 2010Diamond Six EstatesDiamond StarDiamondheadDian CourtDickensDickens Court TwnhmDickens Landing Sec 2Dickens Oaks WestDickerson PlaceDickeys West ParkDickinson Add BDickinson Add DDickinson Addn DDickinson BayouDickinson BayshoreDickinson TownsiteDicksonDickson Patio HomesDidlake EstatesDietzscholdDilston House CondoDilston House CondosDinger EstatesDingleDiscovery At Spring Trails 02Dishon's PlantationDissen HeightsDistrict/Washington Sub ReservDivision ADixie Gardens To Bmt 1Dixie WoodsDixie Woods Sec 1&2&3 Ph1-Ph2Dixieland EstateDixon #1Dl&C Co-1148Doak AddDobbin TownsiteDobbin Townsite 01Dockal ParkDodecanese IslandsDodson AcresDodson Acres Tr 12aDoguets Diamond D Ranch Ph 1Doguets Diamond D Ranch Ph 2Doguets Diamond D Ranch Ph 3bDogwood Acres U/RDogwood AddDogwood ForestDogwood Forest EstateDogwood HillsDogwood Hills 02Dogwood Hills 03Dogwood Hills 04Dogwood Patches 01Dogwood TrailsDoliver Point T/HDoliver Point TwnhsesDollar GeneralDolly SquareDolphin WavesDolphin Waves IIDolphin Waves URED SUBDoma Chase CondoDominc GardensDominic GardensDominion Estates Sec 03Dominion Estates Sec 1Dominion Ridge 02 Amd 1Dominion Ridge 03Dominion TresDominion at Garden OaksDomnick Hechler EstateDomnick Hechler Estates U/RDon - AlfredDonahueDonovanDonovan CourtDonovan CourtyardDonovan GardensDonovan GdnsDonovan HomesDonovan ParkDonovan PkDonovan TerraceDonovan VistaDonovansDor Ruth CourtDorchester PlaceDorinda M Goheen Surv A-234Dorrington Square CondoDorsey Surv Abs #147Dotson AddDottie Branch Ranch SubDouble A Lake Estates SecDouble BayouDouble Bayou #2Double M Ranch Sec 2Doubletree CondosDoughertys LandingDoughty & MathisDouglass Add #2Dove Country R/PDove CourtDove Crossing Ph 1aDove HollowDove LandingDove Mdws Sec 02 Corr PlaDove MeadowDove Meadow Sec 2 ExtDove MeadowsDove Meadows 1Dove Meadows Sec 02 R/PDove Meadows Sec 03 R/PDove Meadows Sec 06 Prcl R/PDove Meadows Sec 6Dove Xing Ph 08Dover Sec 1Dovershire PlaceDoverside PlaceDow Villas Sec 02Dow Villas Sec 03Dowdell AcresDowlen WestDowling & Polk T/HDowling VistaDowney Caney CreekDowney Caney Creek Sec 1Downey Caney Creek Sec 10Downey Caney Creek Sec 12Downey Caney Creek Sec 14Downey Caney Creek Sec 15Downey Caney Creek Sec 16Downey Caney Creek Sec 17Downey Caney Creek Sec 18Downey Caney Creek Sec 19Downey Caney Creek Sec 2Downey Caney Creek Sec 20Downey Caney Creek Sec 3Downey Caney Creek Sec 6Downey Caney Creek Sec 7Downey Caney Creek Sec 8Downey Caney Creek Sec 9DowntownDowntown - HoustonDowntown HoustonDowntown MadisonDoyle Head 2nd FilingDozierDraehn DivDrake LoftsDrake Street Add 02Drawhorn Place 2Dreamland Place Sec 01DrewDrew PkDrew White #2Drexel Place SubDreyfus CourtDreyfus ManorDrift Wood Parking ParkDriftwoodDriscoll TerraceDriver-HoyaDrury McGeeDrury Mcgee Surv Abs 28Druss SubDruss Sub 96Dry Creek VillageDry Creek Village Sec 1Dry Creek Village Sec 2Dry Creek Village Sec 3Dubose AddDuckett NorthDuckett SouthDuckworth JacobDugey E J ExtDukes AddDumbarton Oaks Sec 01Dumbarton Oaks Sec 02 R/PDumbarton Village R/PDumbarton Village RepDunbarDunbar EstatesDunbar Estates 1Dunbar Estates 2Dunbar PlaceDuncan ElishaDuncan MeredithDunes At Bolivar 2002Dunham PointeDunham Pointe - Estate CollectionDunham Pointe 65Dunham Pointe 65'Dunham Pointe EstateDunham Pointe Sec 10Dunham Pointe Sec 5Dunham Pointe Sec 7Dunlavy LndgDunman Partition Sub 1 Thru 8Dunn AndrewDunn SubdivisionDunn Subdivision Lot 16Dunnam & JordanDunnam Sec 2Dunnam, Sec 1Dunnan PlaceDunvale VillageDunvale Village THDunvale VlgDunvale Vlg Amending Plat #1DuplantisDuplichain Contractors SubDurango CreekDurango Creek 02Durango Creek 03Durango Creek 04Durango Creek 05Durango Creek 06Durazno Gardens 2Durden CourtsDurham AddDurham ParkDurham Park Sec 04Durham Park Sec 2Duroux ADurrett Place VillasDusonDustin OaksDusty TrailsDyer MillDyer VistasDykes, DennisDylla Ranch EstatesE & S Garcia S/DE 31ST STREET GARDENSE 31st STREET GARDENSE AndersonE B JacksonE Benson/1/3 League Surv Abs 1E Bridges League Abs #81E Buchtien Surv Abs 339E C School LandE CORDOVA ESTATEE Cordova EstateE D Jackson Surv A64E E Ruse SubE EverettE GOSS A-346 TR 2 LT 1 12.021 ACE H Yeiser Surv Abs #731E HALLE HallE Hall TownhomesE Houston SO TOE J RAGAN SURE K DavisE L & R R Ry Co Surv Abs #131E L BRANHAME L Prop SubE LathamE MunsonE P DavisE PowellE R BRADLEYE R BradleyE R WIGHTMANE R Wightman Surv Abs 101 TracE RoarkE RobertsonE TalleyE ThompsonE Tumlinson Surv Abs #44E WallerE WilliamsE X I InterestE-Z Living Acres West AddE. F. HANKSEADO HeightsEAGLE LANDINGEAGLE LANDING TOWNHOMES WESTEAGLE SPRINGSEARHART ESTATESEARL W. WHEELEREAST 14TH STREET LIVINGEAST BAYTOWNEAST BAYTOWN ANNEXEAST HOUSTONEAST RIVER ESTATESEAST SHOREEASTLAWNEASTMOOREASTOVER ESTATESEASTRIDGE TERRACEEASTWOOD PLACEEBLIN (426)EDELWEISS ESTATESEDGEWATER PARKEDGEWOOD PLACEEDGEWOOD PLACWEEDINBURGH C (A-19)EDMONDS GARDENSEDWARDS SUREELENA FRUIT & COTTON FARMEHR WALLIS I-10 N SIDE FEEDEREHR WallisEL BRANHAMEL DORADOEL DORADO TRACE CONDELDRIDGE PARKELENA FRUIT & COTTON FARMSELENA FRUIT & COTTON FARMS BELEVA AT ROBIN STREETELIJAH COLLARDELIZABETH BROWN SURVEYELKHART LANDINGELYSIAN MANORELYSONEMERALD BEACHEMERY SINCLAIR ESTATEEMPIRE CONDOSENCHANTED MEADOWS PH 2ENCHANTED OAKSENCHANTED WATERSENCINO ESTATESENCLAVE AT DOBBINENCLAVE AT NORTHPOINTEENCLAVE AT THE WOODLANDSENCLAVE ON RETTAESTATES AT AVENUE NESTATES AT LEE STREETESTATES AT NOBLE STREETEVA MAXIMOUS R/P & AMENDEVELLA PLACEEVERGLADE ESTATESEVERGREEN VILLASEaDoEadoEado EdgeEado Edge Amd #1Eado HeightsEado PlaceEado PointEado Riverside Twnhse DevelopmEado Skyline Rep 1Eado SquareEagleEagle At EmancipationEagle CreekEagle Creek Ph 01Eagle EstateEagle Heights SubEagle LakeEagle LakesEagle Lakes 91Eagle Lakes Sec 2 93Eagle Lakes Sec 5 96Eagle LandingEagle Lane PlazaEagle Lndg Sec 01Eagle Lndg Sec 02Eagle Lndg Sec 03Eagle Lndg Sec 4Eagle Lndg Sec 5Eagle Lndg Sec 8Eagle Lndg Sec 9Eagle Peak Ranch Un 2Eagle Point EstateEagle Ranch WestEagle Ranch West Sec 01Eagle Ranch West Sec 02Eagle SpgsEagle Spgs Amd Sec 27 PlaEagle Spgs Sec 03Eagle Spgs Sec 07Eagle Spgs Sec 08Eagle Spgs Sec 10Eagle Spgs Sec 11Eagle Spgs Sec 15Eagle Spgs Sec 18Eagle Spgs Sec 20Eagle Spgs Sec 21Eagle Spgs Sec 23Eagle Spgs Sec 31Eagle Spgs Sec 32Eagle Spgs Sec 36 Rep 1Eagle Spgs Sec 41Eagle Spgs Sec 41 Rep 01Eagle Spgs Sec 46Eagle Spgs Sec 49Eagle Spgs Sec 50Eagle Spgs Sec 51Eagle SpringsEagle Springs Sec 06Eagle Springs Sec 08Eagle Springs Sec 20Eagle Springs Sec 23Eagle Springs Sec 51Eagle ViewEagle's LandingEagle/Emancipation ParkEagles Bluff Sub Sec 1 - BisdEagles Bluff Sub Sec 3Eagles LandingEagles NestEagles Nest MinorEagles Peak Ranch 1Eagles Peak Ranch 2Eagles PointEagles ViewEaglewoodEaglewood At Oakhurst 01Eaglewood Sec 1Eaglewood Sec 4Eaglewood Sec 5Eaglewood Sec 6Eaglewood Sec 7Early SweenyEastEast 34th Street HomesEast 39th FarmhousesEast Bay EstatesEast Bay Unrec SubEast BaytownEast Baytown AddEast Baytown MarketEast Baytown SubEast BeachEast Bell PlaceEast BernardEast EndEast End (In town)East End Add To Hlnd Farms SubEast End HeightsEast End Highland FarmsEast End Historic DistrictEast End RevitalizedEast End/BayouEast End/Bayou Sec 1East End/Bayou Sec 3East Gate VillasEast HeightsEast Heights At SylvesterEast Heights at SylvesterEast HoustonEast Houston AddEast Houston GardensEast Independence HeightsEast Lake EstatesEast LawnEast Lk/Gleannloch FarmsEast LolitaEast MainEast Mdw FinalEast MeadowEast Montgomery AcresEast NorhillEast ParkEast Park Sec 01East Parker LndgEast Port ArthurEast River EstatesEast River YardsEast Riverview HomesEast ShoreEast Shore LandingEast Shore Oasis PointeEast SideEast Side Lake TylerEast Silsbee AddEast Street Villas AddEast SunnysideEast Sunnyside CourtEast Sunnyside Court Sec 01East Sunnyside Court Sec 02East Sunnyside Court Sec 03East Sunset HeightsEast Texas Railroad Sec #13East Travis HillsEast Uvalde SubEast ViewEast VillasEast/Water Street Range #7Eastdale AcresEaster Park ViewEaster/JensenEastex Fwy ForestEastex Fwy Forest Sec 02Eastex Fwy Forest Sec 03Eastex Oaks Village 03 R/P AEastex Oaks Village Sec 03 RepEastgate VillageEasthamEasthavenEasthaven AddEastland AcresEastlawnEastlawn VistaEastmark Ph 02EastmoorEastmoor AddEaston AlvinEaston CommonsEaston Commons Sec 02Eastover EstatesEastpointEastpoint Sec 02Eastpoint Sub Sec 3Eastpoint Sub Sec 4Eastraven Sec 01Eastraven Sec 02Eastridge TerraceEastwayEastway TerraceEastwoodEastwood 01Eastwood AddEastwood EstatesEastwood GreenEastwood LandingEastwood O2Eastwood ParkEaton HeightsEaton SubEaton Sub 91Ebenezer Allen SubEblin 426Eblin AdditionEblin Farm Lts 427Echo GlenEcho LeafEckel 428Eckols Rdg Plot SubEctor Arms AddEd Jackson League Abs #64Ed Pruitt-134Ed Pruitt-136Ed Sherman and JH ShermanEd Shipman Surv Abs #68Edelweiss GartensEden Ranch 2Eden Ranch 7Edgars AddEdge CondosEdge-CondominiumEdgemereEdgemontEdgemont PlazaEdgemoore AddEdgewaterEdgewater 01 Amd Sec 03Edgewater At The LagoonEdgewater Park Sec 1 2007Edgewater Ph 1Edgewater Ph 2Edgewater Sec 12Edgewater Sec 13Edgewater Sec 3Edgewater T/HEdgewater ThEdgewater at The LagoonEdgewoodEdgewood Add Sec 16Edgewood Add Sec 7Edgewood EstatesEdgewood Estates R/PEdgewood Estates RepEdgewood Sec 01Edgewood Sec 02Edgewood Sec 04Edgewood Sec 06Edgewood Sec 07Edgewood Sec 09Edgewood Sec 10Edgewood TerraceEdgewood Terrace Sec 01Edgewood Terrace Sec 02Edgewood Terrace Sec 03Edgewood Terrace Sec 04Edgewood VillageEdgewood Village Sec 01Edgewood Village Sec 3Edgewood Village Sec 6Edgewood Village TwnhmsEdgeworth PlaceEdgeworth Place Sec 01Edgeworth Place Sec 02Edificio Torres del SolEdinburgh EstatesEdison ParkEdmond King AbsEdmund EstatesEdmund PointEdmund St John Hawkins Surv AbEdmund ViewsEdmundsonEdmundson Sec 05Edmundson Sec 06Edmundson Sec 07Edsall AcresEdward L BRANHAM AbsEdward RussellEdward TannerEdward Wrentmore Surv Abs #595EdwardsEdwards EstatesEdwards LandingEdwards PointEdwards, WmEdwin Waller League Abs 134Egret Bay Condo Ph 01Egret Bay Condo Ph 02Egret Bay Condo Ph 03Egret Bay Villas Co Ph 1Egret Bay Villas Condo Ph 01Egypt Creek Bus Park 01Egypt HeightsEhlers 429Ehr Wallis Surv Abs #305Eichwurzel HomesEigel Place VillasEigel View EstatesEighteen Hundred Memorial At SEighteenth At WaldenEl CampoEl Cary EstatesEl CenizoEl Cortez Villas Condos 2008El Dorado Clear Lake City Sec 10El Dorado Clear Lake City Sec 13El Dorado Clear Lake City Sec 3El Dorado SubEl Dorado Trace CondoEl Dorado Way CondoEl Dorado Way CondosEl Gabriel, Santiago SurEl JardinEl Jardin Bay Shore AddEl Jardin ResubEl Jardin Sec 01El LagoEl Lago Estates 2El Lago Estates Sec 01El Lago Estates Sec 03El Lago Estates Sec 06El Lago Estates Sec 07El Lago Sec 01 R/PEl Lago Sec 03El Lobo Sec1El Lobo Sec2El Mar VillageEl TesoroEl Tesoro Sec 01El Tesoro Sec 2El Tesoro Sec 3El Toro Bus ParkEl VillageEl shmisanyElba E Canales 1995 Acres SubEldorado AddEldridge CourtEldridge Lake Sec 1Eldridge Lake Sec 2Eldridge Mdw Sec 3Eldridge Meadow Sec 01Eldridge ParkEldridge Park Sec 02 AmdEldridge Park Sec 03Eldridge Park Sec 1Eldridge Park Village Sec 1Eldridge Square AptsEldridge View Sec 02Eldrige Park VillageElectric AddElements 326Elena Fruit & CottonElena Fruit & Cotton Farms AElena Fruit & Cotton Farms BElena Fruit & Cotton Farms CElena Fruit & Cotton Farms DElena Fruit & Cotton Farms UnElena Fruit & Cotton Un BElena Fruit & Cotton un BElena Fruit and CottonElena TownsiteElene PlaceEleva At Robin StreetElevate Luxury ApartmentsElgin Place Apts Reserve AElgin Square TwnhmsEli NolandEli SealeElias R Wightman League Abs 10Elijah CollardElijah Collard Surv AbsElisabeth EstatesElisha Bruton Survey ABS #34Elisha Clapp League A-22Elizabeth Estates Sec 2 88Elizabeth Road UnrecElizabeth Tumlinson Surv Abs #Elk-Trace Golf Estates 01ElkhartElkins JamesElkins LakeElkins Lake - Section 2Elkins Lake -Elkins Lake - Golfview ManorElkins Lake - LakeviewElkins Lake - Sec 1Elkins Lake - Sec 2Elkins Lake - Sec 3Elkins Lake - Sec 3AElkins Lake - Sec 3aElkins Lake - Sec 4Elkins Lake - Waters EdgeElla EstatesElla Lee ForestElla ParkElla Xing Sec 01Ella Xing Sec 02Ellas WoodsEllena GardensEllenderEllerdenEllie J. Williams AdditionEllinger 370Elliot D ABST 1071 FondrenEllisEllis Benson Abs 110Ellis CoveEllis LandingEllis Ridge EstatesEllis Sub #1, Am DevereauxElm EstatesElm Grove Condo Ph 01Elm Grove Condo Ph 02Elm Grove VillageElm Grove Village Sec 01Elm Grove Village Sec 02Elm Grove Village Sec 03Elm Grove Village T/HElmaton Farms SubElmen Street TwnhmsElmview CourtEltesoro Sec 3Elvera CourtElvista TerraceElwood-Steinhagen 01Elysian Luxury HomesElysian ManorElysian Plaza TwnhmsElysian SquareElysian XingElysian York ViewElysiumElysonElyson 55sElyson 65sElyson 80sElyson Sec 10Elyson Sec 11Elyson Sec 12Elyson Sec 15Elyson Sec 18Elyson Sec 21Elyson Sec 24Elyson Sec 25Elyson Sec 26Elyson Sec 27Elyson Sec 28Elyson Sec 29Elyson Sec 3Elyson Sec 32Elyson Sec 35Elyson Sec 37Elyson Sec 39Elyson Sec 5Elyson Sec 6Elyson Sec 8Elyson Sec 9Emancipation GardensEmancipation VillasEmanuel Clements Surv Abs 1097Emanuel Guitteriez Surv Abs 36EmberlyEmerald 2Emerald BayEmerald BeachEmerald Beach 2Emerald By The Sea CondoEmerald EstatesEmerald ForestEmerald LakesEmerald Lakes 01Emerald Lakes 02Emerald Lakes 03Emerald PointEmerald Ridge Estates Ph 1Emerald TerraceEmerald ValleyEmerald Wood RanchettesEmersen EnclaveEmerson CondoEmerson Estates 01Emerson Estates 02Emerson PlaceEmery Sinclair EstEmile DistrictEmile Girard SurveyEmiliano ZapataEmmaEmma MeyerEmma Nuben Sec 2 U/R Abst 110Emma Nuben Sub Sec 2Emmett EstatesEmnora HeightsEmory GlenEmory Glen 01Empire CondosEnchanted EstatesEnchanted ForestEnchanted Forest Sec 02Enchanted FrstEnchanted HarborEnchanted OaksEnchanted Oaks ParkEnchanted Oaks Sec 01Enchanted Oaks Sec 02Enchanted Oaks Sec 03Enchanted Oaks Sec 04 R/PEnchanted River Estates 1Enchanted ValleyEnchanted Valley Estates U/REnchanted Valley Sec 01Enchanted WatersEnchanted Waters 03Enchanted Waters 04Enchanted WoodsEnchanted Woods Sec 01Encini EstatesEncino EstatesEncino Estates, Sec 1Encino Estates, Sec 6Enclave At Bay Colony 2002Enclave At Bay Colony West SecEnclave At Briargreen T HEnclave At Bridgewater Sec 02Enclave At Brushy Creek Sec 01Enclave At DobbinEnclave At Dobbin 01Enclave At Dobbin 02Enclave At Dobbin 03Enclave At East MeadowEnclave At Olde Oaks AmdEnclave At Olde Oaks AmendEnclave At RiverparkEnclave By Texas CasadorEnclave On T C JesterEnclave at DobbinEnclave at Hlghland Glen Sec 4Enclave at KingstonEnclave/Castlebridge Pt REnclave/East MdwEnclave/Hlnd GlenEnclave/Hlnd Glen Sec 5Enclave/KatyEnclave/LakewoodEnclave/LongwoodEnclave/Longwood Sec 3Enclave/Newer HeightsEnclave/NorthpointeEnclave/Northpointe Sec 1Enclave/Northpointe Sec 4Enclave/Northpointe Sec 5Enclave/Shady AcresEnclave/Shady Acres Sec 2Enclave/Sherwood ForestEnclave/T C JesterEndeavourEndeavour CondoEndeavour CondosEnfieldEnfield Sec 02EngelEngelke SsbbEngelmohr LndgEngelmohr SquareEngland ManorEnglewoodEnglewood AcresEnglewood Place Estates Sec 1Englewood Place Estates Sec 2Englewood TerraceEnloe & McconnellEnsenada Shores At Canyon LakeEnterra/LamarEpernayEpernay Sec 02Epernay T/H Ph 01Epernay T/H Ph 02Ephraim Fugua Surv Abs #206Epsom Downs PlaceEquestrian Oaks EstatesErastus LittleEreguayquin UsulutanEric West AngletonErica Love GardenErikssonErin Glen Sec 01Erin Glen Sec 08Erin PkErneta-Anaxagoras PlaceErnies Acres Sec 3Ernst #1 UnplattedErnst SubEsco EstatesEscondidioEscondidoEscondido 01Escondido 02Escondido 03Escondido 04Escondido CreekEsmondEspiritu Santo Grant Share 19Espiritu Santo Grant Share 27Esram TEDWILL SurveyEstatesEstates At Cullen ParkEstates At Cullen Park & PrclEstates At Fannett TheEstates At Lakes Of Williams Ranch SecEstates At Lakes Of Williams Ranch Sec 1Estates At Promenade Sec 1Estates At Willow CreekEstates At Windrush Sec 02Estates Highland CreekEstates Highland Creek 02Estates Highland Creek 04Estates Of Brazoswood Sec 1Estates Of Clear CreekEstates Of Jady Bay Port LavacaEstates Of Legends Ranch 01Estates Of Legends Ranch 02Estates Of Legends Trace 01Estates Of Mia LagoEstates Of Mia Lago 01Estates Of Point AquariusEstates Of Teal Run Sec 2Estates Of Teal Run Sec 4Estates Of Waterford Sec 2Estates Of Wedgewood FallsEstates On Hidden LakeEstates Sec 01Estates Sec 04Estates at Cullen ParkEstates at Eagles LandingEstates at Lakes of Williams RanchEstates at Vintage FarmsEstates at Wilmington PlazaEstates of Lake Creek VillageEstates of Mia LagoEstates/Benson StreetEstates/Cullen ParkEstates/Fisher StreetEstates/Grand HarborEstates/Greenway Reserve AEstates/Hlnd HeightsEstates/Pech Road Reserve B CEstates/Sunset Cove Ph 2Estates/Wakefield Reserve AEstates/West TidwellEstates/Willow CrkEsteem HomesEthan Allen SurvEthans GlenEthans Glen R/PEthans Glen Sec 03 R/PEtoileEtrr Survby Abs #240Etzell Auto MallEunice VillasEva MaudEva Maud Sec 02Eva Maud Sec 03Eva Maud Sec 04Eva Maude Sec 05Eva Polka SubEvansEvans Estates Sec 02EvanstonEvansvilleEvelo Homesites UnrEvelyn CourtEverett JohnEverett John MEvergreenEvergreen CourtEvergreen FairwaysEvergreen PlazaEvergreen Sec 1Evergreen Terrace Sec 1Evergreen Terrace Section 3Evergreen VillasEvergreen Villas Sec 1Evergreen Villas Sec 2Evergreen Villas Sec TwoEvergreen WoodsEverton OaksEviaEvia Ph One 2005Evia Ph Two 2007Ewing Rae LLCExcelsior Condo 2008Executive House Of Houston ConExecutive House of HoustonExecutive House/5050 WoodwayExecutive House/HoustonExecutive Row T/HExecutive Row TwnhsesExplorer EstatesExpressway Heights #2Exxon RoadEzekiel Abram Pre-Emption SurvF & E 02F & E Sub #2F & E Sub 2F A Kennelly SubF A MoresF Benignus Surv A-1463F BinghamF C RECTOR SURF C Wilson SubF CURTISF Carson MooresF Daw Surv A-278F DittforthF H RankinF H FranzeF H RANKINF HardinF HughesF J C SmileyF KagelerF MadingF MillomF P HoffmanF P SterlingF W Moon AddFAIRFIELDFAIRGROUND 1FAIRVIEW MARYLAND T/HFAIRWAY FOREST T/HFAIRWOOD 1FALCON LANDINGFALCON LANDING SEC 3FALCON RANCHFALCON ROCKFALCONE FORESTFALL CREEK SEC 26FALLS AT DRY CREEKFALLS AT IMPERIAL OAKSFANGER C BFAUNA MOBILE ESTATESFERNDALE ESTATESFHC HAGEMANFIDELITYFIELDCRESTFIELDSTONEFIFE FARMSTEADSFIRE TOWER ACRESFIREFLY RV & TINY HOME CONDOFITZE HOMEFIVE CORNERSFLACK ESTATES 1FLEWELLEN NORTHFLOWER CITYFM 1097FM 1618 Land CoFM 2100 Crosby LynchburgFM 3313 Nottingham Woods AreaFM331FONDREN SW NORTHFIELDFONDREN SW TEMPO T/H SEC 3FONTAINE PLACEFONTAINE PLACE 3FOREST COVE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES SEC 4FOREST COVE SEC 1AFOREST HOMEFOREST PINESFOREST RIDGEFOREST SECTIONFOREST SPRINGSFOREST SPRINGS POAFOREST VILLAGEFORESTWOODFOSTER CROSSINGFOSTER GLENFOSTER JAMESFOSTER PLACEFOSTER PLACE 25TH PAR R/PFOSTER SQUAREFOX MEADOWSFOX RUNFOX RUN 05FOXWOOD 4FRACCIONAMIENTO LOS REMEDIOSFRACCIONAMIENTO REAL DIAMANTEFRANCIS HENDERSONFRANCIS LANDINGFRANCIS YOUNGFRANCISCO ARRIOLA LEAGUEFRANCITAS LANDSFRANK A HUGHES SUBFRANKS, B SURVEYFREDERICKS THOMAS HOSKINSFREEMAN RANCH 3FREEPORTFREEWAY MANORFREEWAY OAKS 01FRIEDENSFRIENDLY ACRES EXT U/RFRONTIER LAKESFROST & SETTEGASTFRY CENTERFULBROOK ON FULSHEAR CREEKFULSHEAR/SOUTH BROOKSHIRE/SIMONTONFULTON CT/AVE VILLAS/BILLINGSLEY HGTSFabensFabricaFactoryFaehrman & Smith AddFaehrmann & SmithFaermanFaggardFaggard Slip ExtFair AcresFair Grounds 02Fair Mdws Sub Un 5Fair ParkFair Park Sec 04Fair Weather FieldFairbanks Industrial ParkFairchilds Estates Sec 1Faircourt FarmsFairdale Place EstatesFairdale Place ReserveFairdale Urban EstatesFairfaxFairfax Sec 01Fairfax Sec 02FairfieldFairfield Chappell Rdg Sec 02Fairfield Fairfield Village SouthFairfield Garden Grove Sec 01Fairfield Garden Grove Sec 02Fairfield Garden Grove Sec 03Fairfield Gardens Grove Sec 02Fairfield Inwood ParkFairfield Inwood Park 01 Prcl RpFairfield Inwood Park Sec 01Fairfield Inwood Park Sec 02Fairfield Inwood Park Sec 03Fairfield Inwood Park Sec 05Fairfield Inwood Park Sec 5Fairfield Park AngletonFairfield Ph 1Fairfield Ph IIFairfield Sec 1Fairfield VillageFairfield Village Norht Sec 11Fairfield Village NorthFairfield Village North Sec 08Fairfield Village North Sec 10Fairfield Village North Sec 17Fairfield Village North Sec 18Fairfield Village North Sec 9Fairfield Village North Sec11Fairfield Village SouthFairfield Village South Sec 02Fairfield Village South Sec 03Fairfield Village South Sec 06Fairfield Village South Sec 07Fairfield Village South Sec 08Fairfield Village South Sec 10Fairfield Village South Sec 11Fairfield Village South Sec 13Fairfield Village South Sec 14Fairfield Village South Sec 16Fairfield Village South Sec 6Fairfield Village WestFairfield Village West Sec 02Fairfield Village West Sec 04Fairfield Village West Sec 05Fairfield Village West Sec 06Fairfield Village West Sec 09Fairfield Village West Sec 10Fairfield Village West Sec 11Fairfield Village West Sec 13Fairfld Inwood Park 01 Prcl RpFairgreenFairgreen Sec 02Fairgreen Sec 03Fairground ExtFairgroundsFairgrounds 1Fairgrounds 417 Dennis ThFairgrounds ExtFairgrounds Ext AmdFairgrounds Sec 03FairhavenFairlawn PlaceFairmont Estates Sec 03 R/PFairmont Meadows Sec 02Fairmont ParkFairmont Park EastFairmont Park East Sec 01Fairmont Park East Sec 02Fairmont Park East Sec 03 R/PFairmont Park East Sec 04 Ph 0Fairmont Park East Sec 05Fairmont Park East Sec 07Fairmont Park East Sec 10Fairmont Park East Sec 12Fairmont Park Sec 01Fairmont Park Sec 02Fairmont Park WestFairmont Park West Sec 01Fairmont Park West Sec 01 R/PFairmont Park West Sec 02Fairmont Park West Sec 04Fairmont T/H Sec 01Fairmont TownhomesFairpark VillageFairpark Village Sec 1Fairpark Village Sec 10Fairpark Village Sec 2Fairpark Village Sec 3Fairpark Village Sec 4Fairpark Village Sec 6Fairpark Village Sec 9FairviewFairview Acres #2Fairview Farms Coast Land CoFairview Gardens 1Fairview Gardens Sec 01Fairview TerraceFairwaterFairwater 02Fairwater 03Fairwater 05Fairwater 07Fairway CrossingFairway Crossing LakeFairway Crossing at Lake HoustonFairway Crossing/Lake Houston Sec 01Fairway Estates Sec II Ph 1Fairway FarmsFairway Farms Sec 1Fairway Farms Sec 1 Rep 1Fairway Farms Sec 2Fairway Forest T/HFairway Port CondoFairway T/H Ph 01 U/RFairway T/H Ph 02 U/RFairway T/H Ph 03 U/RFairway T/H Ph 05 U/RFairway Th Ph VFairway Village Sec 1 At SilveFairway Village Sec 2 Ph 1 AtFairway Village Sec 2 Ph 2 AtFairway Villas Sec 1Fairway Vistas Mt Valle Ph 01Fairway West Sec 01 R/PFairway Xing/Lk Houston Sec 03Fairway Xing/Lk Houston Sec 6Fairways At Kelliwood Sec 1Fairways At South Shore HarbouFairwoodFairwood Pt Rep 1Fairwood Sec 01Fairwood Sec 02Fairwood Sec 03Fairwood Sec 04Fairwood Sec 05Faison & Ligon 430Falcon Forest Sec 1Falcon LandingFalcon Landing Sec 1Falcon Landing Sec 10Falcon Landing Sec 3Falcon Landing Sec 9Falcon PointFalcon Point Sec 01Falcon Point Sec 1Falcon RanchFalcon Ranch Sec 1Falcon Ranch Sec 3Falcon Ranch Sec 4Falcon Ranch Sec 5Falcon RidgeFalcon Rock Sec 01Falcon Rock Sec 1Falcone ForestFalcone Forest Sec FourFalcone Frst Sec 4Falcones PondFalcons PointFalcons Point SubFall CreekFall Creek AreaFall Creek EastFall Creek Sec 03Fall Creek Sec 04Fall Creek Sec 05 Prcl R PFall Creek Sec 07Fall Creek Sec 09Fall Crk East Sec 1Fall Crk Sec 11Fall Crk Sec 11 Pt Rep 2Fall Crk Sec 15Fall Crk Sec 20Fall Crk Sec 22Fall Crk Sec 24Fall Crk Sec 25Fall Crk Sec 28Fall Crk Sec 34Fall Crk Sec 35Fall Crk Sec 36Fall Crk Sec 39Fall Crk Sec 5Fall Crk Sec FortyFall Wood Sec 2FallbrookFallbrook Greens Sec 3Fallbrook Sec 01Fallbrook Sec 02Fallbrook Sec 03Fallon CourtFalls At Champion ForestFalls At Champion Forest Sec 1Falls At Dry CreekFalls At Green Meadows SecFalls At Imperial OaksFalls At Imperial Oaks 04Falls At Imperial Oaks 06Falls At Imperial Oaks 16Falls At Imperial Oaks 17Falls At Imperial Oaks 21Falls At Imperial Oaks 22Falls At Imperial Oaks 23Falls Of WildwoodFalls Sec IIFalls at Dry CreekFalls at Green Meadows SecFalls at Imperial OaksFalls/Champion ForestFalls/Dry Crk Sec 2Falls/FairdaleFalls/Green Mdws Sec 1Falls/Green Mdws Sec 2Falls/White OakFannin StationFannin Station Rep 1Fannin Station Sec 01Fannin Station Sec 1Fannin Station Sec 2Fannin Station Sec 2 Rep #1Fannin Station Sec 2 Rep 1Far HillsFar Hills - Sec 1Far Hills Add Sec TwoFarb A C Sub 91Farm BlocksFarm Houses Of Pleasant Hill Sub Sec 2Farmer-TealFarnham ParkFarrarFarrell GardensFarrington PlaceFarrington Place Sec 02Farrington Place Sec 04Farrington Place Sec 4Farris SubFarther PointFauna Mobile EstatesFauna Mobile Estates Sec 05 U/Fawn OaksFawndale T/H Sec 01Fawnlake B Sec 03Fayatte County School Land SurFayette CountyFayette County AreaFayette County School Land SurFayette ShoresFb BordenFci CondoFd May Surv A-388, West HenryFeaganFeagan Gibson LndgFeagan ManorsFeagan OaksFeagan Street CasitasFeagan TerraceFeaganesinFeaginFeather Bay Sub PhFeder EstatesFeetwoodFeldman CourtFelix W. GoffFenns SubFenwoodFerguson EstatesFerguson HeightsFerndale Estates Amd 01Ferndale ParkFidelityFidelity AddFidelity ManorField Creek Estates Ph 2Field Store PlazaFieldcrestFields Sec 02FieldstoneFieldstone Sec 1Fieldstone Sec 12Fieldstone Sec 15Fieldstone Sec 2Fieldstone Sec 4Fieldstone Sec 5Fieldstone Sec 6Fieldstone Sec 8Fieldstone Village At SilverlaFiesta EstatesFiesta Estates IVFiesta VillageFifth Ward PlaceFig FarmFig LandFigland OrchardFinal For Legends Bay SecFinancial DistrictFinney NathanFirefly RV & Tiny HomeFirethorneFirethorne Sec 14Firethorne Sec 22Firethorne Sec 28Firethorne Sec 4Firethorne Sec 5Firethorne Sec 6Firethorne Sec 8Firethorne WestFirethorne West Sec 12Firethorne West Sec 14Firethorne West Sec 17Firethorne West Sec 18Firethorne West Sec 2Firethorne West Sec 3Firethorne West Sec 8Firethorne West Sec 9First BendFirst Of BrenhamFirst StamfordFirst Texas Equities Sub UnplFischer GardensFisher & MillerFisher Ests/Houston AveFisher Ests/Oak ForestFisher GeoFisher LeoFisher LifeFisher Street TwnhmsFishermans PointFishers Landing Sec 02Fishers Lndg Sec 2Fisk CourtFitze HmstdsFitze HomesteadFive CornersFive Oak EstatesFive OaksFive Oaks MHPFive Points CornerFive Thousand 06 Hundred 10 KiaFive oaksFiveland SubFiveland Sub #1Flack Estates Sec 03FlagpondFlagridgeFlagridge EstatesFlagridge Estates Lake JacksoFlagridge Sec I-Ii-Iii Lake JFlagstoneFlakesFlakes AddFlakes OutlotsFlamingo Island At Lake OlympiaFlatoniaFleetwoodFleetwood Sec 01Fleetwood Sec 03 R/PFleetwood Sec 03 RepFleetwood Sec 05Fleetwood Sec 06Fleetwood VillageFleur De Lis Garden Court HmFleur De Lis Garden Home CondoFlint PointFloral Heights W SFlorentine CondosFloresville Green Acres Phase 2Floresville SectionsFlorida GardensFlour BluffFlower CityFlower City AddFlowersFlowing Wells #1Flowing Wells #4Floyd Street TwnhmsFly Away FieldFlying AcresFoleys - 1st ExtFoleys - College AddFollett SubFondrenFondren Bend CondoFondren Crossing CondoFondren Crossing Condo Ph 01Fondren Crossing Condo Ph 02Fondren Glen Plaza T/HFondren Green Meadows Sec 01Fondren Grove Sec 01a Prcl R/PFondren Grove Sec 01a R/PFondren Grove Sec 1aFondren ParkFondren Park 2Fondren Park Sec 01Fondren Park Sec 03Fondren Park Sec 04Fondren Park Sec 05Fondren Place T/H PUDFondren Place Th P U D ReplaFondren SouthwestFondren Southwest Fondren GreeFondren Southwest Northbrook SFondren Southwest Northfield PFondren Southwest Northfield Section 1Fondren Southwest TemposFondren Southwest Tempos APTFondren Southwest Tempos Apt SFondren Southwest Tempos AptsFondren Sw Bellfort Square 02Fondren Sw Bellfort Square 03Fondren Sw Northbrook 01 Rp ExtFondren Sw Northfield 04Fondren Sw Northfield Sec 01Fondren Sw Northfield Sec 02Fondren Sw Northfield Sec 03Fondren Sw Northfield Sec 04Fondren Sw Northfield Sec 05Fondren Sw Place Sec 02 T/H R/Fondren Sw Place T/H Ph 01Fondren Sw SouthmeadowFondren Sw Southmeadow 03Fondren Sw Southmeadow SEC 5Fondren Sw Southmeadow Sec 02Fondren Sw Southmeadow Sec 03Fondren Sw Southmeadow Sec 05Fondren Sw T/H U/RFondren Sw Tempo T/H Sec 03Fondren T/HFonmeadow 2 Patio HomesFonmeadow Sec 03Fonn VillasFonn Villas Sec 03Fontaine PlaceFontaine Place Sec 01Fontaine Place Sec 02Fontaine Place Sec 03Fontaine Place Sec 04Fontaine Place Sec 05Fontaine Place Sec 06Fontaine Place Sec 07Fontainebleau CondoFontainebleau Condo Ph 01Fontainebleau CondominiumsFontainebleu Condo Ph 02Fontenette EstatesForbes CrossingForbes Crossing Sec 2Forbes XingForbes Xing Sec 5FordFordland Estates, Sec 2Fordland Estates, Sec 3Fore Washington Apts Reserve AForest Acres #1Forest Acres SubForest At Jacobs ReserveForest At Jacobs Reserve 02Forest BendForest Bend Sec 02Forest Bend Sec 03Forest Bend Sec 04Forest Bend Sec 05Forest Bend Sec 06Forest Bend Sec 1 Lake JacksonForest ColonyForest Colony 01Forest Colony 03Forest CoveForest Cove #1Forest Cove Sec 04 U/RForest Cove Sec 05 U/RForest Cove Sec 07 U/RForest Cove Sec 2 2005Forest CreekForest Crk FarmsForest CrossingForest Crossing 01Forest Crossing 02Forest Estates 01Forest Estates 02Forest Estates 04Forest HeightsForest Heights Sec 6 A0420 HoForest Heights Sec SevenForest HillForest HillsForest Hills #2Forest Hills #3Forest Hills - Sec 3 ReservedForest Hills - Sec 4Forest Hills - TwnhmsForest Hills 02Forest Hills AddForest Hills Estate 1Forest Hills Sec 1Forest HomeForest HomesitesForest KnollForest LakeForest Lake T/H & R/PForest LakesForest Lakes Sec 01Forest LawnForest Manor Sec 02Forest NorthForest North ParkForest North Sec 01Forest North Sec 02 R/PForest North Sec 02 RepForest North Sec 03 R/PForest North Sec 04 AmdForest North Sec 05Forest North Sec 5Forest OaksForest Oaks Lake JacksonForest Oaks R/PForest Oaks Sec 02Forest Oaks Un 10Forest Oaks Un 2Forest Of Wedgewood 01Forest Park #2Forest PinesForest Pines Sec 01Forest Pines Sec 02bForest Point/CypresswoodForest RdgForest Rdg Sec 01Forest Rdg Sec 03Forest RidgeForest Ridge Sec 3Forest River EstatesForest ShadowsForest Shadows Sec 04Forest SpgsForest Spgs Sec 1Forest Spgs Sec 2Forest Spgs Sec 4Forest SpringsForest Trace 02Forest Trace 03Forest Trace Court 01Forest Trace North 02Forest Trace West 01Forest TrailsForest View Phase 2Forest VillageForest Village 01Forest Village 02Forest Village 04Forest Village 05Forest Village 09Forest Village 10Forest WestForest West 01Forest West Sec 01Forest West Sec 01 Reserve AForest West Sec 02Forest West U/RForest WoodsForesters Pond CondoForesters RetreatForesters Retreat Sec 1Foresters Retreat Sec 3Forestview Reserve A Sec 03Forestview Sec 01Forestview Sec 02Forestview Sec 03ForestwoodForestwood Sec 01Forestwood Sec 02Forestwood Sec 03 AmdForestwood Sec 6Forestwood/Creek 02Forgotten Forest - Sec 2Forgotten Forest - Sec 3Forgotten Forest RanchettesForgotten Forest Ranchettes Sec 2Forgotten Forest Ranchettes Sec1Forgotten Forest Ranchettes Sec2Forman A Blk 171Forman A Ne 130Forman SubForney RevForrest Heights AdditionForrest Lakes Twnhses RepForrest ParkForrester Apts Sec 1ForsgardFort BendFort Stanley CreekForty 200 30 08 Childress StreeForum Apt TheForum Park 03 TwnhmForum Park CondoForum Park Condo Ph 03Forum Park Condo Ph 04Forum Park T/H Condo Ph 01Forum Park Twnhms PhForum parkFosterFoster & BlessingFoster Creek EstateFoster Creek Estate Sec 1Foster CrossingFoster Glen 01Foster Glen 02Foster GreenFoster Heights 3Foster PlaceFoster Place 25th Partial R/PFoster Place Ext 03Foster Place Ext 3Foster Place Ext Sec 01Foster Place Ext Sec 02Foster Place Ext Sec 03Foster Place Partial Replat #1Foster Place Partial Replat #2Foster Place Partial Replat #3Foster Place Pt Rep #1Foster RidgeFoster Ridge 22FostersFosters MillFosters Mill VillageFosters Mill Village Sec 01Fosters Mill Village Sec 02Fosters RidgeFosters Ridge 01Fosters Ridge 02Fosters Ridge 03Fosters Ridge 05Fosters Ridge 06Fosters Ridge 07Fosters Ridge 08Fosters Ridge 09Fosters Ridge 10Fosters Ridge 11Fosters Ridge 12Fosters Ridge 14Fosters Ridge 15Fosters Ridge 16Fosters Ridge 17Fosters Ridge 19Fosters Ridge 20bFosters Ridge 22Fosters Sec 01Fostoria OaksFostoria WoodsFounders ReserveFountain Lake TwnhmsFountain Pk Sub Un 4 Ncb 13617Fountain ViewFountain View Sec 02Fountainbleau E 1/2FountainheadFountainhead Sec 02Fountainhead Sec 04Fountains At Jane Long FarmsFountains At Jane Long Farms Sec 1Fountains at CopperwoodFountains of Northgate ForestFountains/Copperwood Rep 1Fountains/Northgate ForestFountains/Shady AcresFour Corner EstatesFour Corners Estates Ph FouFour Corners Estates Phase FourFour Leaf TowersFour Leaf Towers Condo 22nd AmFour Seasons Sec IIFour-Leaf TowersFourth Street AcresFourth WardFourth Ward Estates Sec 01Fourth Ward Estates Sec IFourth ward placeFowler PlaceFowler Place TwnhsesFoxFox & FarmerFox AreaFox Hollow Sec 01Fox MeadowsFox RunFox Run 01Fox Run 02Fox Run 04Fox Run 05Fox Run 06Fox Run 07Fox Run 09Fox Run 10Fox Run 12Fox Run AddFox Run Condos Ph 2Fox Street GroveFox Street LndgsFox TraceFox Winnie SubFoxes Runs Sec 1Foxfire Ph 4Foxhollow SouthFoxhollow South Sec 01Foxhollow West R/PFoxhollow West Sec 02 RepFoxwoodFoxwood AddFoxwood CrossingFoxwood Sec 01Foxwood Sec 04Foxwood Sec 07Foxwood Sec 10Foxwood Sec 11Foxwood Sec 13Foxwood Sec 14Foxwood Sec 16Foxwood Xing Ph 1Fraccionamiento Ventanas De San MiguelFrancis LandingFrancisco Perez Surv A-63Francitas LandsFrank Clarks Map To EudoraFrank Dicorte AddFrank Johnson League A-46Frank L HoltonFrank Richter Tr 1Franklin AptsFranklin Hardin SurveyFranklin Lewis League A-64Franklin Lewis Surv Abs #64Franklin Lofts CondoFranklins AdditionFranks SurFranz GretschelFranzen AddFred E Klauke AddFred EuleFrederick ZanderFree AlvinFree Timber Meadows StockdaleFreedom SD A0449 Ht&Brr AlvFreedom Trail RanchFreeman HeightsFreeman RanchFreeman Ranch Sec 2Freeman Ranch Sec 3Freeman Ranch Sec 4Freeman T A123 Tr #1FreeportFreeway Forest 03Freeway Forest 04Freeway Forest 06Freeway ManorFreeway Manor Sec 03Freeway Manor Sec 05Freeway Manor Sec 06Freeway Manor Sec 07Freeway Manor Sec 2Freeway Oaks 01Freeway Oaks 02Freeway ParkFreeway Sec 01Freeway Sec 04French HeightsFrench Quarter On Lake ConroeFrench Quarter On Lake Conroe 04French Quarter on Lake ConroeFrench VillageFrench Village T/HFrench Village TwnhmsFresno Add Sec 4Fresno DomeFresno RanchosFreytag AddFriedmanFriedman-Blk 6Friedman-Block 11, 12Friedman-Wilson-DayFriends Crossing Sub 95Friends HeightsFriendswood ForestFriendswood LakesFriendswood Lakes Garden HomesFriendswood Lakes SecFriendswood Lakes Sec 2 2003Friendswood Lakes Sec 3 2004Friendswood Lakes Sec 4 2008Friendswood OaksFriendswood Sub Lts 1 to 12Friendswood TrailsFriendswood Trls Reserve B-W SFriendswood Trls Sec 1 2Frio County EstatesFrisch AufFrisch Auf - Reserve A 623Frisch Auf - Sec 7Frisch Auf AcresFriscoFroehlich Chas - UNRESTRICTEDFrog PondFrog Retreat 01Front Four SubFrontenacFrontier East Sec 01Frontier East Sec 02Frontier East Sec 03Frontier FarmsFrontier Farms 1Frontier LakesFrontier Lakes 01Frontier Lakes 02Frontier Lakes 04Frost & SettegastFrostwood Sec 03FruitlandFrys HomesiteFsjr Cc Road Sub-Ph 1FuchsFulbrookFulbrook On Fulshear CreekFulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 10Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 13Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 14Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 15Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 16Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 19Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 4Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 5Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 6Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 7Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 8Fulbrook On Fulshear Creek Sec 9Fulbrook Sec 2dFulbrook Sec 2eFulbrook Sec 3-CFulbrook Sec 5-DFulbrook Sec 6-AFulbrook on Fulshear CreekFullbrook on Fulshear CreekFuller KeithFullerton PlaceFulshearFulshear Creek Crossing Sec 1Fulshear LakeFulshear LakesFulshear Lakes 45'sFulshear Lakes 50'sFulshear Lakes 50sFulshear Lakes 60'Fulshear Lakes Creekside Village Sec 3Fulshear RunFulshear Run Sec 3Fulshear Run Sec 5Fulton CrossingFulton Mansion AddFulton PlaceFulton StationFulton XingFuqua LandingFurnaceG A WetzG ALLENG Brewer Surv A-5G BrooksG ColeG EllisG H & H Rr Co Surv A-664 TractG K PropertiesG LoganG M BRYANG M BryanG M PatrickG M StoneG MORRISG S PentecostG W BURKITTG W CartwrightG W Clary Surv Abs 108G W Oneal AddG W Spears LeagueG&BNG. EllisG1700-BediasGABERTGALVESONTON OUTLOTSGALVESTON & B N CO -8GALVESTON OUTLOTSGALVESTON TOWNSITEGALVESTON TOWNSITE (NHL)GALVESTONIANGAMBLE PARTN ABST 601 T NORMENTSGANADOGARDENDALE HEIGHTSGARSEE SEYMOURGARZA J MGARZA J M (A-22)GASTON-FULSHEAR CORPGAYHILLGCFAGDRGEISELMANGENTRY GEORGE WGEO HARRISONGEO TENNILLEGEORGE RICHGEORGETOWN TH CONDGILBREATH CITY ADDITIONGKK ESTATESGLGLEANNLOCH FARM ESTATESGLEN HAVEN ESTATES #2 PAR R/GLEN HIGHLANDGLEN IRISGLEN OAKSGLEN PARK-CLEVGLENCAIRN 3GLENEAGLESGLENHAVEN ESTATES SEC 01GLENHAVEN ESTATES SEC 1GLENMONT ESTATESGLENSHIREGLENWOOD FOREST SEC 3GODS PLAN ON WESTCOTTGOLDEN ACRESGOLF GREEN CONDOSGOLF VILLAS AT WALDENGONZ TIER 1GOOSE CREEK RESERVEGOR-CVLLEGORTARIGOSLING LEVIGOSTICKGRAHAN JOHNGRAN DIAGRAN VILLA TOWNHOUSESGRAND CENTRAL PARKGRAND LAKE OF SNOOKGRAND LAKESGRAND LAKES PHASE THREE SECGRAND MISSIONGRAND OAKSGRAND OAKS RESERVEGRAND PARK ANNEXGRAND VISTAGRAND WESTGRANd Oaks ReserveGRAY PLACEGREATWOOD HIGHLAND PARKGREATWOOD TUSCANY PLACEGREEN ESTATEGREEN MEADOWSGREEN TRAILS PARKGREENBRIAIR NORTHGREENWOODGREENWOOD FOREST 6 RP & 2NDGREGGS SEC 2GRIFFIN THORNTONGRIGGS ROAD LANDINGGRILLETTGRIMES, ROBT. H.GROCE J EGROCE J E (A-227)GULF TERRACEGW Austin AdditionG_1520 - JOYEGables Of Copano Vista CondosGabriel ColeGabriel FarmsGabriel HeightsGagne HomesteadGahagenGail BordenGalahad EstatesGalena ManorGalena OaksGalena PinesGalena TerraceGaleno Crossing SubGallaherGalleriaGalleria Diplomat T/HGalleria Diplomat T/H CondoGalleria Ests/White Heather AmGalleria OaksGalleria Oaks Estate 02Galleria Oaks Estate 05Galleria/UptownGalvan EstatesGalvestonGalveston Bay ClubGalveston Bay Club 2000,Galveston CityGalveston Electric Co LoftsGalveston OutlotsGalveston TownsiteGalvestonianGalvestonian CondoGames Bailey Surv Abs 38Gannoway Lake Estates Sec 1Gannoway Lake Estates Sec 2Gano HeightsGano Street GroveGarages Of Texas At KatyGarcitas Creek Ranch EstatesGarden AcresGarden Acres BrazoriaGarden City ParkGarden City Park Sec 02Garden City Park Sec 03Garden EstatesGarden Homes/BrinkmanGarden OaksGarden Oaks 01 Sec 01Garden Oaks 1st SecGarden Oaks CourtGarden Oaks PlazaGarden Oaks Sec 01Garden Oaks Sec 02Garden Oaks Sec 03Garden Oaks Sec 04Garden Oaks Sec 05Garden Oaks Sec 05 RevGarden Park VillageGarden PlaceGarden Ridge EstatesGarden VillageGarden VillasGarden Villas S-32Garden Walk T/HGarden Walk T/H Sec 01Garden Walk T/H Sec 1Garden Walk Twnhm Sec 01GardendaleGardendale HeightsGardens CondoGardens Of Avalon Sec 1Gardens Sec 01 At SilverlakeGardens of Christ the KingGardens/Shady Acres Amendign PGarfield Place 2nd SecGarlandGarland Spencer AcresGarner MayesGarrett LnGarrett SubGarrett, John V L EvansGarrison Crk Sub Ph 1Garrison Crk Sub Ph 3GarwoodGarza J M #a-22 Tr #7015Garza J M (A-22)Garza-Guzman SubGaston-Fulshear CorpGatesGates CrossingGates/Canyon Lakes West Sec 01Gates/WilsonGatewayGateway AcresGateway HeightsGateway PlaceGateway SouthGateway VillasGateway Villas Condos Ph 4aGatewoodGatewood Sec 01Gatewood Sec 04Gatewood Sec 2Gatherings at Chambers CreekGatherings at WestiewGatherings at WestviewGatherings/Westview Condos BldGatsby CondoGautier Estates Rep 2006GayleGayle EstatesGaylor CreekGaylor Creek EstatesGb Baker HomesteadGc&Sf-21Gc&Sf-27Gc&Sf-29Gc&Sf-31GeimanGeiselmanGeistmannGeneral & Limited Common ElemeGenesee Street AddGeneva Road AcresGenoaGentryGentry DevGentry PlaceGeo DedrickGeo F Simmons AddGeo FenskeGeo HarrisonGeo HuffGeo MenefeeGeo OrrGeo RobinsonGeorge A DennettGeorge A Dennett Surv A-123George ArmstrongGeorge Dedrick Surv Abs 242George Duty League A-41George Ellis LeagueGeorge HeightsGeorge Hollingsworth Surv A-55George KulhmanGeorge L PaceGeorge Miles SurvGeorge T SGeorge W Lonis Surv Abs # 313George W Wright Surv Tract 3 AGeorgetownGeorgetown AirparkGeorgetown Colony Sec 02Georgetown HeightsGeorgetown Square T/HGeorgetown T/HGeorgetown T/H Ph 02Georgetown T/H Ph 03Georgetown T/H Ph 04Georgetown TwnhmGeorgewood 2Germantown U1GerrardGersback SubGessner Grove 02 R/PGessner Road Commerce Park Sec 1Gessport Patio Homes R/PGettysburgGettysburg Sec 01Gibbons Grove IIGibbons Grove SubGibbs-Pritchett-- AbercrombieGibson AddGibson CourtGibson GardensGibson JohnGibson Street GreenGiddings RuthGifford Mdws Sub Sec 2Gifford MeadowsGilbert BrooksGilchristGilchrist ProlongationGiles RobertGillespie St Sec 01Gillette H FGilliam PlaceGilpinGilwood PlaceGindorf EstatesGinger Creek Estates Sec 02Ginger Creek Estates Sec 03Giorgetti HoustonGlad TidingsGlass CourtyardGlass EstatesGlc SDGleannloch FarmsGleannloch Farms Sec 02Gleannloch Farms Sec 05Gleannloch Farms Sec 08Gleannloch Farms Sec 09 R/PGleannloch Farms Sec 10Gleannloch Farms Sec 19 AmdGleannloch Farms Sec 22Gleannloch Farms Sec 23Gleannloch Farms Sec 28Gleannloch Farms Sec 30Gleannloch Farms Sec 31Gleannloch Farms Sec 33Gleannloch Farms Sec 37Gleannloch Farms Sec 39Gleannloch Farms Sec 40Gleannloch The ArborsGlen AbbeyGlen Abbey Sec 03Glen Abbey Sec 2Glen Abbey Sec 5Glen Abbey Sec 6Glen ArborGlen Arbor Sec 01Glen Arbor Sec 04Glen CourtGlen CoveGlen Cove AddGlen Cove ParkGlen FloraGlen Haven EstatesGlen Haven Estates Sec 1Glen Iris Sec 02 R/PGlen Iris Sec 04Glen Iris Sec 05 AmdGlen Lakes AddGlen LaurelGlen Laurel Sec 2Glen LeeGlen Lee PlaceGlen Lee Place Sec 01Glen Lee Place Sec 03Glen Manor Sec 01Glen Manor Section 1Glen Mdw Garden Homes Sec 02Glen MeadowGlen Meadow Sec 02Glen MeadowsGlen Meadows Sec 01Glen Meadows Sec 02Glen OakGlen OaksGlen Oaks 01Glen Oaks 02Glen Oaks 03Glen ParkGlen Park Sec 1Glen Park-ClevGlenbrookGlenbrook PlazaGlenbrook T/HGlenbrook TwnhsesGlenbrook ValleyGlenbrook Valley Sec 03Glenbrook Valley Sec 04Glenbrook Valley Sec 06Glenbrook Valley Sec 07Glenbrook Valley Sec 07 ExtGlenbrook Valley Sec 09Glenbrook Valley Sec 11Glenbrook Valley T/H CondoGlenburnie Sec 01Glenburnie Sec 03GlencairnGlencairn 6Glencairn ParkGlencairn Park Sec 01Glencairn Sec 02Glencairn Sec 03Glencairn Sec 04Glencairn Sec 05Glencairn Sec 06Glencairn SouthGlencairn VillageGlencairn Village Sec 01Glendale Add AmdGlendale LakeGlendale LakesGlendale Lakes Sec 1Glendale Lakes Sec 2Glendale Lakes Sec 3Glendale Lakes Sec 5Glendale Lakes Sec 6Glendale Lakes Sec 8Glendale Lakes Sec 9Glendower CourtGlendower Court Pt Rep 2GleneaglesGleneagles 01Gleneagles 02aGleneagles 04Gleneagles 06Glenhaven Estates Sec 02GlenlochGlenloch Memorial Chase Sec 02Glenloch Sec 01Glenloch Sec 02Glenmeadow Sec 2Glenmont Estates 03Glenmont Place T/H CondoGlenmont WestGlenmore ForestGlenmore Forest AnnexGlennview AlvinGlenshannonGlenshannon Sec 02Glenshannon Sec 04 Pt 02GlenshireGlenshire Patio HomesGlenshire Sec 01Glenshire Sec 03Glenshire Sec 04Glenshire Sec 05Glenshire Sec 06Glenshire Sec 07Glenshire Sec 08Glenview HeightsGlenview Sec 01GlenwoodGlenwood AcresGlenwood BayouGlenwood EstatesGlenwood Ext SweenyGlenwood ForestGlenwood Forest Sec 03Glenwood Forest Sec 04Glenwood Forest Sec 05Glenwood Forest Sec 06Glenwood Sub Sec 2Glostershire AviationGloveland TerraceGloverdaleGm & T Const Lillian StreetGobernador 28Godard ParkGods Plan/WestcottGodsey CourtGoheen D MGold Hill 1Gold Hill 3Golden 1stGolden AcresGolden Acres AnnexGolden Acres Annex R/PGolden Acres Sec 01Golden Acres Sec 02Golden Acres Sec DGolden Acres SubGolden Acres Sub Sec AGolden Acres Sub Sec DGolden Crest R/PGolden Glade EstatesGolden Glade Estates Sec 02Golden Glen SubGolden Hwy Prop Sec 2Golden TrailsGolf Crest EstatesGolf EstatesGolf Green Condo Ph 01 02 AmdGolf ShoresGolf Shores Sub 91Golf View Garden HomesGolfcrestGolfcrest Residence AGolfview ManorGoliad GroveGoodrich OtGoodwin Dasher LgA162Goose CreekGoose Creek LandingGoose Creek ReserveGoose Creek TownsiteGoose CrkGoose Crk Lndg Sec 1Goose Crk Lndg Sec 3Goose Crk Reserve Sec 2bGoose Crk Reserve Sec 3Goose Crk Reserve Sec 5Goose Island Lake EstateGordonGordon AddGordon JamesGorham Export Packing Res A1Gosling PinesGosling Pines Sec 01Gosling Pines Sec 02Gosling Pines Sec 1Gosling Pines Sec 2GostickGotham CondoGovernor's PointGovernors PlaceGovernors Place Sec 01Governors Place Sec 02Governors Place Sec 04Governors PointGovernors Point #1Governors Point #2Grace LandingGrace TimbersGraceland Terrace Sec 01Graceland Terrace Sec 02Graham-Tolar-Davis-UzzellGramercy ParkGramercy Park T/HGranberry P MGrand Cay Harbour Sec 1 2007Grand Cay Harbour Sec 2 2007Grand Cay Harbour Sec 3 2007Grand Central ParkGrand Central Park 01Grand Central Park 04Grand Central Park 06Grand Central Park 07Grand Central Park 08Grand Central Park 10Grand Central Park 14Grand Central Park 16Grand Central Park 17Grand Central Park 23Grand Central Park 24Grand Central Park: 55ft. lotsGrand HarborGrand Harbor 01Grand Harbor 02Grand Harbor 03Grand Harbor 08Grand Harbor 12Grand Harbor 14Grand Harbor Sec 01Grand Junction Sec 1Grand Lake EstatesGrand Lake Estates 01Grand Lake Estates 02Grand Lake Estates 06Grand Lake Estates 07Grand Lake Estates 08Grand Lake Estates 09Grand Lake Estates 10Grand Lake Estates 11Grand Lake of SnookGrand LakesGrand Lakes CrossingGrand Lakes PH 4 Sec 2Grand Lakes Ph 4 Sec 1Grand Lakes Ph 4 Sec 2Grand Lakes Ph Three Sec 10Grand Lakes Ph Three Sec 2Grand Lakes Ph Three Sec 6Grand Lakes Ph Three Sec 7Grand Lakes Ph Three Sec 9Grand Lakes Phase ThreeGrand Lakes Sec 10Grand Lakes Sec 11Grand Lakes Sec 12Grand Lakes Sec 14Grand Lakes Sec 4Grand Lakes Sec 6Grand Lakes SubGrand Mason Sec 1Grand Mason Sec 3Grand MeadowGrand Meadow Sec 1Grand Meadow Sec 2Grand Meadow Sec 3Grand MissionGrand Mission EstatesGrand Mission Estates Sec 1Grand Mission Estates Sec 11Grand Mission Estates Sec 14Grand Mission Estates Sec 16Grand Mission Estates Sec 17Grand Mission Estates Sec 19Grand Mission Estates Sec 20Grand Mission Estates Sec 25Grand Mission Estates Sec 26Grand Mission Estates Sec 28Grand Mission Estates Sec 29Grand Mission Estates Sec 3Grand Mission Estates Sec 30Grand Mission Estates Sec 6Grand Mission Estates Sec 7Grand Mission Estates Sec 8Grand Mission Sec 10Grand Mission Sec 12Grand Mission Sec 13Grand Mission Sec 14Grand Mission Sec 15Grand Mission Sec 17Grand Mission Sec 18Grand Mission Sec 19Grand Mission Sec 3Grand Mission Sec 6Grand Mission Sec 7Grand Mission Sec 8Grand Mission Sec 9Grand OakGrand OaksGrand Oaks - The CoveGrand Oaks Commercial, Sec 1Grand Oaks ReserveGrand Oaks Reserve Ph 1 Sec 7Grand Oaks Reserve Ph I Sec 7Grand Oaks Reserve Sec 2Grand Oaks Reserve Sec 3Grand Oaks Reserve Sec 4Grand Oaks Reserve Sec 7Grand Oaks ReseveGrand Oaks Sec 01Grand Oaks Sec 03Grand Oaks Sec 04Grand Oaks Sec 3Grand Oaks Sec 7Grand Oaks Sec 8Grand Oks ReserveGrand ParkGrand Park AddGrand Park AnnexGrand Park ManorGrand PinesGrand ReserveGrand RiverGrand River Sec 1Grand San JacintoGrand San Jacinto Sec 1Grand San Jacinto Sec 2Grand San Jacinto,Grand San Jacinto, Sec 3Grand San Jacinto, Sec 4Grand San Jacinto, Sec 5Grand San Jacinto, Sec 6Grand TrailsGrand Trails Sec 1Grand View RanchGrand VistaGrand Vista 60'sGrand Vista Lakes Sec 2Grand Vista Lakes Sec 3Grand Vista Sec 11Grand Vista Sec 13Grand Vista Sec 14Grand Vista Sec 17Grand Vista Sec 18Grand Vista Sec 19Grand Vista Sec 23Grand Vista Sec 24Grand Vista Sec 27Grand Vista Sec 3Grand Vista Sec 5Grand Vista Sec 7Grand WestGrand West CondoGrand West Sec 1Grand oaksGrand oaks reserveGrand vistaGrandviewGrandview 01Grandview 02GrandwayGrangeGrangerGranger C EGranger CityGranger PinesGranger Pines 01Granger Pines 02Granger Pines 03AGranger Pines 03bGranger Pines 04Grangerland Tract 5GrangersGranlin GroveGrant MdwsGrant Mdws Sec 02Grant Mdws Sec 2Grant Mdws Sec 3Grant Mdws Sec 4Grant Mdws Sec 5Grant ParkGrant Plaza U/RGrant Rd W of JonesGrants LakeGrants Lake CondoGrants Lake TemposGrants Lake TownhomesGrants Lake Twnhms Sec 3Grapeland Add Tr 1Grapeland East AddGrassy PointGrassy Point SubGratis 1st SubGraustark EstatesGray & ElmerGray terraceGrayhawk Sec II Ph IVGrayson LakesGrayson Lakes Country LakesGrayson WoodsGraystone HillsGraystone Hills 04Graystone Hills 10Graystone Hills 11Graystone Hills 12Graystone Hills 13Graystone Hills 15Graystone Hills 17Graystone Hills EstatesGraywood Sec 01Graywood Sec 2Great OaksGreat Oaks RanchGreat Oaks Sec 2Great Oaks South Sec 1Greater Fifth WardGreater Heights EstatesGreatwoodGreatwood ArborGreatwood BendGreatwood Bend Sec 1Greatwood Brooks MillGreatwood Charleston EstatesGreatwood CrossingGreatwood Crossing Sec 1Greatwood Crossing Sec 3Greatwood Fairway VistasGreatwood Forest Sec 3Greatwood GlenGreatwood Glen Sec 1Greatwood Green Sec 1Greatwood Knoll Sec 1Greatwood Knoll Sec 4Greatwood LakeGreatwood Manor Sec 1Greatwood ShoresGreatwood Shores Sec 2Greatwood Shores Sec 3Greatwood SpringfieldGreatwood StonebridgeGreatwood Stonebridge Sec 1Greatwood Stonebridge Sec 2Greatwood Terrace Sec 2Greatwood The ENCLAVEGreatwood Tr C-8Greatwood TrailsGreatwood Tuscany Place Sec 3Greatwood Village Sec 1Greatwood Woodcreek Sec 2Grecian WayGreenGreen - BasilGreen - FernGreen - MossGreen - OliveGreen -EmeraldGreen AcresGreen Acres Sec 1Green Acres South Add 01Green Branch RidgeGreen Briar AdditioGreen Briar AdditionGreen Caye Village Sub Ph IGreen Caye Village Sub Ph IIIGreen Creek EstatesGreen Creek Estates Sec 02Green Dewitt League A-165Green Forest # 1-6Green Forest EstatesGreen IGreen Isle Ph III 2003Green Isle Sub Ph I 2001Green Isle Sub Ph II 2002Green Lake EstatesGreen ManorGreen Manor-953.00Green Mdw Patio/Twnhms Ph 03Green Mdws SubGreen MeadowGreen MeadowsGreen Meadows 1Green Oak Park Sec 01Green Oak Park Sec 02Green Oaks EstatesGreen ParkGreen Park Sec 04Green PinesGreen Rdg North Sec 2Green Rich Shores - Sec 1Green Rich Shores - Sec 2Green Rich Shores - Sec 5Green Ridge North Sec 08Green RoadGreen SubGreen Tee TerraceGreen Tee Terrace Sec 02Green Tee Terrace Sec 03Green Tee Terrace Sec 04Green Tee Terrace Sec 07Green Tee Terrace T/HGreen Thumb EstatesGreen TrailsGreen Trails Crossing Sec 02Green Trails Crossing Sec 3Green Trails ESTATESGreen Trails ParkGreen Trails Park Sec 01Green Trails Park Sec 02 AmdGreen Trails Park Sec 06Green Trails Park Sec 15Green Trails Park Sec 16Green Trails Sec 01Green Trails Sec 03 R/PGreen Trails Sec 5 AmdGreen Trails T H 02Green Trails T H AmdGreen Trails T/HGreen TrlsGreen Trls Park Sec 14Green Trls Park Sec 18Green Valley EstatesGreen Valley Estates Sec 3Greenbay CircleGreenbay ForestGreenbranch Sec 01Greenbranch Sec 02GreenbriarGreenbriar AcresGreenbriar AddGreenbriar AdditionGreenbriar Colony Patio HomeGreenbriar Colony T/HGreenbriar Colony T/H R/PGreenbriar North Patio HomesGreenbriar North Sec 19Greenbriar North Sec 5Greenbriar T/HGreenbrierGreenbrier Ph 14Greenbrier Ph 16Greenbrier Ph 8/10Greenbrier Ph 9GreendaleGreendale U/RGreenfield Oaks T/H Condo Ph 0Greenfield PlazaGreenfield VillageGreenfield Village Sec 01Greenfield Village Sec 02Greengate PlaceGreengate Place Sec 01Greengate Place Sec 02Greengate Place Sec 03Greengate Place Sec 04Greengate Place Sec 04 CorrectGreengate Place Sec 04 R/PGreengate Place Sec 05 R/PGreengate Place Sec 06Greengate Place Sec 07Greengate Place Sec 1Greenland Square U/RGreenleafGreenlee AdditionGreenpark Sec 06Greenpark Sec 07Greenpark Sec 08Greenridge NorthGreenridge North Sec 09 R/PGreenridge North Sec 10Greenridge North Sec 10 T/H UrGreenridge Sub 99Greenriver EstatesGreens Bayou ParkGreens Crossing Sec 01Greens Crossing Sec 02Greens Porter Acres Sec 01Greens Prairie Reserve Ph 102Greens Prairie Reserve Ph 106GreensbrookGreensbrook PlaceGreensbrook Place Sec 4Greensbrook Sec 01 R/PGreensbrook Sec 01 RepGreensbrook Sec 04Greensbrook Sec 05Greensbrook Sec 4Greensbrook Sec 5Greensgate Sec 01 Reserve B CoGreenspoint Heights Un 1Greenspoint Landing CondoGreentree VillageGreentree Village Sec 01 AmdGreentree Village Sec 02Greentree Village Sec 03Greentree Village Sec 05Greentree Village Sec 06Greentree Village Sec 07 AmdGreentree Village Sec 08 AmdGreenview Manor Sec 2 Rpelat #Greenview T/H CondoGreenwayGreenway 4Greenway Commons Residence AGreenway CondoGreenway Oaks CondoGreenway ParkGreenway Park Sec 01Greenway Park T/HGreenway Park THGreenway Place Sec 01Greenway Plaza/ River OaksGreenway Pointe EstatesGreenway Reserve AGreenway Sec 04GreenwoodGreenwood 1Greenwood AcresGreenwood AdditionGreenwood ForestGreenwood Forest & Pt Sec 04Greenwood Forest 06 02 CorrGreenwood Forest 2Greenwood Forest Sec 01Greenwood Forest Sec 02Greenwood Forest Sec 04Greenwood Forest Sec 05Greenwood Forest Sec 07Greenwood Forest Sec 08Greenwood PlaceGreenwood Sec 2Greenwood Sec 3Greenwood VillageGreenwood Village Sec 01Greenwood Village Sec 04Greenwood Wm WhiteGreggGregg Sec 02Gregory-Paul Sub Cfp CoGrey ForestGrey Forest CanyonGreyden EstatesGreystone SDGriffenGriffinGriffing Estates 1Griffing Estates 2Griffing Residential ParkGriffithGriffith NoahGriggs Road LandingGrigsby Revised PlatGrigsby TerraceGripp EstatesGrison EstatesGrnad Park AnxGroce J EGrogans Crest At Silver CrestGrogans Crest CondoGrogans MillGrossman SubGrota HomeGrote Ferd AddnGrove At Jacobs ReserveGrove LndgGrove Oak Forest Sec 1Grove Place Sub - JisdGrove West Sec 2 R/PGroveland TerraceGrovesGroves DuetsGroves Sec 1 Residence BGroves Sec 12Groves Sec 15Groves Sec 17Groves Sec 18Groves Sec 21Groves Sec 24Groves Sec 27Groves Sec 30Groves Sec 33Groves Sec 5Groves Sec 9Groves Section 12GrovesviewGrovetonGroveton E1Groveton City OfGrovewood CondoGroveyGrp Sycamore AddGruene River PlaceGrunwald AddGrunwald EstatesGrunwald HeightsGruss RoadGuadalupe TerraceGubert Gardens AlvinGuerrero SubGuidry Place 2001Guidry Powell PartitionGulfGulf Breeze Place Sec 2Gulf Coast HomesGulf CrestGulf Fwy Oaks Sec 01Gulf Haven Homes Sec 2 UnrecGulf Haven Homes UnrecGulf Mdws Reserve A Sec 4Gulf Meadow T/H CondoGulf Meadows 2Gulf Meadows Sec 01Gulf Meadows Sec 02Gulf Meadows Sec 04Gulf PalmsGulf Palms Sec 02Gulf Palms Sec 05Gulf Park BeachGulf RidgeGulf ShoresGulf Shores 1Gulf Shores 2Gulf Shores CondoGulf TerraceGulf View 1Gulf View 2Gulf Village 1Gulf Village 2Gulfport Village Sub RepGulfway TerraceGun & Rod EstatesGun & Rod Estates AreaGunn and Black AdditionGustine Lane Condo 04 AmdGuymont AddGuyottH & DH & G Post Oak HillH & T C R RH & T C R R CH & T C R R COH & T C R R Co Surv Abs #H & T C R R Sec 7H & T C RR COH & T C RR CO SEC 75H & T C Railroad Company SurvH & T C Railroad Surv Abs 164H & T C Rr Co Sec 67 Blk 2H & T C Rr Co Surv Abs #175 SeH & T C Rr Usrvey #3 A-191H & T Crr Tr 203 Abs A234H & T.C. -173H & TC RRH & TcH & Tc Railroad Co Sec 68H & Tc Railroad Company Surv SH & Tc Rr Co Surv Sec 212H & Tc RyH & Tc Surv Sec 41 Abs 293H & Tcrr Co Surv Abs #354H & Tcrr Co Surv Sec 32H & Tcrr Co Surv Sec 61 A-450H & W AptsH AND TC RYH AustinH B JohnstonH ChriesmanH D BrownH E Detering AddH FoersterH Garbade Special Sub 92H H CornwallH H PeadH H RussellH HOWARDH JacksonH L BoltonH L Tolar SubH M D Nutt Surv A-284H MASTERSH MastersH McClainH Mcclain Surv Abs # 529H Morgan Surv A-219H N ClevelandH R Haase SubH S JanesH T & B R RH T & BH T & B R RH T & B R R PearlandH T & B R R TRACT 29H YeamanH& Tc Railroad Company Surv AbH&GnH&L Coastal PropertiesH&TC-177H&TCHH&TCRRH&TcH&Tc Railroad CompanyH&Tc Railroad Sec #156 Abs 892H&Tc Rr Co Surv Abs #373H&Tc-115H&Tc-119H&Tc-131H&Tc-135H&Tc-149H&Tc-173H&Tc-193H-2H0700HALLETTSVILLE PECAN ORCHARDHAMBLEN ROAD ESTATES U/RHAMLET R GHAMLIN TOWNSITEHAMPTONHAPPY HIDE A WAY SEC 3 U/RHARBORVIEW HOMESITESHARBORWALKHARDIN ESTATESHARLANDALEHARMONY VILLAGEHARPERHARRINGTON TRAILSHARRINGTON, ARRABELLA, N9 Mount OliveHARRIS & WILSONHARRISBURG/ N. YORKHARRISON JAS PHARVEST BENDHARVEST BEND SEC 1HAWG HEAVENHAWKINSHAZARD GROVEHAZARD STREET GARDEN HOMEHAZARD STREET GARDEN HOMESHB Hedgepeth Surv Abs #139HB Little Field Surv Abs 311HEARTHWOOD 2 CONDO PH VIHEARTHWOOD COND 1 & RPHEARTHWOOD CONDOHEATHERWOOD VILLAGEHEIGHTSHEIGHTS AT WESTRIDGEHEIGHTS ON EAST 33RD STHEIGHTS ROSEBUD ENCLAVEHELMCAMP II LAND COHEMPSTEADHENRY AUSTINHENRY BARKERHERITAGE COLONYHERITAGE PLAZAHERMOSILLA ADDHERRING F HHI POINT BEACH ADDN UND INTHIDDEN CREEK PRESERVEHIDDEN ECHOHIDDEN FOREST ESTATESHIDDEN MEADOWHIDDEN OAKSHIGGINS PLACEHIGH LAND ACRE HOMESHIGH POINTHIGHLAND ACRE HOMESHIGHLAND ADDITION - PATRICKS FERRYHIGHLAND CREEK ESTATESHIGHLAND FARMSHIGHLAND GLENHIGHLAND HEIGHTSHIGHLAND HEIGHTS ANNEXHIGHLAND HEIGHTS GARDENSHIGHLAND HEIGHTS TERRACEHIGHLAND HEIGHTS VILLASHIGHLAND MEADOWSHIGHLAND VILLAGE MHPKHIGHLANDS LOVE, FERGUSON VIEW ESTATES &HILLCRESTHILLS OF SPRING CREEKHILLS OF WESTLAKEHILLSDALE CREEKHILLTOP LAKESHINKLE ESTATES LANDSHIVEMIND WAYHJA HillHL.AREAHME WestHODGE ARCHIBALDHODGE JAMESHOHLDALEHOLLOWAYHOLLY HALL T/H CONDOHOLMAN OUT LOT 15HOLMAN OUT LOT15HOLMAN OUTLOTHOME OWNED ESTATESHOME OWNED ESTATES SEC 2HOOPERHOOPER & WADEHORIZON LKHORSESHOE LAKEHOUSTON CITY STREET RAILWAY SEC 1HOUSTON HEIGHTSHOUSTON SUBURBAN GARDENSHOUSTON SUBURBAN HEIGHTSHOWELL ESTATESHOWELL ROBT FHQHHT & B R RHT and BRRHT&BRRHUDSON OAKSHUDSON OAKS CONDHUDSON OAKS T/H CONDOHULDY STREET TERRACEHUNTERS CREEKHUNTERS CROSSINGHUNTERS GLEN SEC 2HUNTERS RIDGEHUNTINGTON PLACEHWY 90 A WESTHYDE PARKHYDE PARK COURTHYDE PARK HEIGHTSHYDE PARK MAIN SEC 6HYMAN KENNETHHabitat For Humanity ParkHableutzelHableutzel Sub 91Hackberry Creek EstatesHackberry Crk Sub Sec 2Haden Terace Sec 03Haden TerraceHaden Terrace Sec 02Hadley CourtHadley Court Sec 2Hadley Square Amd 2Hagerson Road TrHagerson Road Tr Sec 2Hahl SitesHahlandHahls Suburban Farm Sec FHahls Suburban Farms Sec GHail Barton Surv Abs #88HaileyHaizlipHaldeman SubHaleHale Angleton 0375 I T TinsHaley Creek FarmsHalffHalicHall AdditionHall HeightsHall Lake R/PHall Park PlaceHall T J (A-265)HallettHallettsville TownsiteHalley AdditionHallmark Of Panorama Pt RHallsHalls Bridge 2004Halls Super Hwy AddHam AddHamaHambledonHambledon Sec 02Hambledon Sec 05Hamblen Road Estates Coml ReservHamblen Road Estates U/RHamilton Commons CumberlandHamilton HeightsHamilton LndgHamilton ParkHamilton ReserveHamilton Square Sec 1Hamlet Cherbourg Condo Ph 01Hamlet Cherbourg Condo Ph 02Hamlet T/H CondoHamlet/ChampionsHammerly Woods CondoHammerly Woods Condo 02Hammerly Woods Condo 2Hammerly Woods Condo Ph 02HammersmithHammersmith Sec 01Hammersmith Sec 02HammondHampil-CharletonHampshire OaksHampshire Oaks Ext Sec 01HamptonHampton CourtHampton Creek Sec 2Hampton Crk Sec 2Hampton Crk Sec 6Hampton Crk Sec 8Hampton OaksHampton Oaks CondoHampton Oaks Sec 01Hampton Oaks Sec 02Hampton Square NorthHampton WoodsHannover EstatesHannover Estates Sec 01Hannover ForestHannover SpgsHannover Spgs Sec 02Hannover VillageHannover Village Sec 01Hannover Village Sec 04Hannover Vlg Sec 2HanoverHanover Sec 1Hanover Sec 1 Amd 1Hanover West GrayHansenHappy A Way Sec 1 U/RHappy Hide A WayHappy Hide A Way 4 UnrHappy Hide A Way Sec 01 U/RHappy Hide A Way Sec 02 U/RHappy Hide A Way Sec 03 U/RHappy Hide A Way Sec 04 U/RHappy Hide-A-Way #410Happy-Hide-A-WayHarbor HomesiteHarbor PointHarbor Point Sec BHarbor Point Sec DHarbor Point Sec EHarbor Point Sec HHarbor Point Sec IHarbor Point Section DHarbor Shores Sec 01Harbor Shores Sec 1Harbor SideHarbor Side 01Harbor Side 02Harborgreen CondoHarborlightHarborlight 0Harborview 1Harborview HomesitesHarborview Homesites Sec 2HarborwalkHarborwalk Sec 1 2004Harborwalk Sec 1 2004 Abst 3Harborwalk Sec 2 2005Harborwalk Sec 3 2005Harborwalk Sec 4 2006Harborwalk Sec 4 2006 Abst 3Harborwalk Sec 5 2006Harborwalk Sec 6 2007Harbour Cove CondoHarbour Martinique R/PHarbour ParkHarbour Park Rep Resv A90Harbour Park Sec 2 90Harbour Park Sec 4 91Harbour Park Sec 5 93Harbour Park Sec 7 97Harbour Point Rep BHarbour Pointe Sec 2 99Harbour Town ClubHarbour Town Club 01Harbour Town Club 06Harbour VillageHarbourdaleHardcastleHardeman Street VillHarder HeightsHardinHardin, H.K. TractHardy CourtHardy District EstsHardy PointHardy ReserveHardy SkylineHargrave BeachHarlem 4Harlem EstatesHarlem North 2ndHarlem Sec 01Harlem Sec 02Harlem Sec 04Harlemwood ManorsHarmon Creek RanchettesHarmon Creek RidgeHarmon Creek Ridge -Harmon Creek Ridge - Sec 1Harmon Creek Ridge - Sec 2HarmonyHarmony Central Sector 01Harmony CreekHarmony ForestHarmony LandingHarmony Ph 1Harmony SpgsHarmony VillageHarmony Village 02Harmony Village 03Harmony Village 05Harmony Village 07Harmony Village 09Harmony Village 10Harmony VillagesHarmony Vlg Sec 10Harmony Vlg Sec 8Harold StreetHarperHarper Goose Crk 1Harper UnrecHarper WoodsHarper's PreserveHarper's Preserve 30Harpers PreserveHarpers Preserve 01Harpers Preserve 02Harpers Preserve 04Harpers Preserve 10Harpers Preserve 11Harpers Preserve 13Harpers Preserve 15Harpers Preserve 18Harpers Preserve 20Harpers Preserve 21Harpers Preserve 22Harpers Preserve 24Harpers Preserve 25Harpers Preserve 26Harpers Preserve 27Harpers Preserve 28Harpers Preserve 30Harpers Preserve 32Harpers Preserve Sec 11Harpers Way SubHarrel ParkHarrellHarrington & Freeman XingHarrington TrailsHarrington Trails 01Harrington Trails 03Harrington Trails 04aHarrington Trails 04bHarrington Trails 05 bHarrington Trails 05aHarrington Trails 05bHarrington Trails 06aHarrington Trails 5BHarrington Trails at The CanopiesHarrington Trails at the CanopiesHarrisHarris & WillsonHarris & WilsonHarris & Wilson 2 Leauge GrantHarris & Wilson KohnHarris & Wilson League Grant AHarris & Wilson SurvHarris Co Sch LDSHarris CountyHarris County ElysonHarris County School Land SurvHarris County School LandsHarris County School Lands SurHarris J AHarris J RHarris MikeHarrisberry Gardens AmdHarrisburgHarrisburg AdditionHarrisburg TownsitesHarrisonHarrison SubHarrison, William DHarry AddHart 1Hartford Homes/Saint EmanuelHartford Landing At RiverstoneHartland AcresHarts Creek EstatesHarvardHarvard Place Ncb 6158Harvard SquareHarvest AcresHarvest Acres, Sec 2Harvest Acres, Sec 4Harvest Acres-1Harvest BendHarvest Bend SEC 3Harvest Bend Sec 01Harvest Bend Sec 03Harvest Bend Sec 03 R/PHarvest Bend Sec 04 R/PHarvest Bend Sec 04 RepHarvest Bend Sec 08Harvest Bend Sec 10Harvest Bend Sec 4 R/PHarvest Bend The MeadowHarvest Bend The VillageHarvest Bend VillageHarvest Bend Village 01 R/PHarvest Bend Village 03 R/PHarvest Bend Village Sec 01Harvest Bend Village Sec 02Harvest Bend Village Sec 02 R/Harvest Bend Village Sec 05Harvest Bnd Village PtHarvest GreenHarvest Green Sec 10Harvest Green Sec 11Harvest Green Sec 12Harvest Green Sec 13Harvest Green Sec 14Harvest Green Sec 15Harvest Green Sec 18Harvest Green Sec 25AHarvest Green Sec 3Harvest Green Sec 30Harvest Green Sec 35Harvest Green Sec 37Harvest Green Sec 4Harvest Green Sec 40Harvest Green Sec 5Harvest Green: 40ft. lotsHarvest HeightsHarvest Heights AnnexHarvest Heights Annex Sec 01Harvest Heights Annex Sec 02Harvest LandingHarvest Meadows CondoHarvest Pond AcresHarvey & Stout ResubHarvey HillsidesHarvey Road EstatesHarwood Terrace Sec 02Hasselmeier SW & SE 130Hasselmeier Sw & Se 130Hastings Green Sec 01Hastings Green Sec 02Hatton HeightsHavenshireHavenwoodHavenwood Hunters Crossing 3Havre LafitteHavre Lafitte LakefrontHavre Lafitte Sec 1Havre Lafitte Twnhms 87Havre Lafitte VillasHawesHawes 3Hawes 5thHawes 7thHawg HeavenHawg Heaven Sec 03Hawg Heaven Sec 2Hawg Heaven Sec 3Hawkins & Robinson Unrec SubHawks LandingHawks Landing Sec 1Hawks Landing Sec 2Hawks Landing Sec 3Hawks Landing Sec 4HawnHawthorne PlaceHawthorne Place Sec 01Hawthorne Place Sec 03Hawthorne Place Sec 07Hawthorne Place Sec 08Hawthorne Place Sec 09Hawthorne Place Sec 6Hawthorne RidgeHayamnvillageasubHayden LakesHayden Lakes Sec 11Hayden Lakes Sec 2Hayden Lakes Sec 7Hayden Lakes Sec 9Hayes AlvinHayes Creek EstatesHayes RanchHaynes ADDHaysHazard Street VillasHazelwoodHazelwood 01Hazen & HazenHazy Hollow East Estate 01Hazy Hollow East Estate 02Hazy Hollow East Estate 06Hazy Hollow East Estate 07Hazy Hollow East Estate 10Hazy Hollow East Estate 11Hazy Hollow Estate 01Hazy hollow east estatesHb Prentiss Surv Abs 56Hcdc SubHeadquarters RanchHearneHearthstoneHearthstone GreenHearthstone Green Sec 03Hearthstone Green Sec 04Hearthstone Green Sec 06Hearthstone PlaceHearthstone Sec 02Hearthstone Sec 06Hearthstone Sec 07Hearthstone Sec 09HearthwoodHearthwood 02 Condo Ph 01Hearthwood 02 Condo Ph 02Hearthwood 02 Condo Ph 03Hearthwood 02 Condo Ph 04Hearthwood 02 Condo Ph 05Hearthwood 02 Condo Ph 06Hearthwood CondoHearthwood Condo 2 Ph 4 & 5Hearthwood Condo Sec 01Hearthwood Condo Sec 1HeartstoneHeather AlvinHeather Glen Sec 02Heather Glen Sec 03Heather Ridge Village 1 RpHeather Ridge Village Sec 01HeathercrestHeatherwood VillageHeatherwood Village Sec 01 CorrectHeatherwood Village Sec 03HeatonHeavens PointHebert PlaceHedgepethHedwig VillageHeightsHeights AnnexHeights AnxHeights Anx Pt Rep 1Heights CountryHeights EnclaveHeights Enclave PlaceHeights GreenHeights Nirvana/Sunset HeightsHeights Of Barbers HillHeights Ridge Sec 2-4Heights of Barbers HillHeights/BrittmooreHeights/Greater HeightsHeights/Madison Park A CondoHeights/MinimaxHeights/So PUD Pod G Un 1 NcbHeimann Heights #2Held EstatesHelena ParkHelena Park 2Helena Park 4Helena TerraceHelios EstatesHelmsHelms EstateHemenwayHempsteadHendersonHenderson Land Co - Sec 3Henderson SDHenderson VillaHenry A Peters Surv Abs # 434Henry AustinHenry Cheves Surv AbsHenry Cooke A-126Henry Farley Surv A 1128Henry Gosling Surv Abs 171Henry Smith 282 Ac TractHenry Smith League Abs#a-72Henry Terrell Surv Abs #556Henry Tierwester Surv A-75Henry Tierwester Surv Abs #75Henry W Augustine AbstractHerikimer HeightsHeritage AcresHeritage AirfieldHeritage ColonyHeritage Colony Sec 2Heritage Colony Sec 4Heritage Colony Sec 5Heritage CourtHeritage Court SD Sec 1Heritage CoveHeritage CreekHeritage Estate Sec 1Heritage Estate Sec 2Heritage EstatesHeritage Estates 2Heritage Farms 01Heritage ForestHeritage GrandHeritage Lake Estates Ph 2Heritage Lk MdwsHeritage Meadows Corr Prcl R/PHeritage Meadows, Sec 1Heritage OaksHeritage Oaks Ph TwoHeritage Oaks Sec 2 A0380 & AHeritage Oaks Sec 3 A0380 & AHeritage Oaks Sub Sec 1Heritage ParkHeritage Park EstatesHeritage Park Sec 01Heritage Park Sec 04Heritage Park Sec 05Heritage Park Sec 06Heritage Park Sec 07Heritage Park Sec 08 R/PHeritage Park Sec 10Heritage Park Sec 11Heritage Park Sec 12 AmdHeritage Park Sec 14Heritage Park Sec 15Heritage Park Sec 16Heritage Park Sec 17 AmdHeritage Park Sec 18Heritage Park Sec 2 A0318 T SHeritage Park Sec 20Heritage Park Sec 21Heritage Park Sec 24Heritage Park Sec 26Heritage Park Sec 27Heritage Park Sec 9 & R/PHeritage Park WestHeritage Park West Sec 02Heritage Park West Sec 03Heritage Place 1Heritage RanchHeritage ReserveHeritage ShoresHeritage Square Sec 01Heritage Square Sec 02Heritage T/H CondoHeritage TwnhsesHeritage Two SubdivisionHeritage VillageHeritage Village Sec 01Heritage Village Sec 02HermanHerman Matzke Abtract 1552Hermann Condo AmdHermann LakeHermann Lofts CondoHermann ParkHermann Park Lofts T HHermitageHernandez EstatesHeron Lakes EstatesHeron Lakes T/HHeron Lakes TwnhmsHeron NestHeron Nest Sec 02Heron PlaceHerons Lndg Sec 2Herren Add 2003Herridge PlaceHerrin Loft CondoHerrin LoftsHerring AddHerrmann Estates Sect1Herrold DennisHerronHervey #1Hervey #2HerzogHerzog H P Sec 02Hi Byo CampsitesHi Byo Campsites # 2Hi Point Beach AddHickeyHickory CreekHickory Creek Sec 1Hickory ForrestHickory Hills 398Hickory Hills AddHickory Hills TownhomesHickory Hills Townhouses (Timbercrest)Hickory Hills Twnhs TimbHickory HollowHickory Hollow T/HHickory LaneHickory Oaks EstatesHickory RidgeHickory Skyline Patio HomesHickory SpgsHicks, William BHidaway RidgeHidden AcresHidden Acres 01Hidden ArborHidden Arbor ExpansionHidden Bridge CondosHidden Cove #1Hidden Cove CondoHidden CreekHidden Creek 03 (Abstract 53)Hidden Creek PreserveHidden Creek Preserve 01Hidden Creek Preserve 02Hidden Crk Sec 2Hidden Echo U/RHidden EstatesHidden ForestHidden Forest EstateHidden Forest Estate 01Hidden Forest Estate 02Hidden Forest Estate 04Hidden Forest Estate 05Hidden Forest EstatesHidden Forest Sec 01Hidden Hollow T/H CondoHidden Lake EstatesHidden Lake Estates 01Hidden Lake Estates 02Hidden Lake R/PHidden Lake Sec 03Hidden LakesHidden Lakes Sec 1 2009Hidden Lakes Sec 10Hidden Lakes Sec 2 2009Hidden Lakes Sec 3 Ph 1 2014Hidden Lakes Sec 4 Ph 1a 2014Hidden Lakes Sec 4 Ph 1b 2014Hidden Lakes Sec 4 Ph 2Hidden Lakes Sec 5 Ph 1a 2014Hidden Lakes Sec 5 Ph 2Hidden Lakes Sec 7 Ph 1 2015Hidden Lakes Sec 7 Ph 2Hidden Lakes Sec 8 Ph 1Hidden MdwHidden Mdw #1Hidden Mdw Sec 01Hidden Mdw Sec 03Hidden Mdw Sec 05Hidden Mdw Sec 06Hidden Mdw Sec 1Hidden Mdw Sec 10Hidden Mdw Sec 11Hidden Mdw Sec 13Hidden Mdw Sec 15 Pt ReplHidden Mdw Sec 7Hidden Mdw Sec 8Hidden MeadowHidden MeadowsHidden OaksHidden Oaks T/H U/RHidden Spgs Ranch 01Hidden Spgs Ranch 02Hidden ValleyHidden Valley Sec 01Hidden Valley Sec 02Hidden Valley Sec 03Hidden Valley Sec 04Hidden Valley Sec 06 R/PHidden Valley West Sec 02Hidden VlyHide A Way BayHide-A-Way On GulfHide-Away T/H CondoHiggins ManorHiggsHigh Country Ph 2High Hill Creek 628High Hill Ranch SubHigh IslandHigh Island Townsite Sub #1High Island Townsite Sub #2High Meadow EstatesHigh Meadow Estates 01High Meadow Estates 04High Meadow Estates 09High Meadow Estates 10High Meadow Estates 11High Meadow Indust ParkHigh Meadow PreserveHigh Meadow RanchHigh Meadow Ranch 01High Meadow Ranch 04High Meadow Ranch 10High Meadow Ranch 11High Meadow Ranch 12High Meadow Ranch 16High Meadow WestHigh MeadowsHigh Meadows Sec 01High Meadows Sec 05High Meadows Sec 06High Meadows Sec 1High Meadows Sec 10High OaksHigh SchoolHigh Star LndgHigh Star PlaceHigh Star Sec 01High Star Sec 02High Star Sec 03High TerraceHigh View Ranch Subdivision, PHighlandHighland - Sec 3Highland - Sec 4Highland Ac HmHighland Acre Home AnnexHighland Acre Home AnxHighland Acre Home Anx Sec 05Highland Acre HomesHighland Acre Homes AnnexHighland Acre Homes Annex 02Highland Acre Homes Annex 03Highland Acre Homes AnxHighland AcresHighland Acres Homes AddHighland Acres SubHighland AddHighland Addition OutsideHighland CityHighland City Ne Rr TrackHighland City Sw Rr TrackHighland CommonsHighland Creek RanchHighland Creek Ranch - Sec 1Highland Creek Ranch Sec 01Highland Creek Ranch Sec 02Highland Creek Ranch Sec 04Highland Creek Ranch Sec 4Highland Creek Village Sec 01Highland Crk Ranch Sec 03Highland Crk Ranch Sec 04Highland Crk Ranch Sec 05Highland Crk Ranch Sec 06Highland CrossingHighland Crossing Sec 3Highland EstatesHighland FarmsHighland Farms 2 Bl 16611 Un 2Highland Farms-3980Highland Gardens Sec 01Highland Gardens Sec 02Highland GlenHighland Glen EstatesHighland Glen Sec 01Highland Glen Sec 2Highland Glen Sec 4Highland Glen Sec 5Highland GreenHighland GroveHighland HeightsHighland Heights AddHighland Heights AnnexHighland Heights Annex Sec 01Highland Heights Annex Sec 02Highland Heights Annex Sec 03Highland Heights Annex Sec 04Highland Heights Annex Sec 05Highland Heights Annex Sec 06Highland Heights Annex Sec 07Highland Heights Annex Sec 10Highland Heights AnxHighland Heights Anx # FourHighland Heights Anx 04Highland Heights Anx 05Highland Heights Anx 2Highland Heights Anx Sec 03Highland Heights Anx Sec 06Highland Heights LndgHighland Heights VillasHighland Hills EstatesHighland Hills RanchHighland Hills Sec IIHighland HollowHighland Home PlaceHighland Home Place AddHighland Hts VillasHighland Lake EstatesHighland Lake Estates Sec 05Highland Lake Estates Sec 12 AHighland Lake Estates Sec 33Highland Lake VlgeHighland MdwsHighland Meadow Sec 02Highland Meadow-RevHighland MeadowsHighland Meadows Sec 1Highland ParkHighland Park 1Highland Park AddHighland Park Ncb 3326Highland Park Sec 02Highland PlaceHighland PointeHighland Pointe Sec 1Highland Pointe Sec 3Highland Pointe Sec 5Highland Ranch EstatesHighland Shores Sec 02Highland TerraceHighland Terrace AddHighland TimbersHighland Timbers Sec 01Highland Timbers Sec 02Highland Timbers Sec 1Highland To Port ArthurHighland TowerHighland Tower CondosHighland Townsite 09aHighland TrailsHighland Trails Sec 01Highland View AddHighland VillageHighland Village/ Upper Kirby/ West UHighland VistaHighland WoodsHighland Woods Sec 02HighlandsHighlands At Crystal Falls Sec 02 Ph 02Highlands Crk Ranch Sec 05Highlands Heights VistaHighlands RanchHighlands Sec 6Highlands SubHighlands TheHighlands TownsiteHighlands WoodsHighlands Woods Sec 02Highlands XingHighlineHighline Oaks 02HighpointHighview North AddHighwayHighway 21Highway AcresHigland Acre HomesHill & Dale Acres 01Hill & Dale Acres 02Hill & Dale Acres 03Hill & Dale RanchHill & Dale TerraceHill CountryHill Country Estates Sec 2Hill CreekHill Creek 02Hill Creek 03Hill Creek AcresHill Creek RidgeHill JacobHill TerraceHill Terrace AddHill W LHill and Dale RanchHillcreek #5HillcrestHillcrest 2 RevHillcrest AcresHillcrest AdditionHillcrest SweenyHillcrest TerraceHillcrest VillageHilldale RanchettesHillendahl AcresHiller Heights Sec 02HillgreenHills Homes Sec 01Hills Lakeway Ph 04Hills Of Hays Ph 1Hills Of Montgomery 03Hills Of WestlakeHills Of Westlake 01Hills Of Westlake 02Hills SubHills of WestlakeHillsdale CreekHillsdale Crk Sec 1Hillside Acres Sub Bl 15619Hillside AddHillside EstatesHillside Terrace Sec IHillside TwnhsesHilltopHilltop LakesHilltop Lakes ResortHilltop Lakes Sec 01Hilltop Lakes Sec 02Hilltop Lakes Sec 03-BHilltop Lakes Sec 03-EHilltop Lakes Sec 03bHilltop Lakes Sec 10Hilltop Lakes Sec 11Hilltop Lakes Sec 118Hilltop Lakes Sec 11bHilltop Lakes Sec 13Hilltop Lakes Sec 16Hilltop Lakes Sec 26Hilltop Lakes Sec 3cHilltop Lakes Sec 60Hilltop Lakes Sec 70Hilltop Lakes Sec 8aHilltop Lakes Sec#27Hilltop Lakes SubHilltop Lakes Sub Sec 62aHilltop Lks Sec 15Hilltop RanchHilltop TerraceHilltop Terrace SubHilltop/ J H Moore 1/2 LgHilltop/ J H Moore 1/2 Lg A071HillwoodHillyerHilshire LakesHilshire Lakes Sec 01 PtHilshire Lakes Sec IHilshire ManorHilshire ManorsHilshire ParkHinesHinkle Ferry Sec 2Hinson A EHiram Walker SurvHirsch EstatesHirsch Stone ManoreHirschfield FarmsHirschfield Farms Sec 02 U/RHistoric Downtown MadisonHistoric Downtown WashingtonHistoric Little RiverHistoric WashingtonHitchcockHitchcock EastHitchcock L M EastHitchcock L M WestHitchcock TownsiteHobben OaksHobby Airport VillasHobby Airport Villas Bldg 10Hobby Airport Villas Bldg 18Hobby Airport Villas Bldg 3Hobby StarkHobgoodHockleyHoco 1Hoco 2Hodge ArchibaldHodge JamesHoelscher Sub 95HoffmanHoffman Street VilliageHog Wild SubdivisionHogan SquareHogans LandingHohl AptsHohldaleHohlwoodHohm AlphaHoidale & Coffmal-40471 0020-0006-0000-0HolidayHoliday BeachHoliday Beach - HitchcockHoliday Beach HillcrestHoliday Beach Mesquite TreeHoliday Beach NorthviewHoliday Beach St CharlesHoliday ForestHoliday Forest Sec 01Holiday HarborHoliday Harbor Sub Sec IIHoliday Hill SubHoliday IslandHoliday Lake EstatesHoliday Lake Estates Sec 1Holiday Lake Estates Sec 2Holiday Lake Estates Sec 3Holiday Lake Estates Sec 4Holiday Lake Estates Sec 7Holiday Lakes Sec 3Holiday OaksHoliday Oaks 01Holiday Oaks 02Holiday Oaks 03Holiday Oaks Sec IIHoliday Pines TownhomesHoliday ShoresHoliday Shores Rep 2007Holiday Shores Sub 1Holiday Shores Sub 2Holiday Shores Sub 3Holiday Shores Sub 4Holiday VilageHoliday Villag Magnolia Lake Est I Sec FHoliday VillageHoliday Village/Hidden OaksHoliday VillagesHoliday Villages of LivingstonHoliday WoodsHolland EstatesHolland Ridge Ph TwoHolland Road EstatesHollands AdditionHollemanHolleman JsHolleman RanchHolley Terrace Sec 01Holley Terrace Sec 02 R/PHollinger EstatesHollingsworth SubHollins PropertiesHollister Mdws Reserves A-DHollister Place T/H R/PHollow GlenHolloway HeightsHolloway Heights Sec 01Holloway Heights Sec 03Holloway Heights Sec 1HollubHolly CreekHolly Creek Sec 02 U/RHolly EstatesHolly Estates 02Holly GlennHolly HallHolly Hall T/HHolly Hall T/H CondoHolly HillsHolly Hills 03Holly Hills Sec 01Holly Lake RanchHolly ParkHolly RidgeHolly Spgs 05Holly Spgs Tr 9 Sec 3Holly SpringsHolly Terrace At Jacobs ReservHolly Terrace At Jacobs ReserveHolly TrailsHolly Villa CondoHollydaleHollytreeHollywood Gardens Pt RepHollywood HeightsHolmanHolman CourtHolman OulotHolman OutlotHolman Outlot 02Holman Outlot 03Holman Outlot 08Holman Outlot 13Holman Outlot 14Holman Outlot 18Holman Outlot 22Holman Outlot 23Holman Outlot 36Holman Outlot 38Holman Outlot 43Holman Outlot 44Holman Outlot 46Holman Outlot 47Holman PlaceHolmesHolmwoodHolts, Sec 1Holts, Sec 2Holts, Sec 3HomeHome Owned Estates Sec 01Home Owned Estates Sec 02Home Owned Estates Sec 04Home Owned Estates Sec 05Homefront EnclaveHomeland 2Homeland AcresHomes Condo Sec 02Homes at providenceHomesiteHomesite AddHomestead At Fort HoustonHomestead Sec 02Homestead VillageHomewoodHomewood CourtHonea Forest EstatesHoney CircleHoney Circle & RpHoney Circle R/PHoney Tree County Tr 3Honsinger Village Sec 2Hood 207 Sec 2Hooks AirportHoop & HollerHooper & WadeHooper & Wade Tr 3b2Hooper John MHooper and WadeHoover PlaceHope SDHopperHorace Yeamens Surv Abs #420Horatio Chriesman Surv Abs 24Horizon Heights #2Horizon Pointe Sub Un 11HornHornerHorse Shoe Bend Sec 2Horseshoe BayHorseshoe Bay ProperHorseshoe Bay SouthHorseshoe Bay WestHorseshoe Bend Tract BHorseshoe Bend Tract EHorseshoe Falls Estates 1Horseshoe FarmsHorseshoe Lake RanchHorseshoe LakesHorseshoes ridge at westheimer lakesHortenseHorton SubHostetter CreekHoumont ParkHoumont Park Sec 01House RansomHouseman AcresHouseman Estates Lts 21 - 30HoustonHouston Acreage EstatesHouston Ave Twnhms Sec 01Houston City St Rail Way Add #Houston City St RwyHouston City St Rwy Sec 01Houston City St Rwy Sec 04Houston Country Club PlaceHouston Country Club Place SecHouston Country Club Place Sec 02Houston FarmsHouston GardensHouston HarborHouston Harbor AddHouston Harbor AnnexHouston HeightsHouston Heights 05 AmdHouston Heights AnnexHouston Heights Annex 03 AmdHouston Heights AnxHouston Hot WellHouston Hot WellsHouston Hot Wells AcrHouston ManorHouston Skyscraper Shadow 01Houston Skyscraper ShadowsHouston Skyscraper Shadows 01Houston Skyscraper Shadows 02Houston Skyscraper Shadows 03Houston Skyscraper Shadows 1Houston Suburban EstatesHouston Suburban HeightsHouston VentureHouston ViewsHouston's Skyscraper Shadows 01Houston, Heights AnnexHoustonian Estates CondoHoustonian Homes/Edgewood ReplHoustons Skyscraper ShadowsHoustons Skyscraper Shadows 01Howard Mcelroy Surv Abs #68Howard TerraceHowell Thos CHowes ThirdHoxies Unrec Sub 91Ht& B Railroad Surv Abs 281Ht&B-7Ht&Brr Tract 10e Sec 2 Abs 161HubbardHubbard OTHubert & Watson SubHubertsHuckleberry CourtHudson Bend 02 Amd R/PHudson CircleHudson FarmsHudson ForestHudson Forest Sec 01 T/HHudson HillsHudson OaksHudson Oaks Condo 1aHudson Oaks T/H CondoHudson Oaks T/H Condo Sec 01aHudson Oaks T/H Condo Sec 01bHudson Oaks T/H Condo Sec 02Hudson ParkHudson-UptonHueco Spgs Ranches 2Huey WmHuffman Bus Park SubHuffman Business ParkHuffman HillsHuffman Hills Sec 02 U/RHuffman Hills Tr 12Huffmeister ParkHugh LandingHughesHughes Frank A Sub Of Lt 7 CHughes GardensHuldy Street TwnhmsHulon LakesHulon Lakes 01HumbleHumble Acres Sec 02Humble EstatesHumble HeightsHumble Road GardensHumble Road PlaceHumble Road Place Sec 2Hunnicutt-Lot 1Hunnicutt-Lot 2Hunnicutt-Lot 4HunstvilleHuntcrest Condo Amd Ph 01Hunter Elijah AcresHunter Oaks SubdivisionHunter Tr UnrecHunters Chase Sec 01Hunters Chase Sec 02Hunters Chase Sec 03Hunters Chase Sec 04Hunters Chase Sec 1Hunters Chase Sec 2Hunters CourtHunters CoveHunters CreekHunters Creek VillageHunters CrkHunters Crk Sec 2Hunters Crk Sec 4Hunters Crk Sec 7Hunters Crk Sec 8Hunters CrossingHunters ForestHunters GlenHunters Glen 01Hunters Glen Sec 1Hunters Glen Sec 2Hunters Glen Sec 3Hunters Glen Sec 4Hunters Glen Sec 5-B2Hunters Glen Sec 5b1Hunters GreenHunters GroveHunters LandingHunters ParkHunters Park Garden HomesHunters Park Sec 1Hunters PlaceHunters Point EstatesHunters Rdg Village Sec 01Hunters Retreat 02Hunters RidgeHunters Ridge SubHunters Ridge VillageHunters Ridge Village Sec 01Hunters Ridge Village Sec 02Hunters Ridge Village Sec 03Hunters Ridge Village Sec 04Hunters Run Condo Ph 1Hunters Terrace Sec 03 Ph 02Hunters VillageHunterwoodHunterwood ForestHunterwood Forest Sec 02Hunterwood R/PHunterwood VillageHunterwood Village Sec 01Hunterwood Village Sec 02 R/PHunterwood Village Sec 03 R/PHunterwood Village Sec 04 R/PHuntingdon CondoHuntingtonHuntington Estates 01Huntington OaksHuntington Park CondoHuntington PlaceHuntington Place ExtHuntington Place Sec 2Huntington Sec 03Huntington VillageHuntington Village Sec 01Huntington Village Sec 02Huntington Village Sec 03Huntington Village Sec 03 ReserveHuntington Village Sec 04Huntington Village Sec 4Huntington WoodsHuntleighHuntsville Country EstatesHuntsville TownsiteHuntsville Townsite CommerciaHuntsville Townsite CommercialHuntwick AddHuntwick ForestHuntwick Forest 1 & RpHuntwick Forest Apts Bldg 7Huntwick Forest Sec 01 R/PHuntwick Forest Sec 01 RepHuntwick Forest Sec 05Huntwick Forest Sec 06 Pt ReHuntwick Forest Sec 07Huntwick Forest Sec 08Huntwick Forest Sec 10 R/PHuntwick Forrest Sec 08Huntwick Parc Sec 02Hurlock & FieldsHuronHutcheson AcresHutchins Lndg DeuxHutchins Street Square RepHutchins Street Square Rep 01HutchinsonHutchinson 06-PurdueHutchinson J C Jr H T & B RyHwy 288 / Airport / Orem DrHwy 7 EstateHy JonesHy ScottHyde ParkHyde Park AmdHyde Park AnnexHyde Park CourtHyde Park CrescentHyde Park EstatesHyde Park ExtHyde Park HeightsHyde Park MainHyde Park Main Sec 03Hyde Park Main Sec 06Hyde Park OaksHyde Park T/HHyde Park West Blk 01 AmdHyde Park West Blk 01 Prcl AmdHyde Pk Main AddHydies Crossing U/RHymesa Estates Ph Seven SecI & G N R RI & G N R R (A-692)I & G N R R Co Sec 9I & G N R/R Surv Abs # 118 SecI & G N RRI & G N RR COI & G RR COI & GN RR SURI & GnI & Gn RyI & Gnrr A-601 SubI & Gnrr A-617 SubI AND GNI E G N R R Surv Abs #424I F HaynesI FieldsI H Reed League A-23I J HarwoodI KeepI LopezI MCGARYI McgaryI R R Co Surv 1 Abs 257I T TinsleyI TEXAS GRAND RANCHI TEXAS GRAND RANCH PHASE 15I Texas Grand RanchI Texas Grand Ranch Ph 1I Texas Grand Ranch Ph 10I Texas Grand Ranch Ph 14I Texas Grand Ranch Ph 2I Texas Grand Ranch Ph 3aI Texas Grand Ranch Ph 3bI Texas Grand Ranch Ph 4aI Texas Grand Ranch Ph 4bI Texas Grand Ranch Ph 5I Texas Grand Ranch Ph 6I Texas Grand Ranch Ph 7I Texas Grand Ranch Ph 8I Texas Grand Ranch Ph 9I& Gnr Co Sec 4I&GN #19I&GNRR Co, Sur 5, Blk. 7I&Gn#19I&Gnrr Sec 17 Abs #118I&W Now Appling & LundyI-45 EstatesI-45 South over Causeway- at 53rd StreetI-45/Osr EstatesICON TOWERSICON TOWERS SUBDIVISIONIDLE GLENIDLELOCHIG&N-7IH Reed SurveyIMPALA WOODSIMPERIAL OAKSIMPERIAL OAKS ESTATES 03IMPERIAL POINT SEC 8IMPERIAL RIDGE SEC 1IMPERIAL VALLEYIMPERIAL WOODSINCOLN HEIGHTSIND RR COINDEPENDENCE HEIGHT ANNEXINDEPENDENCE HEIGHTSINDEPENDENCE HEIGHTS HOMESINDEPENDENCE HEIGHTS PARKINDIAN BEACHINDIAN BEACH 1INDIAN RIDGEINDIAN SPRINGSINDIAN SPRINGS LAKE ESTATESINDUS OAK RESIDENCEINDUSTRIAL ACRES U/RINTERCONTINENTAL VILLAGEINTERNATIONALINTOWNINTRACOASTAL CANAL ADDNINVERNESS ESTATESINWOOD NORTHWEST SEC 2IOLA RURALISAAC C HOSKINSISAAC N MORELAND SURVEYISAIAH CURDIVESIagoIbis Lake At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 5Ibiza Shepherd Gdn OaksIchkabal VillasIda StraussIda Williams Tr Sec 18Idle Glen U/RIdle Wild U/RIdle WildeIdlelochIdleloch Sec 01Idlewilde EstatesIdlewilde Estates Sec 1Idlewilde Estates Sec 4IdlewoodIdlewood CondoIdylwildIdylwoodIdylwood AddIdylwood Pt Rep 1Ig&N-32Ig&N-7Iglesia Cristiana Evangelica CIglinsky 316Il PalazzoIl Palazzo Condo AmdImber PlaceImpala WoodsImpala Woods Sec 1Impala Woods Sec 2Impala Woods Sec 3Impala Woods Sec 4Impala Woods Sec 5Imperial Estates 2Imperial ForestImperial Forest Sec 3Imperial Frst Sec 4Imperial Garden Sec 01Imperial Garden Sec 02Imperial GreenImperial Green Sec 01Imperial HeightsImperial HtsImperial Hts PkImperial OaksImperial Oaks 01Imperial Oaks 02Imperial Oaks 03Imperial Oaks 05Imperial Oaks 09Imperial Oaks 11Imperial Oaks 14Imperial Oaks EstatesImperial Oaks Estates 01Imperial Oaks ForestImperial Oaks Forest 01Imperial Oaks ParkImperial Oaks Park 02Imperial Oaks Park 03Imperial Oaks Park 05Imperial Oaks Park 06Imperial Oaks Park 08Imperial Oaks Park 09Imperial Oaks Park 10Imperial Oaks Park 11Imperial Oaks Park 12Imperial Oaks Park 12aImperial Oaks Park 15Imperial Oaks Park 16Imperial Oaks Park 17-AImperial Oaks Park 18Imperial Oaks Village 02Imperial PointImperial Point Sec 01Imperial Point Sec 08Imperial RidgeImperial Ridge Sec 01Imperial TraceImperial Trace Sec 01Imperial Trace Sec 1Imperial Trace Sec 6Imperial ValleyImperial Valley Sec 05Imperial WoodsImps OnlyIn Mar Bella Sec 15 A&B 15-A&BIn TownIndependanceIndependence GroveIndependence HeightsIndependence Heights AddIndependence Heights AnnexIndependence Heights AnxIndependence Heights CornerIndependence Heights EnclaveIndependence Heights HomesIndependence Heights ParkIndependence Heights SchoolIndependence HomeIndependence LandingIndependence LndgIndependence ParkIndependence TrailIndependence Trail SubIndependentIndependent HeightsIndian BayouIndian BeachIndian Beach 1Indian Beach 2Indian Beach 3Indian GapIndian HillIndian Hill #1Indian Hill #2Indian Hill EstatesIndian Hill Estates Sec 2Indian Hill HeightsIndian Hill Heights Sec 1Indian Hill Heights Sec 2Indian Hills SubIndian Lake SubIndian LakedIndian Lakes PH 11Indian Lakes Ph 01Indian Lakes Sub Ph XIndian Paintbrush Sec 4bIndian Ridge SubIndian Ridge, Sec 2Indian Ridge, Sec 3Indian ShoresIndian Shores Sec 02Indian Shores Sec 04Indian Shores Sec 05Indian Shores Sec 08Indian Shrss Rustic Acres SecIndian Spgs Lake Estates SeIndian Springs LakeIndian Springs Lake EstatesIndian TrailIndian TrailsIndian Trails 5Indian Village EstatesIndian WoodsIndigo Lake EstatesIndigo Lake Estates 02Indigo Lake Estates 03Indigo Lake Estates 04Indigo Lake Estates 06Indigo RanchIndustrial & ResubIndustrial AddIndustrial Ctr Porter BakerIndustry Brewery Reserve AInexaInezIngelside on the BayIngleside TownsiteIngrahamInland EstatesInland HarborInstitute Place GladitchInt Common Land & Ele Parc/MidInter #1 Sec 1 Rep 1Inter Nos One Barkers ReserveInter Nos One Sec 1Inter Nos Sec 1Intercity PlaceIntercoastal Canal AddIntercontinental Reserve AIntercontinental Village T/HInternational Sec 02Interurban GardensInvernessInverness CondoInverness Condo 01Inverness Condo 02Inverness EstatesInverness Estates Sec 01Inverness Estates Sec 04Inverness Estates Sec 06Inverness Estates Sec 4Inverness Estates Sec 5Inverness ForestInverness Forest Sec 01Inverness Forest Sec 02Inverness Forest Sec 04Inverness T/H CondoInvestment Sales AdditionInwood AcresInwood ColonyInwood Court Sec 01Inwood ForestInwood Forest Sec 02Inwood Forest Sec 03Inwood Forest Sec 06Inwood Forest Sec 09Inwood Forest Sec 11Inwood Forest Sec 12Inwood Forest Sec 15Inwood Forest VillageInwood Forest Village Sec 01Inwood Lake JacksonInwood Manor CondoInwood Manor Condo Notice Of PInwood NorthInwood North SecInwood North Sec 01Inwood North Sec 02Inwood North Sec 03Inwood North Sec 04Inwood North Sec 05Inwood North Sec 06Inwood North Sec 07Inwood Northwest Sec 01 Prcl RInwood Northwest Sec 03 03 R/PInwood Northwest Sec 04 03 R/PInwood Park T/HInwood PinesInwood Pines CondoInwood Pines Sec 01Inwood Pines Sec 02Inwood Pines Sec 03Inwood TerraceInwood Terrace 2Inwood Terrace 4Inwood Terrace Sec 01Inwood Terrace Sec 02Inwood Terrace Sec 03Inwood Terrace Sec 04Inwood Terrace Sec 07Inwood Terrace VillageInwood VillageInwood West Sec 01 R/PInwood West Sec 02IolaIola RuralIowa ColonyIowa GardensIris CoveIron GateIron Star SubIronclad Estates at PineIrr Co Surv #66 Abs # 424IrvingtonIrvington AddIrvington CourtIrvington ManorIrvinton AddIrwinIsaac A FIsaac JonesIsaac Pierson Surv Abs #381Isabella CourtIsla 33Isla Del SolIsla doradaIsland GreensIsland View EstatesIsland View Ranch EstatesIslander East CondoIsle Bayside Sub 98Isles, Perry BIsmay HarborIsomIssac JacksonIssac N Moreland Surv Abs 54Itarman Frazier Surv Abstmei 1IvanhoeIvanhoe EstatesIvesIvory Ridge At Riverstone Sec 1Ivy OaksIzamal Court At Campeche ShoreJ & S BeachJ & S Beach #3 Add 2J & S Beach 2J & S Beach 3 UnrecJ & S Beach 4 UnrecJ & S Beach AddnJ & S Beach SUB 4J & S Beach SUB NO 4J A E PHELPSJ A E PhelpsJ A HarrisJ A Neal SubJ A WILLIAMSJ A WilliamsJ AUSTINJ Allison Surv #44J AlstonJ ArmendarisJ ArmstongJ ArmstrongJ AustinJ B BaileyJ BOSLYNEJ BartlettJ C DeversJ C MartinJ C PapeJ C Tappan #3J CALLYHANJ CARTERJ CaughranJ CherryJ ChristyJ ColeJ CopelandJ CoronadoJ CoulterJ Cox League Abs/13J CummingsJ D G Varrelman Surv Abs #20J D J RanchJ D Martinez Surv A-31J D Martinez-9J D VermillionJ D WilliamsJ DE J VALDERASJ DEWEYEJ De J ValderasJ DevoreJ DeweyeJ DorsettJ E AndersonJ E GROCEJ E GroceJ E Pierce SubJ E ScottJ E SelfJ ErwinJ F & E F AUSTIN SURVEYJ F & E F Austin SurveyJ F DERUMAYORJ F DerumayorJ F Pettus League A-75J F Stevenson Surv Abs #415J F smithJ G GothJ G Long AddJ H BellJ H CALLAHANJ H CartwrightJ H ChismJ H Haile Surv A-40J H Hines Elem AddJ H SMELSERJ HouseJ J EstateJ J Tejada Valle Delrancho AddJ KuykendallJ L GreenJ L HillJ L Ranchland U/RJ L WHITEJ LA FLOREJ LANEJ La FloreJ Landis Surv Abs #376J LayfayetteJ M BENNETTJ M De La Garza League Abs 18J M Frost Jr 1st SubJ M GarzaJ M MillsJ M Renfro Surv A-511J M Shipp Surv A-1165J MALLEYJ MC ANULTYJ MELLUSJ MERRYJ MILES SURJ MILLERJ MORGAN ABST 56J Maga#surv Abs No 25J MalleyJ MarshallJ MerryJ MillerJ NELSONJ NICHOLSJ Nichols LeagueJ P Coles SurveyJ P NewtonJ P Parker Jr Surv Abs #1311J PolleyJ Porter Surv A-38J PowellJ R FaulkJ R TRIPLETTJ RoarkJ S BLACKJ S BlackJ S COLLINSJ S Counsel League A-36J S HUNTERJ S HunterJ S OWENS AB 1090 0.852J S OconnorJ S RickettsJ SELLERS SURJ San PierreJ Scott League Abs 56J SittaJ T Belknap Norvell SubJ T EdwardsJ T HarrellJ T WHITEJ T WhiteJ T White League Abs #300J ThomasJ Thomas Surv Abs 283J Vajdak-22J W & BJ W ASBURYJ W CADWELLJ W CLOUD & JOHN HOWELLJ W CloudJ W Cloud Surv Abs 169J W Cole Abs #32J W HallJ W MOODYJ W MooreJ W Niles Surv Abs 396J W SINGLETONJ W SingletonJ W Singleton Surv Abs 709J WESTJ WestJ WheatJ WoodburryJ Y Aguilera Surv Abs 2J Y BURNEYJ Y BurneyJ&G N Rr Co Surv Sec 18 Abs #2J. C. LAWHONJ. Merry AbstractJ. S. NorrisJ. Shaw Sur Tract 204-10J. W. BULLOCKJ. WheatJ.B. CAZENAVEJ.O. RossJA Sargeant LeagueJA SumralJACKSON HILLJAGUARESJAMAICA BEACH 19JAMEISON, ISAACJAMES BELL TRACT 41-1JANE WILKINSJANOWSKIJAS HENLEYJAS S HALLJASMINE HEIGHTSJAYRAM RESIDENTSJB CAMPBELL SURV A 148JB Clark AdditionJEANES SUBDIVISIONJEDATHANJERSEY VILLAGEJG DunnJH LockneyJM SwisherJM MoraJM Swisher SurveyJNO BevilJNO Bevil JRJNO DICKERSONJNO LEVERTONJNO LevertonJNO MCGAFFEYJNO McGaffeyJOHN BAKER TRACT 75JOHN C WHITEJOHN D NEWELL ABJOHN FARMERJOHN FAULK LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NUMBER 34JOHN GRISSETT AB 429JOHN HAGANJOHN HARRISJOHN HOFFLERJOHN MC FARLAND TRACTJOHN MOORE SURV ABSJOHN W HALLJOHNSON LIVINGJOHNSON M SURVEYJOHNSON SDJONES SHAW SURJORDANJORDAN RANCHJOS HODGESJOSE MARIA DE LA GARZAJOSEPH POLLEYJOSEPHS COVEJP BordenJUAN A PADILLOJURICAJUSTO LIENDOJW INGERSOLL A-27JW Singleton SURVJa-Lin SubJaav EstatesJacinto Oaks Sec 03Jack AlvinJackson & DardenJackson & FulghumJackson City ViewsJackson CourtJackson EstatesJackson GroveJackson HeightsJackson Hill AddJackson Oaks EstatesJackson Oaks Estates Lake JacJackson Plantation Lake JacksJackson RetreatJackson SJackson Square CenterJackson StreetJackson Surv Abs 293Jackson Surv Abs 34Jackson WM BJacob Bennett Surv Abs #115Jacob Dannenbaum Sub Tr 93-Jacob M SheppardJacob Stiffler League & LaborJacobs ReserveJacquelyn MdwsJacquelyn OaksJacquelyn VillaJad AcresJadak Manor 01Jade Island Lake OlympiaJade Island Lake Olympia Sec 1Jaguar EstatesJake Woods PartitionJakovich 2Jakovich 3Jakovich 3 Sec 1Jakovich SubJakubik AddJamaica BeachJamaica Beach 1Jamaica Beach 11Jamaica Beach 12Jamaica Beach 13Jamaica Beach 14Jamaica Beach 16Jamaica Beach 19Jamaica Beach 2Jamaica Beach 20Jamaica Beach 22Jamaica Beach 23Jamaica Beach 25Jamaica Beach 26Jamaica Beach 29Jamaica Beach 3Jamaica Beach 30Jamaica Beach 4Jamaica Beach 6Jamaica Beach 7Jamaica Beach 8Jamaica Beach 9Jamaica Beach Blk A & Pt Blk BJamaica Beach RivieraJamesJames BrownJames Cochran Surv Abs #146James CooperJames Cooper Surv Abs 189James Cooper SurveyJames CummingsJames Cummings Hacienda A-31James Cummings Haclenda A-31James Cummins Surv Abs #12James Daniels Surv Abs #211James Denward Surv Abs #289James Dyson Surv A-8James FerfusonJames FranklinJames Hall Surv Abs #32James HaneyJames Hoggatt LeagueJames Hughson Surv Abs #23James Kegans Surv Abs #68James MartinJames MccoyJames McfaddinJames MellonJames Moffett Surv Abs # 382James Moffett Surv Sec 1 Abs #James Neville League A-62James O Irwin Surv Anstract 33James P Hudson Surv Abs 207James PattersonJames Place ThJames RobesonJames Robinson League Abs #270James S Garner Surv A-33James Smith Abs 37James W Abbey Surv A-87James W RobinsonJames W Wilson Surv A#1469James Walker A0106James Webb Surv A-815 Tr 9James Winn LeagueJames Winn League A-114Jameson & MckinneyJamestown ColonyJamestown Colony Sec 03Jamison Landing PearlandJan Jack Estates Sec 02Jane LongJane Sargent SubJanik-Appleman SD B C I C DivJanischJanisch AmeliaJanisch HtsJarboeJarboe-4235Jardines de DeliciasJared E Groce Surv A-23Jared E Groce Surv A-30Jaros SubJas A GerishJas ConnerJas HughesJas KnightJas MccormickJas ScottJasm Ine Heights Sec 6Jasmine HeightsJasmine Heights Sec 01Jasmine Heights Sec 10Jasmine Heights Sec 12Jasmine Heights Sec 13Jasmine Heights Sec 14Jasmine Heights Sec 16Jasmine Heights Sec 17Jasmine Heights Sec 21Jasmine Heights Sec 22Jasmine Heights Sec 24Jasmine Heights Sec 25Jasmine Heights Sec 5Jasmine Heights Sec 6Jasmine Heights Sec 7Jasmine Heights Sec 8Jasmine Heights Sec 9Jasmine HightsJasper Harding Abs 179 Sec 1Jaxon AddJc Stephens SurvJcn-JcnJd Martinez Surv A-30Jd Martinez Surv A-32Jd MoodyJe Groce Surv A-227Jeanetta GardensJef Chaison AddJef Chaison Add 02Jeff Chaison AddJefferson GardensJefferson HeightsJefferson HomesitesJefferson Luxury HomesJefferson Place U/RJemisonJemison AddJenkinsJenkins 2nd AddJenkins VillageJenn SDJensenJensen LandingJensen MillsJensen PointJersey AcresJersey VillageJersey Village 02 R/PJersey Village CC Estates Sec 03 R/Jersey Village Cc Estates Sec 04 RepJersey Village Country Club EstatesJersey Village, Cypress, Beltway 8Jersey Villlage Country Club EstatesJesse DensonJesse Pruitt SurvJesse Young SurvJesse Young Surv Abs #247Jesselton PointJessica LaneJessie Evans Surv Abs #111Jessie Johnson SurveyJewels Homes On IngersollJg Bearrier Surv Abs 137Jh Hackett's Sub Abs #616Jim N MillerJm Dikes Surv A-27Jm Esparza Surv Abs #199Jno A HarmonJno BradleyJno Foster Half LeagueJno LevertonJno MartinJno McneelJno RandonJoann S Cottages T/HJoe AnnieJohanna EnclaveJohanna LandingJohanna PlaceJohanssenJohn Allen League Abs # 1John AustinJohn Austin 2 League GrantJohn Austin 2 League Grant GraJohn Austin AbsJohn Austin Abs 1John Austin Surv Abs #1John Baker Surv Abs # 71John Baker Surv Abs #71John Bevil League Abs 2John BirdJohn Box Surv Abs 14John C Stephens Surv Abs 182John C WhiteJohn C White Surv Tract 4 AbsJohn Carothers Surv Abs #9John CarrJohn ChiltonJohn ChristJohn ColeJohn Cole AbstractJohn Cooke League A-34John CornerJohn CristJohn CummingsJohn D Nash Surv A-58 Tract 49John Dunman 1/3 League LeagueJohn Eblin A-42John Eblin League Abs #42John EdwardsJohn Elsie EstatesJohn F Martin Surv Abs # 227John FarmerJohn Ferguson Surv A-7John GainesJohn GibsonJohn Gossett Surv Abs #308John H Kirby Surv #2John H Pierson Surv A-272John H SharyJohn H. KirbyJohn H. Pierson Svy A-312John HarrisJohn HerringJohn Irons Surv A-39John Irons Surv Abs #39John Jett Surv Abs # 15John KelleyJohn KnoxJohn L Stanley Surv Sec 19 A-7John Little Surv A-66John Logan LeagueJohn Logan League A-66John Long Surv Abs #156John M Everett Surv Abstrct #1John M Hooper Surv Abs 375John M Swisher Surv Abs # 316John McGuffinJohn Mcannelly Surv Abs #437John MccloskJohn Mcfarland League A-46John Mcgown Surv Abs-238John Merry Surv Abs # 49John Merry Surv Abs 49John Miles Surv Abs 153John Moore League Surv A-59John Moore Surv Abs #46John P Coles Surv Abs #34John Pate Surv Abs #502John PeskeJohn R Johnson Surv Abs #359John R RheaJohn Reese Surv Abs #242John Reid Surv Abs #318John Rice Jones Surv Abs #59John S Black Surv A-5John S Evans Surv Abs #21John SaddlerJohn Schnell Surv A 742John Schnell Surv Abs 741John Sellers LeagueJohn Sellers League Share AJohn Shaffold Surv Abs #527John Shaffold SurveyJohn Shaw League A-92John Shaw League Abs #92John TalbertJohn VannessJohn Vivien Surv A-224John W Bryan AbsJohn W LightfootJohn Woodward Surv Abs #846John Works AdditionJohn WrightJohn whiteJohnson #2Johnson BluffJohnson CommunityJohnson PlaceJohnson SDJohnson SubJohnson additionJohnson-CrawfordJohnson-Crawford 1Johnson-Crawford 2Johnson-Crawford Addition 1JohnstonJohnston SpringsJonesJones AddJones Country EstatesJones Creek ReserveJones Creek TerraceJones Garden HomesJones Lt 110, 117 EtcJones M LJones MeadowJones PJones ReserveJones ShawJones Zack-DayJones-BrockJones-MathewsJones-PerezJones-shaw SurveyJonestown HillsJordan Creek Equestrian EstateJordan Homes LLC Tr 1Jordan RanchJordan Ranch 55sJordan Ranch Model Home ParkJordan Ranch Sec 10Jordan Ranch Sec 12Jordan Ranch Sec 13Jordan Ranch Sec 15Jordan Ranch Sec 17Jordan Ranch Sec 19Jordan Ranch Sec 21Jordan Ranch Sec 23Jordan Ranch Sec 24Jordan Ranch Sec 26Jordan Ranch Sec 27Jordan Ranch Sec 28Jordan Ranch Sec 2aJordan Ranch Sec 3Jordan Ranch Sec 30Jordan Ranch Sec 31Jordan Ranch Sec 4Jordan Ranch Section 30Jordan WestJorine T/H Condo Ph 01Jos DunmanJose D Martinez Surv A-31Jose Dolores Martinez Surv AbsJose Maria De La GarzaJose Maria Salinas 4 Leagues GJose Ortega Surv #a-35Jose Pineda East Four Grant LeJoseph -Majumder 02Joseph FennerJoseph House Surv A-34Joseph House Survey AbstractJoseph Kopecky SDJoseph Kurtz Surv A-413 334 SeJoseph La FloreJoseph MIMSJoseph Miller Surv Abs 50Joseph MimsJoseph Morgan League Abs # 56Joseph Morgan Surv A-56Joseph Richey Surv Abs # 21Joseph Urban League Abs #348Joseph WhiteJoseph YoungJoseph's CoveJosephine StreetJosephs CoveJosephs Cove Sec 1Josephs Cove Sec 2Josephs Cove Sec 3Josey SubJourdantonJoy VillageJp Coles Surv Abs #12Js Black Surv Abs 124Js Collard League A-10Js Collard Surv A-10Js HolmanJt Harrell Surv Abs 329Jtharrel SurvJuan A Padillo A-48 Tr 167Juan Cano League Abs #5Juan J Acosta Surv Abs #1Juan Ortiz Surv#190JubileeJudd Sam CJudith DanielsJulia GroveJulia Street LandingJune GardensJuneman 1 L 199-214-215Juneman 2 L 199-214-215Juneman Addie 1Jungle VillageJunior HomesitesJuniper Ridge SDJunto Liendo SurvJuricaJusto LiendoJusto Liendo A-41 Tract 133 &Justo Liendo Surv Abs #41Justo Liendo Survey A-41JutlandJutland GardensJutland SubJw Moody Abs 548K & K MOBILE HOME PARKK & S Plaza AngletonK B RanchK Crier League A-38K W DAVISK W DavisK&WKATY CROSSINGKATY POINTEKATYLAND SEC 3KB RanchKEEGANS GLENKELLIWOOD NOTTINGHAM COUNTRYKEMAH CROSSINGKENILWORTH GROVEKENNEDY HEIGHTS SEC 02KENNEY ACRES Lot 1KENNY VILLAS (2024)KENTSHIRE PLACEKEYS 2NDKIBER RESERVEKINDT-1KING CROSSINGKING CROSSING SEC 10KING ESTATESKING OAKS SEC 4 GATEDKING OAKS SECTION 1,KINGDOM HEIGHTSKINGFIELDKINGHURST T/H CONDO PH 01 U/RKINGS CROSSINGKINGS LAKE ESTATESKINGS MILLKINGS POINTKINGSBRIDGE PARKKINGSLAND HEIGHTSKINGSTON BEACHKINGWOOD GREENS VILLAGE SECKINGWOOD TRAILWOOD VILLAGEKIPLING ARMS CONDO THEKIRKGARD ESTATESKIRKWOOD VILLAGE R/PKITTRIDGE ESTATESKLEIMANN ESTATESKNOLL COURTKNOLL LANDINGKNOX MANORKOCHKOCH F. VALMOREKODIAK CROSSINGKOHFELDTS SUBKONEXKUYKENDALL JOSEPHKaffenberger AddKahala Beach EstatesKallison Ranch Ph 2 Un 9bKansas LandingKarankawaKarcher Tr 4bKaris VillageKashmere GardenKashmere GardensKashmere Gardens AddKashmere Gardens AnnexKashmere Gardens ExtKashmere Gardens ParkKaties CreekKaties CrkKaty Comex Restricted ReserveKaty Country Estates U/RKaty CourtKaty Creek RanchKaty Creek Ranch Sec 1Katy Creek Ranch Sec 3Katy Creek Ranch Sec 4Katy Creek Ranch Sec 6Katy Creek Ranch Sec 9Katy CrossingKaty Crossing Sec 1Katy Crossing Sec 7Katy Gaston TrKaty Heights 02 R/PKaty Lake Estates Sec 02Katy LakesKaty Lakes 50sKaty Lakes 60s GoldKaty Lakes Estates Sec 3Katy Lakes Sec 1Katy Lakes Sec 2Katy Lakes Sec 5Katy ManorKaty Manor Sec 2Katy Manor Sec 3Katy Manor Sec 5Katy Manor Sec 7Katy Manor Sec 8Katy Manor SouthKaty Manor South Sec 1Katy Manor South Sec 2Katy Manor South Sec 5Katy OLKaty OaksKaty Oaks Sec 1Katy Oaks Sec 2Katy Oaks Sec 3Katy Ol 44 Htc Rr SurKaty OutlotsKaty PointeKaty Pointe Sec 1Katy Pointe Sec 2Katy Pointe Sec 5Katy TownsiteKaty Townsite U/RKaty TrailsKaty Trails Sec 1Katy Trails Sec 3Katy Trls Sec 1Katy XingKaty Xing Sec 2Katy Xing Sec 3Katy Xing Sec 4Katy Xing Sec 5Katy Xing Sec 7Katy Xing Sec 8Katyland Sec 01Katyland Sec 02Katyland Sec 03Keathley RoadKee-ElKeegans GlenKeegans Glen Sec 01Keegans Glen Sec 02Keegans Glen Sec 03Keegans Glen Sec 05 R/PKeegans Glen Sec 06 R/PKeegans Park Sec 01Keegans Ridge Sec 1Keegans WoodKeegans Wood Sec 01 R/PKeegans Wood Sec 02Keegans Wood Sec 3Keenan WoodsKeith Street CenterKelkind Manor Sec 01 CondoKellar FarmsKelley Estates Minor PlatKelley GroundsKelliwoodKelliwood Enclave Sec 02Kelliwood GardensKelliwood Gardens Sec 01Kelliwood GreensKelliwood Greens Sec 1Kelliwood Greens Sec 2Kelliwood Links Sec 1Kelliwood Nottingham Country 0Kelliwood ParkKelliwood PlaceKelliwood PointeKelliwood Pointe Sec 1Kelliwood Terrace Sec 3Kelliwood Trails Sec 01KellnerKellner OutlotsKelly Surv Abs #495Kellyn Oaks 01Kelseys PlaceKelton Enclave/RiversideKelving WayKemah CrossingKemah Crossing PHKemah Crossing THKemah OaksKemah Oaks Sub 92Kemah TownsiteKemah Village 2005Kemah Xing Sec 1Kempwood ManorKempwood Manor SubKempwood NorthKempwood PlaceKempwood Sec 01Kendal lakesKendalis BryanKendall AnnexKendall LakesKendall Lakes Sec 10Kendall Lakes Sec 2Kendall PlaceKennedy HeightsKennedy Heights Sec 02Kennedy Heights Sec 03Kenneth & Cheryl EstsKenneywood SubKensingtonKensington At Riverstone Sec 1KenswickKenswick Court CondoKenswick Forest Sec 01Kenswick Forest Sec 02Kenswick Forest Sec 03Kenswick Forest Sec 04Kenswick Forest Sec 5Kenswick Frst Sec 4Kenswick GlenKenswick MdwsKenswick Mdws Amending No-817.05Kenswick Mdws 1Kenswick Mdws Amd 01Kenswick MeadowsKenswick Pt Sec 06 Rep 01Kenswick Sec 01 R/PKenswick Sec 02Kenswick Sec 05Kenswick Sec 07 R/PKenswick Sec 07 RepKenswick Sec 7Kenswick/Mill CreekKentshire PlaceKentshire Place Sec 03Kentshire Place Sec 1Kentwood ManorKenwood VillageKernesKerr, Wm PKerrs FerndaleKerrville South Ranches 2Kerry Glen CondoKerry Glen Condo Sec 01Kerry Glen Condo Sec 03Kessler KornerKettering OaksKey AllegroKey Allegro Unit #1Key Allegro Unit #2Key Allegro Unit #5Key LargoKeyes EstatesKeys 1stKeys 2ndKeyserKeystone LoftsKeystone Lofts CondoKeystone MeadowsKeystone Meadows 91Keystone Trails 01Keystone Westend MetropolitanKeystone/Jackson HillKeystone/Wycliffe DriveKiam CasitasKiam CommonsKiam CourtKiam GroveKiam TerraceKiber ReserveKiber Reserve Ph IKickapoo EstatesKickapoo ForestKickapoo HillsKickapoo Hills 2KimbroKimwood PlaceKincheloe AddKindt-1Kindt-2Kindt-3King CrossingKing Estates Sec 01King Estates Sec 03King Estates Sec 04King Inside AdditionKing Lake PlazaKing LakesKing Lakes Sec 1King Lakes Sec 2King Lakes Sec 6King Lakes Sec 9King Lakes Sec1King OaksKing Oaks Sec 1King Oaks Sec 3King Oaks Sec 4King Oaks VillageKing RanchKing Xing Sec 10King Xing Sec 11King Xing Sec 3King Xing Sec 4King Xing Sec 8King Xing Sec 9Kingdom Come Place Sec 01Kingdom Come Place Sec 02Kingdom Come Place Sec 1 PartiKingdom Come Place Sec 2Kingdom HeightsKingdom Heights 1Kingdom Heights Sec 1Kingdom Heights Sec 2Kingdom Heights Sec 5Kingdom Heights Sec 6Kingdom HieghtsKingfieldKingfield Sec 1Kingfield Sec 2KinghurstKinghurst AmdKinghurst T/H Condo Ph 01 U/RKings BendKings Bend Sec 02 R/PKings Bend Sec 03 R/PKings Bend Sec 3 & R/PKings ColonyKings Colony 01Kings Colony 02Kings CourtKings CrossingKings Crossing Sec 07Kings Crossing Sec 10Kings Crossing Sec 21Kings Crossing T/H Condo Ph 01Kings Crossing Unit 1 Ph 2Kings ForestKings Forest Sec 01Kings Forest Sec 02Kings Lake EstatesKings Lake Estates Sec 8Kings Lake Forest Sec 01 R/PKings ManorKings Manor 02Kings Manor 03Kings Manor 04Kings Manor 05Kings Manor 10Kings Manor 11Kings Manor 13Kings Manor 19Kings Manor Sec 08Kings Manor Sec 16Kings Manor Sec 17Kings Manor Sec 6Kings MillKings Mill 01Kings Mill 02Kings Mill 03Kings Mill 06Kings Park T/H CondoKings PointKings Point CoveKings Point VillageKings Point Village 01 Amd R/PKings Point Village 03 R/P & AKings Point Village Sec 02Kings Point Village Sec 02 R/PKings Point Village Sec 03Kings Point Village Sec 13Kings River EstatesKings River Estates Sec 01 AmdKings River Estates Sec 04Kings River Estates Sec 05Kings River VillageKings River Village Sec 01Kings River Village Sec 02Kings River Village Sec 04Kings River Village Sec 05Kings River Village Sec 06Kings River Village Sec 07 AmdKings River Village Sec 09Kings River Village Sec 1Kings River Village Sec 12Kings River Village Sec 5Kings River Village Sec 6Kings River Village Sec 7Kings Village NorthKings Village North Pt RepKingsbridge Court Sec 1Kingsbridge Court Sec 2Kingsbridge Crossing Sec 1Kingsbridge Park Sec 02Kingsbridge Park Sec 1Kingsbridge PlaceKingsbridge Place Sec 1Kingsbridge Place Sec 2Kingsbridge Place Sec 5Kingsbridge VillageKingsbridge Village Sec 3Kingsbridge Village Sec 4Kingsbridge Village Sec 5KingsdaleKingsgarden R/P & ExtKingsland EstatesKingsland HeightsKingsland Heights Sec 1Kingsland Heights Sec 2Kingsland Heights Sec 3Kingsland Heights Sec 4KingsparkKingsplace Sec 01Kingspoint Garden Sec 01Kingspoint Sec 02Kingspoint Village Sec 11Kingston BeachKingston Beach #2Kingston TerraceKingswayKingswoodKingswood Estates Lake JacksoKingswood Estates Lake JacksonKingwood EstatesKingwood Estates SubKingwood ForestKingwood Glen Sec 06Kingwood Glen VillageKingwood Glen Village Sec 07Kingwood Glen Village Sec 7Kingwood GreensKingwood Greens Village Sec 03Kingwood Greens Village Sec 04Kingwood Lake Village U/R RKingwood LakesKingwood Lakes South Sec 01Kingwood Lakes VillageKingwood Lakes Village Sec 02Kingwood Lakes Village Sec 05Kingwood Place VillageKingwood Place Village Sec 01Kingwood Place Village Sec 04Kingwood Place Village Sec 05Kingwood Place Village Sec 5Kingwood Village Estates CondoKingwood Village Estates CondonimiumKingwood at Royal BrookKingwood/HumbleKinkaid FarmsKinkead AddKipling Arms CondoKipling Oaks 01Kipling Oaks 04Kipp Ave Twnhms 2006Kirby AddKirby BendKirby LakeKirby LandingKirby LndgKirby Lofts CondoKirby PlaceKirby W AKirby WoodsKirbybend Sec 2Kirkmont Sec 01Kirkmont Sec 01 R/PKirkmont Sec 02Kirkmont Sec 03KirkwoodKirkwood Country Sec 01 R/PKirkwood Country Sec 01 RepKirkwood Country Sec 02Kirkwood Sec 01Kirkwood Sec 02Kirkwood Sec 03Kirkwood Sec 07Kirkwood SouthKirkwood South Sec 01Kirkwood South Sec 02Kirkwood South Sec 05Kirkwood South Sec 06Kirkwood Village & RpKirkwood Village R/PKirstenKiskadeeKittridge EstatesKleimannKleimann EstatesKleimann Estates 01Klein ArborKlein GroveKlein Independent attendance zoneKlein MdwsKlein Mdws Sec 1Klein MeadowsKlein OrchardKleinbrookKleinbrook Sec 01Kleinbrook Sec 02Kleinbrook Sec 04Kleinbrook Sec 05Kleinbrook Sec 4KleinmannKleinwoodKleinwood Sec 01Klienbrook Sec 01Kluski Place Sec 2Knight & Bleike Perpetual OilKnight & WhiteKnights ForestKnights Lndg AptsKnightsbridge MewsKnipling SDKnob Crk RanchKnoll AcresKnoll CourtKnoll OaksKnoll Park Rep #1Knoll Park Rep 1Knoll XingKnollwood Lake JacksonKnollwood VillageKnollwood Village Sec 02Knollwood Village Sec 03Knollwood Village Sec 05Knollwood Village Sec 07Knollwood Village Sec 08Knollwood Village Sec 09Knollwood Village Sec 10Knotty PineKnowlton MollieKnox Street Courts U/RKnox WarehousesKochKodiak CrossingKodiak Xing Sec 1Kodiak Xing Sec 2Koehlers 1st AddKoerber Recreation Beach AreaKohfeldtKohfeldt 1st AddKohfeldt 2ndKohfeldt 2nd Abst 63Kohfeldt F ResubKohfeldt F WKohfeldt HeightsKohfeldts SubKohnKohn AddKohn Tr 51Kolbe FarmsKolbe Farms Pt Rep #5Kolbe Farms SubKolbe ParkKolbe SquareKolfahl EstatesKomorebi CourtKoro TulumKosarKosseKountry Klub Village Sec 01Koym SecondKramer PlaceKramig Lts 46-46aKrat SubKrause BrazoriaKress CondoKresstonKrohn RanchettesKrupkaKrystal Lake Estates Sec 02Kuehn Fred A SubKurten Land CoKuykendallKuykendall Surv Tract I A-301Kyle PartnL & P NO 1L B Moodys AddL B Outlaw Surv Abs #168L BarrowL C JureyL CRAWFORDL Collard Surv Abs#10L D STAMPSL E Cross Sec 6L F AshleyL F TomlinsonL FenskeL FergusonL GodleyL GoodwinL GoslingL HermanL Levy Surv Abs 517L MooreL Needham SyL Pearsall Surv Abs #237L R SmithL S C 2ndL W FieldsL. MooreLA BARRENADALA BELLALA BELLA RESIDENCELA MANZANILLALADERA CREEKLAGO MARLAGUNA HARBOR SEC 4LAKE BREEZELAKE CHARMAINELAKE CONROE HILLSLAKE CONROE VILLAGELAKE HOUSELAKE IVANHOELAKE LIVINGSTONLAKE LOUISELAKE MEDINA SHORESLAKE OLYMPIALAKE OLYMPIA, OYSTER CREEK VILLAGELAKE RIDGELAKE WINDCRESTLAKECREST TH COND PH 2LAKEFIELDLAKEFIELD SEC 1LAKELAND RANCHLAKES AT BLACK OAKLAKES AT CREEKSIDELAKES AT MASON PARKLAKES OF AUSTIN PARKLAKES OF CHAMPIONS ESTATESLAKES OF MAGNOLIALAKES OF PARKWAYLAKES OF PARKWAY SEC 19 AMEND NO 1LAKES ON ELDRIDGE SEC 15LAKESIDE COURTLAKESIDE ESTATESLAKESIDE PLACELAKEWOODLAKEWOOD COLONYLAKEWOOD COURTLAKEWOOD FORESTLAKEWOOD OAKS ESTATESLAKEWOOD SHORE-LNWVLANCASTER SEC 1LANG WILSONLANGWOODLANGWOOD SEC 01LANTANALARCHMONT SEC 1LARKIN COURT ESTATESLARKSPURLARKSPUR MANORLARKSTONE PLACELASERDA ATANCIO DELAURA KOPPE PLACELAUREL PARK NORTHLAWRENCE M BLEAGUE CITY TOWNSITE BLK 1-4LEAWOOD CONDO SEC 2LEGENDS RUN 04LEISURE LAKESLESSASSIERLEWIS J ELEXENHOME WEST 23LEXINGTON GREENLEXINGTON GROVELEXINGTON HEIGHTSLEYVASLIBERTY ESTATESLIBERTY LAKESLIBERTY RIDGELIBERTY ROAD MANORLINCOLN CITYLINCOLN GREEN ESTATESLINCOLN HEIGHTSLINCOLN PARKLINDALE EXT/McCLENDON 7 PAINE PLLINDALE PARK 5LINDLEY SAMUELLINNFIELDLITTLE & DICKINSONLITTLEFIELDLITTLEFIELD H BLITTLEFIELD H B, TRACT 5A-4LIVE OAK IILIVINGSTONLIVINGSTON ESTATESLODEN SURVEY TRACTLOMA VISTA RANCH #4LONESOME DOVELONG POINT MANORLONISLONIS GEO WLOST CREEKLOST CREEK SEC 1LOT 40, BLOCK 23LOUETTA PARKLOUISELOWRYLS FRIEDMANLT 14 BLK 2 BRECKENRIDGE WEST SEC 4LT 14 BLK 3 BECKER MEADOWS SEC 3LT 20 BLK 2 FERNDALE ESTATES AMENDLT 4 BLK 2 WINDROW SEC 2LT 58 BLK 6 CYPRESSWOOD LANDINGLYNCH WMLYNN GROVELa Bella VitaLa Branch EstatesLa Delle RidgeLa DiosaLa EscondidaLa Estancia Rep 01La FuenteLa GaritaLa GrangeLa LomaLa Lucinda Arms SubLa Mansion De La JoyaLa Mansion/Huffmeister Road ReLa Marque HeightsLa MiradaLa PascuaLa PorteLa Porte Blks 999 To 1634aLa Porte OutlotsLa Porte/ShoreacresLa Posada At Walden CondominiuLa QuintaLa Reforma Tierra Del OroLa Salette Place Sec 01La Salette Place Sec 02La Salette Place Sec 03La Salette Place Sec 04La Salette placeLa Salle Crossing 01 WestlakeLa Salle Crossing WestlakeLa VictoriaLa Vie Villas 01La presa de AticamaLaPorteLaSalle LandingLabatt SubLaboure EstatesLacasa Estate Sec 01 Rep 01Lacey Pearsaul Tr 25 A-237Lackland City Bl 15859 Un 178Lackland City Sub Un #83Lacoume Sub 91Lacour, Sec 2Lacy Pearsall Surv TractLacys Love SubLadera CreekLadera Creek 03Ladera Creek 07Ladera Creek 11Ladera Creek 12Ladera TrailsLadera Trails 01Ladera Trails.Ladwig AddLafayette Place Sec 01Lafayette Place Sec 05 R/PLaffite's CoveLaffites CoveLaffites Cove Pirates Cove Sec 6Laffites Lndg Sec 2Lafitte TwnhmsLafittes LandingLafittes Landing Ph 2Lafittes Lndg Sec 2Lago EscondidoLago MarLago Mar POD 4Lago Mar Pod 11Lago Mar Pod 11 Sec 6Lago Mar Pod 11 Sec 7bLago Mar Pod 2Lago Mar Pod 3 Sec 3Lago Mar Pod 4 Sec 1Lago Mar Pod 4 Sec 5Lago Mar Pod 5 Sec 1Lago Mar Pod 6 Sec 1Lago Mar Pod 6 Sec 2Lago Mar Pod 7Lago Mar Pod 7 Sec 1Lago Mar Pod 7 Sec 2Lago Mar Pod 7 Sec 5Lago Mar Pod 7 Sec 5 AmdLago Mar Pod 8Lago Mar Pod 9 Sec 1Lago Mar Pord 4Lago Mar Sec 1 Pod 3Lago Mar Sec 1 Pod 8Lago Mar Sec 2 Pod 5Lago Mar Sec 2 Pod 6Lago Mar Sec 3 Pod 3Lago Mar Sec 3 Pod 5Lago Mar Sec 3 Pod 8Lago Mar Sec 5 Pod 4Lago PescaLago Pesca subLago PointeLago Santa Fe Sub 98Lago Santa Fe Sub Sec 2 99Lago VistaLago Vista Country Club EstateLago Vista Estates Sec 06Lago Vista Sec 01Lago Vista Sec 02Lago marLagoon At Windwater VillageLaguna HarborLaguna Harbor 2005Laguna Harbor 2005,Laguna Harbor Sec 2 2006,Laguna Harbor Sec 5Laguna San LuisLaguna San Luis 88Laguna Shores Sub Tr 34 SecLaguna T/HLaguna TwnhmLaguna TwnhmsLahomaLairdLake AdamsLake AlaskaLake AmandaLake Arthur VillageLake At Grand Harbor Sec 1Lake At StonehengeLake AveLake Bastrop AcresLake BendLake BonanzaLake Bonanza 01Lake Bonanza 02Lake Bonanza 03Lake Bonanza 04Lake BreezeLake Breeze 02Lake Breeze 03Lake Breeze 03 Pt Rep 1Lake Breeze Sec 3Lake CamelotLake CharmaineLake Chateau WoodsLake Chateau Woods 02Lake Chateau Woods 04Lake Chateau Woods 06Lake Chateau Woods 07Lake Ck RanchettesLake Ck Ranchettes 03Lake Ck Ranchettes 05Lake Ck Ranchettes 07/Bev HlsLake ColonyLake Colony Sec 1Lake Colony Sec 2Lake Colony Sec 4Lake Conroe ForestLake Conroe Forest 01Lake Conroe Forest 02Lake Conroe Forest 03Lake Conroe Forest Bk 79Lake Conroe Heights 02Lake Conroe HillsLake Conroe Hills 01Lake Conroe Hills 02Lake Conroe VillageLake Country R/PLake CoveLake Cove SecLake Cove Sec 01Lake Cove Sec 03Lake Cove Sec 03 AmdLake Cove Sec 04 AmdLake Cove Sec 07Lake Cove Sec 08Lake Cove Sec 09Lake Cove Sec 11Lake CreekLake Creek EstatesLake Creek FallsLake Creek ForestLake Creek Forest 01Lake Creek LandingLake Creek RanchLake Creek Village 01Lake Creek Village 02Lake Cypress Estates U/R R/PLake Estates Sec ILake Ests/North EldridgeLake Falls Estates - Sec 2Lake ForestLake Forest 1Lake Forest Add Sec 01Lake Forest EstatesLake Forest FallsLake Forest Falls 01Lake Forest Falls 03Lake Forest Lake JacksonLake Forest Sec 02Lake Forest Sub Sec II Ph ILake Forest VillageLake Forest Village Sec 01Lake Forest Village Sec 03Lake Fork Country Club EstatesLake FrankstonLake Front Hideaway 1Lake GalahadLake Granbury Hbr Sec DLake Hlnds TcLake Holly HillLake HollyhillLake HouseLake House Sec 2Lake House Sec 3Lake Houston ForestLake Houston Forest 4bLake Houston Forest Sec 01 U/RLake Houston Forest Sec 02 U/RLake Houston Forest Sec 03 U/RLake Houston Forest Sec 04 U/RLake Houston Forest Sec 05 U/RLake HyattLake IvanhoeLake JacksonLake Jackson EstatesLake Jackson Estates - Sec 2Lake Jackson Farms-ReplatLake Jackson Town Center LakeLake Jennifer Sec BLake Jennifer Sec CLake LLake L AcresLake L Acres Sec A NewLake L Acres Sec BLake L Acres Sec CLake L Acres Sec C New PlattLake Limestone CovesLake LivingstonLake Livingston Acres #1Lake Livingston Acres #2Lake Livingston Air ParkLake Livingston EstatesLake Livingston Estates Sec 3Lake Livingston Estates Sec 4Lake Livingston Estates SectioLake Livingston Estates SectionLake Livingston ForestLake Livingston Heights Sec 2Lake Livingston R & R Club SecLake Livingston VillageLake Livingston Village SectioLake Livingston Village SectionLake Livingston Village Section 12Lake Livingston Village Section 4Lake LorraineLake Lorraine 01Lake LouiseLake LydiaLake MeadowsLake Mija VillageLake Mija Village Sec 2Lake Nacogdoches RanchLake O' The WoodsLake Oaks LandingLake Of The Hills EstatesLake Of The Hills WestLake OlympiaLake ParkLake Paula EstatesLake PointeLake Pointe Condos Ph ILake Pointe Condos Ph IILake Pointe EstatesLake Pointe Sec 4Lake Pointe TownhomesLake RdgLake Rdg Sec 05Lake Rdg Sec 8Lake RidgeLake Ridge Sec 01Lake Ridge Sec 02Lake Ridge Sec 03Lake Ridge Sec 09Lake Ridge Sec 09 Ph 01Lake RollingwoodLake Rollingwood 01Lake Rollingwood 02Lake Rosemary EstatesLake Run A MuckLake Run-A-Muck EstatesLake Run-A-Muck Estates #1Lake Run-A-Muck Estates #4Lake Run-A-Muck Estates #6Lake Run-A-Muck Estates #8Lake Run-A-Muck EstsLake Sam RayburnLake Sandy Acres Sec 01 U/RLake ShadowsLake Shadows Sec 01Lake Shadows Sec 02Lake Shadows Sec 03Lake Shadows Sec 04Lake Shadows Sec 05Lake SheridanLake Sheridan EstatesLake Shore CoveLake Shore HarbourLake Shore Harbour Sec 1Lake Shore Harbour Sec 2Lake Shore Harbour Sec 3Lake Shore Harbour Sec 4Lake Shore Harbour Sec 6Lake Shore Harbour Sec 7Lake Side VillageLake Side VillasLake SplendoraLake Splendora 03Lake TejasLake ThunderbirdLake TristanLake View NorthLake View Village 01Lake Walden Cove CondoLake Water Wheel Estates #1Lake Water Wheel Estates #2Lake Water Wheel Estates #3Lake Water Wheel Estates #4Lake Water Wheel Estates #5Lake Way EstatesLake WildwoodLake WindcrestLake Windcrest 01Lake Windcrest 02Lake Windcrest 04Lake Windcrest 05Lake WoodLake at StonehengeLake shore HarbourLake/Champion Estates Sec 2aLake/Golfcrest Sec 01Lake/Northpointe Sec 2LakecrestLakecrest Condo Ph 01Lakecrest Condo Ph 02Lakecrest Condo Ph 03Lakecrest Condo THLakecrest EstatesLakecrest Forest Sec 01Lakecrest Forest Sec 02Lakecrest Forest Sec 1Lakecrest Forest Sec 2Lakecrest Forest Sec 4Lakecrest ManorLakecrest ParkLakecrest Park Sec 1Lakecrest Sec 01Lakecrest Sec 02Lakecrest Sec 04Lakecrest Sec 05Lakecrest Sec 07Lakecrest Sec 09Lakecrest Sec 10Lakecrest Sec 11Lakecrest Sec 12Lakecrest Sec 2Lakecrest VillageLakecrest Village Sec 01Lakecrest Village Sec 2Lakecrest Village Sec 5LakefieldLakefield Sec 1Lakefield Sec 2Lakelan AddLakelandLakeland 04Lakeland ClubLakeland Club 03Lakeland HeightsLakeland Heights Sec 01Lakeland Heights Sec 4Lakeland Heights Sec 5Lakeland HideawayLakeland Hideaway Sec 1Lakeland Hideaway Sec 3Lakeland Hideaway Sec 4Lakeland RanchLakeland Ranch Sec 2Lakeland Ranch Sec 3Lakeland Ranch Sec FiveLakeland Ranch Sec OneLakeland Ranch Sec SixLakeland Ranch Sec TwoLakeland Ranch SubdivisionLakeland SDLakeland SD Sec 1Lakeland SD Sec 2Lakeland SD Sec 3 A0283/A0483Lakeland SD Sec 4 A0493 Ht&BrLakeland Sec 03LakemontLakemont CourtLakemont Court Sec 1Lakemont CoveLakemont Cove Sec 2Lakemont Cove Sec 3Lakemont Grove Sec 1Lakemont Manor Sec 1Lakemont Manor Sec 2Lakemont Manor Sec 3Lakemont MeadowsLakemont Meadows Sec 1Lakemont RidgeLakemont Ridge Sec 1Lakemont SecLakemont Sec 10Lakemont Sec 12Lakemont Sec 13Lakemont Sec 3Lakemont Sec 5Lakemont Sec 9Lakemont ShoresLakemont TerraceLakemont Terrace Sec 1Lakemont Terrace Sec 2Lakemont West RidgeLakepointe ForestLakeridge Ests#1Lakeridge Townhomes CondosLakeridge Twnhms Ph 2bLakes At 610 Sec 02Lakes At Black OakLakes At CreekSideLakes At Grand HarborLakes Autumn RunLakes BridgewaterLakes Bridgewater Sec 01Lakes Bridgewater Sec 02Lakes Bridgewater Sec 03Lakes Bridgewater Sec 07Lakes Bridgewater Sec 08Lakes Bridgewater Sec 09Lakes Bridgewater Sec 10Lakes Cypress EstatesLakes Fairmont Greens Sec 1Lakes Fondren SwLakes In Bay Colony 99Lakes In Bay Colony Sec 5Lakes Of Austin Park Sec 2Lakes Of Bay Area Sec 2 2004Lakes Of Bella TerraLakes Of Bella Terra Sec 1Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 10Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 13Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 15Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 2Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 22Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 26Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 29Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 31Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 32Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 33Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 36Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 37 Rep 1Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 7Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 8Lakes Of Bella Terra Sec 9Lakes Of Bella Terra WestLakes Of Bella Terra West Sec 1Lakes Of Bella Terra West Sec 3Lakes Of Bella terraLakes Of Bellaire Sec 1Lakes Of Bridgewater Sec 08Lakes Of ChampionsLakes Of Champions Estates Sec 1Lakes Of Chappell HillLakes Of Cross Creek RanchLakes Of Cross Creek Ranch Sec 1Lakes Of Cross Creek Ranch Sec 2Lakes Of Falcon Ridge Sec 2Lakes Of MagnoliaLakes Of Mission GroveLakes Of Mission Grove Sec 1Lakes Of NederlandLakes Of Pkwy Sec 10Lakes Of SavannahLakes Of Williams RanchLakes Of Williams Ranch Sec 1Lakes On EldridgeLakes On Eldridge NorthLakes On Eldridge North Sec 01Lakes On Eldridge North Sec 10Lakes On Eldridge North Sec 18Lakes On Eldridge Sec 02 AmdLakes On Eldridge Sec 03 AmdLakes On Eldridge Sec 07Lakes On Eldridge Sec 16Lakes On Eldridge Sec 17 R/PLakes Pine ForestLakes Pkwy Sec 09Lakes at Black OakLakes at Black OaksLakes at CreeksideLakes at Creekside Sec 7Lakes at Crockett MartinLakes at MaderaLakes at Mason ParkLakes at NorthpointeLakes in Bay ColonyLakes of Bella TerraLakes of BridgewaterLakes of Buckingham KelliwoodLakes of ChampionsLakes of Champions EstatesLakes of Cypress Forest Sec 02Lakes of Cypress Forest Sec 03Lakes of FairhavenLakes of Mission GroveLakes of ParkwayLakes of Pine ForestLakes of Rosehill Sec 03Lakes of SavannahLakes of Sterling GateLakes of Williams RanchLakes on Eldridge NorthLakes/Avalon VillageLakes/Avalon Village Sec 01Lakes/Avalon Village Sec 1Lakes/Bay Colony Sec 8Lakes/Bellaire Sec 01Lakes/Bellaire Sec 04Lakes/Bellaire Sec 1Lakes/Bellaire Sec 2Lakes/Bellaire Sec 3Lakes/Champions EstatesLakes/Champions Estates Ph 2 SecLakes/Champions Estates Sec 2b PLakes/Champions Estates Sec 3Lakes/Creekside Sec 1Lakes/Creekside Sec 10Lakes/Creekside Sec 11Lakes/Creekside Sec 3Lakes/Creekside Sec 4Lakes/Creekside Sec 5Lakes/Creekside Sec 9Lakes/Cypress ForestLakes/Cypress Forest Sec 03Lakes/Cypress Forest Sec 3Lakes/Cypress Forest Sec 4Lakes/Eldridge North Sec 17Lakes/FairhavenLakes/Fairhaven Sec 01Lakes/Fairmont GreensLakes/Fairmont Greens Sec 1Lakes/Grand HarborLakes/Grand Harbor Sec 01Lakes/Grand Harbor Sec 02Lakes/Grand Harbor Sec 02 D 02Lakes/Grand Harbor Sec 2Lakes/Mason Park Sec 01Lakes/Mason Park Sec 01 AmdLakes/Mason Park Sec 3Lakes/Mason Park Sec 6Lakes/Northpointe Sec 02Lakes/Northpointe Sec 05Lakes/ParkwayLakes/Parkway Sec 18 AmdLakes/Pine Forest Sec 01Lakes/Pine Forest Sec 04Lakes/Pine Forest Sec 3Lakes/Pine Forest Sec 4LakeshoreLakeshore At BrightwaterLakeshore At Brightwater Sec 2Lakeshore CondoLakeshore Estates Sec 2Lakeshore Forest EstatesLakeshore Forest Estates At Lake OlympiaLakeshore Point At Brightwater Sec 1Lakeshore Point at BrightwaterLakeshore Pt Sec 09 Rep 01Lakeshore Sec 02Lakeshore Sec 04Lakeshore Sec 1Lakeshore Sec 16Lakeshore Sec 18Lakeshore Sec 5LakesideLakeside 1Lakeside CourtLakeside EstateLakeside EstatesLakeside Estates #1Lakeside Estates Sec 03Lakeside Estates T/H Sec 01 R/Lakeside ForestLakeside Forest Sec 01Lakeside Forest Sec 02Lakeside GreenLakeside Green Condo AmdLakeside LandingLakeside ManorLakeside Manor Sec 01Lakeside ParkLakeside Park EstatesLakeside Park T/H AptsLakeside PlaceLakeside Place Sec 03Lakeside Place Sec 04Lakeside Place Sec 08Lakeside SD BrazoriaLakeside SubLakeside T/HLakeside VillageLakeside Village #1Lakeside Village #3Lakeside Village #4Lakeside Village At Cross Creek RanchLakeside Village Ph 01Lakeside Village Ph 02Lakeside Village Sec 01LakeviewLakeview 1Lakeview Forest Sec 01Lakeview HeightsLakeview Heights Add # 2Lakeview HillsLakeview HomesLakeview Homes AddLakeview ManorLakeview RetreatLakeview Retreat Sec 1 Amd 1Lakeview Retreat Sec 11Lakeview Retreat Sec 12Lakeview Retreat Sec 2Lakeview Retreat Sec 3Lakeview Retreat Sec 4Lakeview Retreat Sec 5Lakeview Retreat Sec 6Lakeview Retreat Sec 7Lakeview Sec 3Lakeview Sec ILakeview Sub 91Lakeview Sub Sec IILakeview Terrace 01Lakeview, Sec 1Lakeview, Sec 3LakevilleLakeville Amd Sec 07Lakeville Sec 01Lakeville Sec 02 AmdLakeville Sec 03Lakeville Sec 04Lakeville Sec 06Lakeville Sec 07Lakeville Sec 4Lakeville Sec 6Lakeville Sec 7LakewayLakeway HarborLakeway Sec 05LakewoodLakewood AcresLakewood ColonyLakewood CommLakewood CondoLakewood CourtLakewood Cove Sec 01Lakewood Cove Sec 02Lakewood CrossingLakewood Crossing Sec 01Lakewood EstatesLakewood Estates Sec 01Lakewood Estates Sec 02Lakewood Estates Sec 3Lakewood FarmsLakewood ForestLakewood Forest North Sec 02Lakewood Forest Patio HomesLakewood Forest SecLakewood Forest Sec 01Lakewood Forest Sec 02Lakewood Forest Sec 03Lakewood Forest Sec 05Lakewood Forest Sec 06Lakewood Forest Sec 07Lakewood Forest Sec 08Lakewood Forest Sec 09Lakewood Forest Sec 10Lakewood Forest Sec 10 CorrecteLakewood Forest Sec 11Lakewood Forest Sec 11 R/PLakewood Forest Sec 12Lakewood Forest Sec 14Lakewood Forest Sec 15Lakewood Forest Sec 15 Prcl R/Lakewood GlenLakewood Glen Sec 01Lakewood Glen Trails Sec 01Lakewood GroveLakewood Grove Sec 02 AmdLakewood Grove Sec 06Lakewood Grove Sec 09Lakewood Grove Sec 10Lakewood Grove Sec 12Lakewood Grove Sec 13Lakewood HeightsLakewood Heights Sec 01Lakewood Heights Sec 02Lakewood Heights Sec 03 R/PLakewood Heights Sec 04Lakewood Heights Sec 05Lakewood Hills Sec 01Lakewood ManorLakewood Oaks EstatesLakewood ParkLakewood Park Sec 02Lakewood Park Sec 02 Reserve DLakewood PinesLakewood Pines Sec 1Lakewood Pines Sec 10Lakewood Pines Sec 11Lakewood Pines Sec 12Lakewood Pines Sec 3Lakewood Pines Sec 4Lakewood Pines Sec 5Lakewood Pines Sec 6Lakewood Pines Sec 7Lakewood Pines Sec 8Lakewood Pines Sec 9Lakewood PlaceLakewood Sec 00Lakewood Sec 1Lakewood Sec 3Lakewood Sec 5Lakewood Sec 6Lakewood Sec ALakewood Sec ELakewood Sec GLakewood Sec ILakewood Sec JLakewood Sec MLakewood Sec NLakewood ShoresLakewood Shores AddLakewood Village EstatesLakewood Village Sec 01Lakewood Village Sec o1Lakewood WestLakewood West & CorrLakewood Xing Sec 04Lakewood Xing Sec 05Lalosevich U/R Tracts B & CLamar AddLamar CourtLamar EstatesLamar Live Oak CrestLamar ReserveLamar T/H CondoLamar TerraceLamar TowerLamar Tower CondoLamar Tower Condo AmdLamar Tr O SmithLambs Crk Cove SubLampasasLana Park WestLanaiLanai Sec 02Lanai SubLanai Sub Sec 2LancasterLancaster Place Ext 03Lancaster Place Ext Sec 02Lancaster Place/ Museum DistrictLancaster Sec 01Lancaster Sec 02Lancer CondoLand & Ele Arabella CondoLand B North ZoneLandaverde EstatesLanders LeviLanding At Delany Cove Sec 1Landing At Delany Cove Sec 2Landing At Grants Lake Sec 1Landing At La Branch T HLanding Cedar BayouLanding Cedar Bayou Joint VentLanding IILanding MeadowsLanding/Beall Street 01Landing/Cedar Bayou Sec 1Landing/Delaney CoveLanding/Delany CoveLanding/Delany Cove Sec 11Landing/Delany Cove Sec 4Landing/Delany Cove Sec 7Landing/Delany Cove Sec 8Landolt #3Landolt #7Landrum VillageLandrum ZachariasLandrum Zacharius TractLane AngletonLanewood HeightsLanewood PlaceLaney AdditionLang D RLang ShoresLange LakeLangermanLangfordLangham CreekLangham Creek Colony 02 Prcl RLangham Creek Colony Sec 01Langham Creek Colony T/H Sec 0Langham Crook ColonyLangley Road PlaceLangston PlaceLangston Place Sec 02LangwoodLangwood Sec 01Langwood Sec 01 R/PLangwood Sec 02Langwood Sec 03Lanier PointLantanaLantana Acres #4Lantana Sec 3Lantana Sec 4Lantana Sec 5Lantana Sec 6Lantana Sec 7Laprada LandingLaramie OaksLarch LaneLarchmontLarchmont Sec 01Larchmont Sec 02Larkin Arabelle ViewsLarkin PlaceLarkin at Cottage GroveLarkspurLarkspur TerraceLarkspur VillasLarkspur XingLarkstone PlaceLarkwood Sec 01Larry WilliamsLarry's HarborLarrys Harbor Add PocLarston CourtLas AlamedasLas CicadasLas Colinas Estates SubdivisioLas ConchasLas Delicias - RbstLas Lomas Sec 1 ResubdLas Pampas #1Las Playas Sec ILas Playas Sec IVLas Terrazas 02Lasalette Street HomesLasalleLasker ParkLastleyLatigo EstatesLaughlin PlantationLaura Koppe PlaceLaurel Creek Sec 02Laurel FarmsLaurel HeightsLaurel Heights At Savannah SecLaurel LandingLaurel OaksLaurel Oaks Sec 03Laurel Oaks Sec 04Laurel Oaks Sec 05Laurel Oaks Sec 05 AmdLaurel Oaks Sec 06Laurel Oaks Sec 07Laurel ParkLaurel Park Sec 1Laurel Place Sec 03Laurel Ridge At GraystoneLaurel Ridge At Graystone 01Laurel Ridge at GraystoneLaurel WoodsLaurelfieldLaurelhurst Bl 13151Laurelia EstatesLaurynnbrook ParkLav Nav CoLavaca 81 TR 4 5.435 ACLavender HeightsLaverne EstsLaverne ParkLaverne Park IILaw Street LndgLawndaleLawndale EstatesLawndale ParkLawndale PlaceLawndell Sec 02Lawndell Sec 03LawnviewLawrence M BLawsLazaro CardenasLazy BendLazy Brook, Timbergove, Washington CorrLazy Caney PinesLazy Creek Estate UnrLazy Creek EstatesLazy Creek Estates U/RLazy MeadowsLazy PalmsLazy Pines U/RLazy RiverLazy River SubdivisionLazy Spring AcresLazy WoodLazybrookLazybrook Sec 02Lazybrook Sec 05Lazybrook Sec 08Lazybrook Sec 09Lazybrook Sec 2Lazybrook Timbergrove WashingtonCorridorLb Outlaw League Abs 168Lea Villa AngletonLeacrest Ph 01LeagoLeague CityLeague City Div ALeague City Div BLeague City Div CLeague City Div DLeague City Orange GrovesLeague City Townsite Blk 1-48League City United Methodist SubLeague LineLeague Surv Abs #70Leakey HillsLeavinsLeavins Sub 7LeawoodLeawood 2Leawood CondoLeawood Condo Sec 01Leawood Condo Sec 02Leawood CondominiumLeawood Condos ILeawood Sec 05Leawood WestLeawoodsLeazer EstatesLedbetter 475LedgerockLedtjeLee HeightsLee Ho TwnhsesLee Ho Village T/HLee ManorLee PlaceLee Place 2Lee Sub Tr BLee-BediasLeedy EstatesLeedy Estates Sec 2Leeland Bell LandingLeeland Bell LndgLeeland CourtLeeland Gardens Amd 01Leeland ParkLeeland Park AddLefroy Guedry League A-38 SurvLegacy At Cross Creek Ranch Sec 2Legacy EstateLegacy EstatesLegacy Estates SubLegacy HillsLegacy ParkLegacy Park IILegacy Park II 40's Section 01Legacy RanchLegacy ShoresLegacy on Rockhill RoadLegend Ests/CloverLegend Point CondoLegendary OaksLegends BayLegends Bay Sec 01Legends Bay Sec 1Legends Bay Sec 2Legends Bay Sec 4Legends Rancho Del Lago 1Legends RunLegends Run 01Legends Run 03Legends Run 04Legends Run 06Legends Run 07Legends Run 08Legends Run 09Legends Run 11Legends Run 12Legends TraceLegends Trace 01Legends Trace 03LegerLegionLeisure CoveLeisure LakesLeisurewoodLeland Woods Sec 02Leland Woods Sec 1Lemans T/H CondoLemon TreeLender's SatisfactionLenoxLenox AddLenox GroveLenzLenz SubLeo Knox SubLeon Rdg Sub Bl 16474Leon W Fields Surv Abs #330Leon's Crossing SubLeonora Th CondoLeslieLester E CrossLeverkuhnLevi Gosling Surv Abs # 280Levi PaulLewisLewis 03Lewis 04Lewis AddLewis CarancahuaLewis Clemmons Surv Tract 1 AbLewis JLewis MayLewis SamuelLewisdaleLexington ColonyLexington Colony Sec 1Lexington Colony Sec 2Lexington Colony Sec 3aLexington Colony Sec 3cLexington Colony Sec 4Lexington Estates 02Lexington GroveLexington HeightsLexington Hts Sec 1 Replat #1Lexington Manor Patio HomesLexington Meadows Sec 1Lexington ParkLexington PlaceLexington Place Sec 1Lexington Point Sec 1Lexington SettelementLexington Settlement Sec 1Lexington Settlement Sec 2Lexington Settlement Sec 3Lexington SquareLexington Square Sec 2Lexington Square Sec 3Lexington VillageLexington WoodsLexington Woods NorthLexington Woods North Sec 01Lexington Woods Sec 01Lexington Woods Sec 02Lexington Woods Sec 03Lexington Woods Sec 05Lexington Woods Sec 07Lexington Woods Sec 08Lexington Woods Sec 09Lhommedieu SubLhsh Holdings SubLibertyLiberty BranchLiberty CreekLiberty EstatesLiberty Estates 01Liberty GardenLiberty Garden Un 3Liberty GardensLiberty Gardens ExtLiberty Gardens Ext Sec 01Liberty Gardens Ext Sec 02Liberty Gardens Sec 01Liberty Gardens Sec 02Liberty GdnLiberty HeightsLiberty Heights Sec 01Liberty Heights Sec 02Liberty Heights Sec 03Liberty Inner BlocksLiberty LakesLiberty Lakes Sec 02Liberty Lakes Sec 04Liberty Lakes Sec 05Liberty Lakes Sec 08Liberty Lakes Sec 09Liberty Lakes Sec 1Liberty Lakes Sec 10Liberty Lakes Sec 2Liberty Lakes Sec 6Liberty Lakes Sec 9Liberty Lks Sec 3Liberty Outer BlocksLiberty PinesLiberty Ranch Ph 3 PUDLiberty RidgeLiberty Road EstatesLiberty Road ManorLiberty Road Manor 14 Thru 23Liberty Road Manor Sec 05Liberty Road Manor Sec 05javascript:__doLiberty Road Manor Sec 07Liberty Road Manor Sec 07 U/RLiberty Road Manor Sec 14Liberty Road Manor Sec 15Liberty Road Manor Sec 17Liberty Road Manor Sec 17 U/RLiberty Road Manor Sec 18 U/RLiberty Road Manor Sec 20 U/RLiberty Road Manor Sec 21 U/RLiberty Road Manor Sec 22 U/RLiberty Road Manor Sec 23 U/RLiberty Road Manor Sec 25Liberty Road Manor Sec 25 U/RLiberty SquareLiberty TerraceLiberty Tree EstatesLiberty VillageLiberty Village SubLiberty WoodsLiendo Eggleston & KuecklerLilac BendLilac Residential Sec 1Liliput FarmsLillard, Arnold, SterzigLillian Rose CourtLilliput FarmsLily SpringsLimpia CrossingLin Luce Ranches #2Lincoln CedarsLincoln Cedars Sec BLincoln CityLincoln City 2nd SecLincoln City Sec 01Lincoln City Sec 02Lincoln City Sec 03Lincoln City Sec 04Lincoln City Sec 05Lincoln City Sec 07Lincoln City Sec 4Lincoln City Sec 7 Replat #2Lincoln Gardens 01Lincoln Green EastLincoln Green East Sec 01Lincoln Green East Sec 1Lincoln Green Estates Sec 01Lincoln Green PlaceLincoln Green Place Sec 01Lincoln Green SouthLincoln Green South Sec 01Lincoln HeightsLincoln Heights AddLincoln Heights/Western AnnexLincoln ParkLincoln Park #3Lincoln Park FarmsLincoln SpringsLinda & David EstatesLinda VistaLindalandLindale CourtLindale Ext Sec 01Lindale GardensLindale ParkLindale Park 2Lindale Park Sec 01Lindale Park Sec 02Lindale Park Sec 03Lindale Park Sec 05Lindale Park Sec 06Lindale Park Sec 07Lindale PlaceLindell EstatesLindell StatesLinden LeaLindley JosephLindsey Place SubLink Court EstatesLinkwoodLinnfieldLinnfield Sec 01Linnfield Sec 03LinwoodLinwood Add # 2Linwood EstateLinwood EstatesLipscomb EstatesLisa LaneLismar AcresLismore Lake EstatesLissieLittle & DickinsonLittle Bay Shores #2Little Bend ManorLittle CityLittle CypressLittle Cypress GroveLittle Cypress Oaks EstatesLittle DickinsonLittle FarmsLittle Farms Sec 02Little House RowLittle John SubLittle MexicoLittle River RanchLittle RivieraLittle SandyLittle ThicketLittle Thicket CondoLittle York AcresLittle York AnnexLittle York GardensLittlefieldLiv-LivLive MontroseLive Oak BendLive Oak Bend Sec 1Live Oak Bend Sec IILive Oak CommunityLive Oak Garden EstatesLive Oak Growing Rep 1Live Oak Landing SubLive Oak LndgLive Oak LoftsLive Oak Lofts Condo 2nd AmdLive Oak Lofts Condo 2nd AmendLive Oak ParkLive Oak RanchLive Oak RidgeLive Oak ValleyLive Oak VillageLive Oak Village Un 2Live Oaks EstateLive Oaks Estate 01Live Springs RanchLive Water FarmsLive at Pine MarketLive/Work T/HLivergoodLiverpoolLiverpool HomesLiving Centers/Texas Inc ReserLivingstonLivingston OtLizzie-PersimmonLizzieton TerraceLk/Northpointe Sec 10LlewellynLloyd Clara U/RLloyd SmithLm YorkLmhdLobit Paul LT 144Lobit Paul Lt 109Loc LomaLochshireLochshire Sec 01Lock Lomond Ph 1-A TownhomeLockeridge FarmsLockeridge Farms 01LockhartLockhart Conner & Barziza AddLockhart Connor & BarzizaLockhart Connor & Barziza AddLockwoodLofts Corner 2008Lofts on Post OakLofts/Post OakLofts/WentworthLofts/West 24thLogan CourtsLogan SquareLoggins Sub Tr 4gLoggins Sub Trs 4-4aLoma LindaLombard RoadLondon HouseLondon T/HLondon TwnhmLondonderry R/PLondonderry Sec 02 R/PLondonderry Sec 03Lone CypressLone GroveLone Oak EstatesLone Oak VillageLone Oak Village Sec 01Lone Oak Village Sec 02Lone Oak Village Sec 04Lone Oak Village Sec 4Lone Pine ForestLone Star ForestLone Star LandingLone Star RanchLone Star Ranch 03Lone Star Ranch 04Lone Star Ridge RanchLone Trail VillageLone Trail Village Sec 1 2007Lone Trail Village Sec 2Lonesome DoveLonesome Dove EstatesLongLong Bell AdditionLong J CLong Lake EstatesLong LeafLong Leaf SubLong Meadow FarmsLong Meadow Farms Sec 12Long Meadow Farms Sec 13Long Meadow Farms Sec 16Long Meadow Farms Sec 2Long Meadow Farms Sec 21Long Meadow Farms Sec 3Long Meadow Farms Sec 30Long Meadow Farms Sec 34Long Meadow Farms Sec 37Long Meadow Farms Sec 38Long Meadow Farms Sec 42Long Meadow Farms Sec 45Long Meadow Farms Sec 46Long Meadow Farms Sec 5Long Point AcresLong Point Acres Pt ReplaLong Point ManorLong Point OaksLong Point WoodsLong Point Woods Sec 02Long Point Woods Sec 03Long ShadowsLong WoodsLong meadow farmsLonghorn CrossingLonghorn Ranch SubLonghorn SubLonghorn Valley EstatesLongmire On Lake ConroeLongmire On Lake Conroe 02Longmire PointeLongmire on Lake ConroeLongmontLongs Oakwood AddLongwoodLongwood ParkLongwood VillageLongwood Village Sec 01Longwood Village Sec 02Longwood Village Sec 04 R/PLongwood Village Sec 06Longwood Village Sec 09Longwood Village Sec 11Longwood Village Sec 15Longwood Village Sec 16Longwood Village Sec 19Longwood VillasLongwoodsLonoke PlaceLookout RidgeLoop CentralLorenza Baiardi Tr 1-2Lori WoodsLorraine AngletonLorraine VistaLos Cazadores SubLos GrailesLos ObisposLos Pinares SubLos PinosLos Pinos Sec 1Los Ricos PobreLost CreekLost Creek At RiverstoneLost Creek Sec 1Lost Creek Sec 2Lost Creek Sec 3Lost ForrestLost Lake VillageLost Pines ParkLost Prairie LakeLost Road Ranch Sub Sec IILostraccoLotLot A Galvan Gates SubLot A Marfil II SubLott Vlg Add Sec 2Lott, Town & ImprovLou Davis Port LavacaLou Ellen LndgLou Ellen ParkLouanna Estates Sec ILouetta GlenLouetta Glen Sec 01Louetta Glen Sec 02Louetta LakesLouetta Lakes SecLouetta Lakes Sec 01Louetta Lakes Sec 03Louetta Lakes Sec 04Louetta Lakes Sec 4Louetta ParkLouetta Park Sec 1Louetta Park Sec 2Louetta Pk Sec 1Louetta Road Office ParkLouetta WoodsLouis DavisLouis F Amelong Surv Abs #62Louis Polka Sub Sec 2Louis Von Roeder Surv A-309LouiseLouise Steet VillasLouisville CourtLouisville Court CondoLouvre ResidencesLoveLovelandLoveland TerraceLovett Blvd T/HLovett Place CondoLovett Square TwnhmLovette Square CondoLowe AddLowelands 2002Lowell PlaceLowrie SLowry Tr 377aLubbockLubbock GroveLucatero PlaceLucile Place Pt Rep 2Lucille K DyerLuckyLudwick & WelchLufkinLugary PlaceLuisa CourtLuke M Mason LeagueLula B Mccomb AddLulling Stone Sec 2Lulling Stone Sec 6Lum TerraceLum Terrace R/PLumber LaneLumber Lane Sec 02Lundes PointLundy CentralLundy Lane EstatesLutheran ChurchLw Jones Add Abs #840Lynae HomesLynbrook Manor CondoLynbrook Manor Condo Ph 01Lynbrook Manor Condo Ph 02Lynbrook Manor Ph 3Lyncrest ManorLyncrest Manor 3Lynd Culebra Ncb 17636Lynhurst 3Lynn GroveLynn ParkLynn Park AnnexLynn-Mikeska SubLynnwoodLynnwood LakesLynnwood Sec 01Lynnwood Sec 1Lynnwood Sec 4LynwoodLyons Ave Park ExtLyons RedevLyons Redev 20th VentureLyons Redev Fortysixth VentureLyons Redev ThirtyNninth VentureLyons Redev Twentyninth VentureLyons Robt SubM & M SubM A CarrollM A Carroll LeagueM A HardinM Andrews 1280M B LawrenceM Butler SubM C Wades Southwest Garden AddM D Acres SubM D N Sub #25M D PIERCEM DUNCANM DonahoM DuncanM EscaleroM F Laserina League 03M FritschM G WhiteM Gaberts 2nd AddM H Bundick Surv Abs 111M H Bundick Surv Tract A Abs 1M H Short Surv A-509M H Short Surv Abs 509M L Choate AbstM L Choate Surv A-15M L Parker PartitionM M BATTLEM M BattleM M KenneyM MerrittM Muldoon League #14 A-76M PerryM ShipmanM Shipman (Oakwick Forest Estates)M SmithM TannerM ThornM W Rhoades SurveyM WilliamsM. MuldoonM/RM/R (NE OF 290)M/R (S OF 290)M/R-2175.08M/R-2255.07M/T Prop 02MACDONALDMACONDO - TULUMMAGNOLIA CREEKMAGNOLIA GARDENS (BRAZORIA)MAGNOLIA LANDINGMAGNOLIA NORTHMAGNOLIA PARKMAGNOLIA PARK SEC 2MAGNOLIA RIDGE FORESTMAGNOLIA TOWNSITEMAHSA AMINIMAI GARDEN TERRACEMALEC ADDNMANSFIELD PARKMAPLE HEIGHTSMAR TURQUESA SM9 M35MARCELAS PLACEMARCELLO LAKES SEC 3MARIAH HORIZONSMARIE VILLAGEMARINA VILLAGEMARINO PLACEMARISOLMARKHAM ORIGINAL TOWNSITEMARSH TRACTMARTHA G. MORROWMARTIN HMARTINEZ ESTATESMARTINEZ GARDENSMARVIDAMASON CREEK VILLAGEMATA MIGUELMAYACALTMAYBELL COURTMAYFAIRMB MenardMC COMB L B KELTONMC LIN BRACEYMC LIN BraceyMCCOMB L BMCCOMBS W PMCCORMACKMCGILLMCILHENNY GROVEMCILWAINMCINTYRE DMCKENDREE PARKMCLENNAN NEILMCLEOD DANIELMCMILLANMCMILLIAN T PMCNAUGHTON FINDLEYMEADOW LARK HILL UNRMEADOW PARKMEADOW VILLAGEMEADOWCREEK TOWNHOUSESMEADOWS ON MEMORIALMEADOWS ON THE MEWSMEADOWVIEW ESTATESMEADOWVIEW FARMSMELBOURNE PLACEMEMORIAL GROVE CONDMEMORIAL PARKWAYMEMORIAL SPRINGSMEMORIAL TOWNHOMES AT VERDI SEC 1MENARDMENARD SURMERIDIANAMERLIN PLACEMIDDLETOWNMIDWAYMIDWAY IMPROVEMENT CORPMILESMILL CREEKMILL CREEK RANCHMILL CREEK RANCH ESTATESMILLCREEKWMILLER JOSEPHMILLER-VIDORMISD SEC 2 ABS LAND, MISCMISSION BENDMISSION BEND SAN MIGUELMISSION WESTMLC-ABST.2 LOT 43AMODERN ON DENNISMODERN ON MCGOWENMODERN ON NAGLEMOLINE J MMONTGOMERYMONTGOMERY JOHNMONTLEW PLACEMONTREAL PLACE CONDO PH 1 &MONTROSEMONTROSE/MIDTOWNMOORE FARM BLOCKSMORELL PARKMORGANS LANDINGMORRIS VISTAMORRISTOWNMORSE VISTAMORTON CREEK RANCHMOULTONMR WilliamsMULVEY PARK COMMONSMURPHREES ADDNMURY BARTLEY (Southeast Magnolia)MURY BARTLEY, TRACT 12, MH SERIAL # TWIAMYKAWA ESTATESMac Comm ParkMac Gregor WestMacamot-Easton ParkMaccallum EstateMacdonaldMacdonald Sweeny Tr 53-57-58Macedonia ParkMacgregor Area Cdc Reserve AMacgregor Blodgett Park 2Macgregor Blodgett Park Sec 01Macgregor Blodgett Park Sec 03Macgregor Blodgett Sec 01Macgregor PalmsMacgregor Palms Sec 01Macgregor Palms Sec 02Macgregor Palms Sec 03Macgregor Palms Sec 04Macgregor Park EstatesMacgregor Park Estates Sec 01Macgregor Park Estates Sec 03Macgregor Park Estates Sec 04Macgregor PlaceMacgregor Place 1Macgregor Place Sec 01Macgregor Place Sec 02Macgregor Place Sec 03Macgregor South EndMacgregor TerraceMacgregor Terrace Sec 01Macgregor Terrace Sec 03Macgregors Blodgett ParkMacgregors Blodgett Park Sec 2MachemehlMackayMackenzie CreekMackenzie Creek 01Mackenzie Creek 02Mackenzie Crk Sec 2Mackenzie TerraceMackenzie U-2Mackey Acres SubMadeley CreekMadeline HeightsMadisonMadison BendMadison Bend 02Madison North U/R R/PMadison Place T/H U/RMadison Square U/RMadisonville FarmsMadisonville TownsiteMaewood AlvinMaffett AcresMagnoliaMagnolia 2ndMagnolia AcresMagnolia AddMagnolia AdditionMagnolia BendMagnolia Bend 01Magnolia Bend 02Magnolia Bend 07Magnolia Bend 08Magnolia Bend 10Magnolia Bend 11Magnolia Bend EstatesMagnolia Bend Sec 1Magnolia Bus ParkMagnolia CourtsMagnolia CreekMagnolia Creek Ph IMagnolia Creek Ranch PMagnolia Creek Ranch Phase 1 Lot 8Magnolia Creek Ranch Phase 2 Lot 6Magnolia Creek Ranch Phase 6 Lot 12Magnolia Creek Sec 1 Ph 2Magnolia Creek Sec 10 2008Magnolia Creek Sec 11 Ph I 20Magnolia Creek Sec 3 2000Magnolia Creek Sec 4 Ph 2Magnolia Creek Sec 5 Ph OneMagnolia Creek Sec 6 2002Magnolia Creek Sec 7 2005Magnolia Creek Sec 8 2008Magnolia Creek Sec 9 2007Magnolia Crk Ph 2 Sec 5Magnolia Crk Sec 14Magnolia Crk Sec 15Magnolia EastMagnolia EscondidoMagnolia EstatesMagnolia Estates Sec 01 U/RMagnolia Estates, Sec 2Magnolia GardensMagnolia Gardens BrazoriaMagnolia Grove HomesMagnolia Grove T/HMagnolia Hills 03Magnolia LakeMagnolia Lake Estate II Sec GMagnolia Lake Estate III Sec HMagnolia Lake Sub 2006Magnolia Lndg Sub Sec 2Magnolia MeltonMagnolia ParkMagnolia Park ExtMagnolia Park Land CoMagnolia Park OlMagnolia Park School AddMagnolia Park SecMagnolia Park Sec 02Magnolia Park Sub Sec 2Magnolia Park subdivisionMagnolia PlaceMagnolia Plantation Sec 1Magnolia PointMagnolia Point U/R R/PMagnolia ReserveMagnolia RidgeMagnolia Ridge 04Magnolia Ridge 05Magnolia Ridge 14Magnolia Ridge ForestMagnolia Ridge Forest 02Magnolia Ridge Forest 06Magnolia Ridge Forest 08Magnolia Ridge Forest 10Magnolia Ridge Forest 11Magnolia SpringsMagnolia T/H CondoMagnolia VillageMagnolia VlgMagnolia WestMagnolia WoodsMagnolia Woods Sec 1Magnolia Woods Sec 2Magnolia courtsMagnolia/Fleur GardensMahlon Holden Surv A-104Mai Garden TerraceMain Ave AddMain CondoMain Condo 03 AmdMain StreetMain Street Gardens Sec 02Mainland Bldg CondoMainland ParkMainland Park, Section KMaison De Ville CondoMajestic Acres 01Majestic ForestMajestic OaksMalaga ForestMalaga Forest RepMaley Woods Ph 02 AmdMaley Woods SubMalibu Heights 2Mallard CrossingMallard Lake HOAMallard XingMallards CoveMallorys Second AddMallow GardensMallow PlaceMalochMalone SquareMalvern LandingMana 88ManchesterManchester PlaceMandell PlaceMandell T/H CondoMandola FarmsMandola Farms Sec 1Mandola Farms Sec 2Mandola farmsMandolin ParkMandolin Park Sec 01Mandolin Park Sec 02Mandolin VillageMandolin Village 01Mandolin Village 03Mandolin Village TwnhmsMangum Estates Sec 1Mangum Estates Sec 2Mangum ManorMangum Manor Sec 01Mangum Manor Sec 02 R/PMangum Manor Sec 02 RepMangum Place Sec 01Mangum Place Sec 03Mangum PlazaManhattan CondosManningManor ParkManors At RiverstoneManors At Riverstone Sec 1Manors On WeissManors on Live OakManors/Blodgett StreetManors/Lanark LaneManors/Mid LaneMansfield CourtMansfield SquareMansion RosarioMansions Shadowbriar CondoManson & Ellis Special SubMantle Manors Sec 01Manuel Crecencio Rejon Surv A-ManvelManvel Road TerraceManzano Commercial ReserveMaple AirlineMaple HeightsMaple Heights Ph 1aMaple HightsMaple LandingMaple Rdg PlaceMaple Rdg Place Sec 01Maple Rdg Place Sec 03Maple Rdg Place Sec 5Maple TerraceMaple Terrace Amd 01Maple Trace Sec 01Maple VillageMaplecrestMaplewoodMaplewood 13 RpMaplewood North 1Maplewood North Sec 01Maplewood North Sec 02Maplewood Sec 03Maplewood Sec 04Maplewood Sec 09Maplewood Sec 12Maplewood Sec 15Maplewood Sec 3Maplewood SouthMaplewood South Sec 04Maplewood South Sec 05Maplewood South Sec 06Maplewood South Sec 07 R/PMaplewood South Sec 07 RepMaplewood South Sec 08Maplewood South Section 08Maplewood Square CondoMaplewood West R/PMaplewood West RepMar BellaMar Bella Sec 1 2007Mar Bella Sec 10-C 2013Mar Bella Sec 12-A 2012Mar Bella Sec 13-AMar Bella Sec 13-BMar Bella Sec 15-A & B AMar Bella Sec 16-B & CMar Bella Sec 16b&CMar Bella Sec 3 2007Mar Bella Sec 6 2009Mar Bella Sec 7 2008Mar Bella Sec 9-A 2009Mar Owen AbstractMaravillaMaravilla Condos 2003Maravilla CourtMarbellaMarbill EstatesMarble ArchMarble Arch CondoMarble Arch TwnhmMarble Bend At Riverstone Sec 2Marble Gate CourtMarcella EstatesMarcello LakesMarcello Lakes Sec 1Marcello Lakes Sec 2Marcello Lks Sec 3MarchmontMarconi Avenue T/HMarcus PlaceMarcus Place Sec 02Maredia Homes/Edward StreetMargaret WallaceMargareth ManorMargarita EstatesMargaritaville BeachMargie White EstateMargot Nw Of Holly St & Ne OfMaria Castro Svy A-133Marian AddMarian OaksMarie VillageMarie Village Section 2 SubdivisionMarie Vlg Sec 2Marie Vlg Sec 2 SubMariemont 1 Port LavacaMariemont 3 Port LavacaMarilyn EstatesMarilyn Estates Sec 03Marilyn Estates Sec 05Marina Bay CondoMarina Bay Park 90Marina Bay Park Sec 2 Ph 2Marina Bay Park Sec 2 Ph IMarina Colony Sec IMarina Del Sol 88Marina Pointe CondoMarina Village 2000Mariner House CondoMariner Village T/H Sec 01Mariners CayMariners CoveMariners Cove Sec 1 98Mariners Cove Sec 2 98Mariners MooringMario M Flores SubMarion